

In a world ravaged by the terrors of the demon invasion, Caleb, a young man blessed with the power of lightning, embarks on a treacherous journey of self-discovery and survival. As Caleb delves into his training, he must navigate the intricate realm of cultivation, facing gruelling physical and mental challenges that push him to the brink of his limits. Alongside him stand his loyal friends from the Moonlight Country Frontier Corps, each with their unique abilities and shared dreams of overcoming the horrors that have plagued their land. Haunted by the memories of past demon incursions, Caleb and his comrades find themselves in a race against time. The demons, relentless in their pursuit of chaos and destruction, resurface, their malevolent presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once fragile peace. The land teeters on the precipice of a full-scale war, and Caleb's lightning powers become both a formidable weapon and a beacon of hope. As battles rage and alliances are tested, Caleb's true potential unfolds. He must confront not only the external forces threatening his world but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him. The path to advancement in cultivation is treacherous, mysterious and full of hardship. During the chaos, Caleb discovers that his lightning blessing is not merely a gift but a key to unlocking secrets buried deep within his inner space. His journey takes unexpected turns as he unearths hidden truths about his past and his destiny. As the war intensifies, Caleb faces pivotal choices that will determine the fate of the human race. The future hangs in the balance, and Caleb must draw upon every ounce of his strength, skill, and resilience to confront the demons and safeguard those he holds dear. In this suspenseful tale of courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Caleb's journey intertwines with the destiny of his world. The shadows of the past and the uncertain future collide, and the ultimate question looms: What lies in Caleb's future, and will he become the champion humanity so desperately needs?

Crazibrains_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

B1C4: A Choice Amidst Adulation

"Where am I?" Those were the first things Caleb spoke after waking up. He was immediately aware of the unfamiliarity of the space. He was clearly not in the clan hall anymore, and the surroundings were far too magnificent to be those of his modest house. He felt a creeping sensation of panic, made worse by the lack of knowledge of his whereabouts.

Caleb jumped out of the soft, comfy bed and hurried to a spot in the corner of the room. With his back to the wall, he looked at the elegance of the room. The bed covered in silk and animal skin rug which was in a much better condition than his outfit was placed on the floor next to the bed. The high ceilings reinforced with thick wood unlike the straws he was used to. Even the air in the room had a different soothing fragrance of incense like those used in the ceremony. He made an effort to put together what had occurred and the circumstances leading up to his current situation. He remembered the priest's pronouncement of the Lightning Blessing, which hadn't been seen in a millennium, was all he could remember.

"I see that you are awake. Why not venture outside?" He heard a voice calling to him.

When Caleb recognised the voice as coming from the clan leader, he approached the door with caution. When he went outside, he saw that the conference room was filled with all of the clan's prominent figures. The clan leader greeted him with a smile. Caleb could feel the tension in the air.

"Young Caleb, you have been sleeping for three days. Don't worry; your mother is aware of the ceremony and knows that you are resting in my home. Members of the clan have visited her and given her several presents to assure her wellbeing, she must be quite proud of you.

"Now, what would you like to do next? " the clan leader said. We are unsure of where we should place you because this is the first time a Lightning Blessing has awakened in our clan. Would you be open to joining one of the secondary families? Training independently without professional direction can be difficult, taking the incorrect step forward might cause you your future. If you are willing, you are welcome to join the main Levi Family as a primary disciple.

Some of the experts in the group seemed apprehensive as the clan leader brought up this point. The clan leader might pressure the little kid into joining the main family if they didn't speak.

But at that point, a tall, bushy beard man with bulging muscles seated on the clan leader's right raised his voice. "Young child, resist the pressure from the clan leader. Your Lightning Blessing will help you succeed in body cultivation, so take advantage of it. I am Ironback, the greatest expert in body cultivation and an elder of the clan. Instead of going with the Levi Family, why not join my battalion? The primary family has not assisted you in the past, but they now wish to take pleasure in your success.

Each family head took turns making their proposals and outlining the advantages Caleb would get by joining them during the discussion that followed. Caleb paid close attention and showed respect to each expert speaking on behalf of the dominant clan factions.

"I appreciate each and every one of your interest in me. I haven't decided yet and I need some time to reflect. Before I make any decisions that would affect both of our lives, I'd like to spend some time with my mother, Caleb said.

His statements struck a chord with many in attendance, expressing his sincere care for his mother and the importance he gave to relationships. Anyone would want a person like him, right? They may benefit as he grew up and achieved greatness in the future if they could accept him into their family.

We must refrain from overwhelming Caleb any further. The clan leader interrupted the conversation, saying, "Caleb, go and keep your mother company.

Before leaving the room, Caleb bowed properly to the experts. He was met outside by a crowd that erupted in jubilation at his appearance. They screamed, "There goes young master Caleb, our lightning genius!" Even people who had neglected him in the past showered him with praise in an effort to gain his favour. A few shameless older girls dressed to the kill to make a good impression, while little girls slightly older than Caleb but more mature for their age sought to exhibit their best selves.

Caleb looked at the gathered clan members, overcome by the unexpected admiration. He bowed his head in thanks and then sprinted with all his strength towards his house.

I've returned, "Mother! Mother!" As he walked into the front yard, Caleb shouted with joy. Before he could enter entirely, he discovered that he was encircled by low-ranking disciples from the main clan.

"What do we have here? Caleb, isn't it our lightning genius?" Tobias, who was standing behind him sneered.

Caleb ignored the mocking voice and concentrated on his mother, wanting to talk to her about his experiences and find solace in her company.