

In a world ravaged by the terrors of the demon invasion, Caleb, a young man blessed with the power of lightning, embarks on a treacherous journey of self-discovery and survival. As Caleb delves into his training, he must navigate the intricate realm of cultivation, facing gruelling physical and mental challenges that push him to the brink of his limits. Alongside him stand his loyal friends from the Moonlight Country Frontier Corps, each with their unique abilities and shared dreams of overcoming the horrors that have plagued their land. Haunted by the memories of past demon incursions, Caleb and his comrades find themselves in a race against time. The demons, relentless in their pursuit of chaos and destruction, resurface, their malevolent presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once fragile peace. The land teeters on the precipice of a full-scale war, and Caleb's lightning powers become both a formidable weapon and a beacon of hope. As battles rage and alliances are tested, Caleb's true potential unfolds. He must confront not only the external forces threatening his world but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him. The path to advancement in cultivation is treacherous, mysterious and full of hardship. During the chaos, Caleb discovers that his lightning blessing is not merely a gift but a key to unlocking secrets buried deep within his inner space. His journey takes unexpected turns as he unearths hidden truths about his past and his destiny. As the war intensifies, Caleb faces pivotal choices that will determine the fate of the human race. The future hangs in the balance, and Caleb must draw upon every ounce of his strength, skill, and resilience to confront the demons and safeguard those he holds dear. In this suspenseful tale of courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Caleb's journey intertwines with the destiny of his world. The shadows of the past and the uncertain future collide, and the ultimate question looms: What lies in Caleb's future, and will he become the champion humanity so desperately needs?

Crazibrains_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

B1C33: Friendships and Survival

One day blended into another as Caleb remained immersed in the library, completely cut off from the outside world. He didn't eat, drink, or tend to his bodily needs; his sole focus was on cultivating and improving himself. This intense dedication and drive became contagious among the other students. They couldn't help but notice Caleb's unwavering determination and those who ventured to the back of the basement sensed an electric energy in the air, feeling their skin tingle as they neared Caleb's potions. Recognizing that Caleb's transformation was underway, they made a conscious decision not to disturb him and began their cultivation in the library and training ground.

After six days, Caleb's closed eyes finally opened, revealing an electric arc radiating from his eyes within the darkness of the basement. Outside, it had been six days, but inside the Crystal Ball space, Caleb had been training for a total of 18 days. Thanks to the multitasking feature of the space, he had mastered all the skills and achieved a high level of proficiency in each of them. Activating his Lighting Domain skill, the area within a 10-meter radius became illuminated, showcasing his improved mastery. The leg injury that had once plagued him was now fully healed, and any lingering aftereffects had been refined through his new body cultivation technique.

Caleb stood up feeling refreshed and renewed. He was excited for the next phase of his training, not to showcase his progress, but to identify areas he could improve on and enhance his skills even further. His eyes shone with anticipation.

Slowly, Caleb walked out of the library, activating the Lightning Body Enhancement Skill he had developed. This skill required constant channelling in the background to continually refine his body. As he drew in the world's energy, something unfamiliar caught his attention. The world's energy moved in a distinctive pattern, resembling a breath—pushing one second and pulling the next. Puzzled by this revelation, he also detected a subtle heartbeat, faint but undeniable. The ground beneath him seemed to pulsate with the rhythm. Shocked by this discovery, Caleb realized that the world he had lived in all this time was alive. The world's energy was the breath of the world itself!

Caleb had uncovered a new mystery. He was convinced that he wasn't the only one who knew about it. Those at the peak of the world likely knew too. Caleb had only discovered this truth because he had studied the Acts Scripture and become skilled in harnessing the world's energy.

Closing his eyes, Caleb embraced the world, and information flooded his mind. The world was in pain, suffering from the invasion of demons. Incapable of fighting back directly, it could only assist humans in growing stronger to combat the demons. The world shared its cultivation with humans through the provision of Faith Energy. The demons sought to consume the world's core, which held great value to them. Incoherent snippets of information filled Caleb's mind, and he somehow grasped their meaning. He understood the struggles the world had endured and its fervent hope to overcome the invasion.

From the fragmented information, Caleb deduced that the demons aimed to destroy the world by consuming its core as part of their conquest in a war against a group called the Celestials. The revelation of Celestials, the destruction of worlds, and the ongoing war left Caleb with numerous questions. He could only imagine how many worlds had faced the tyranny of the demons—had they been destroyed or had they succumbed to their will? There was no way to know for certain, but Caleb internalized this information, strengthening his resolve to grow stronger and protect the world that housed his family and loved ones.

News of Caleb emerging from seclusion quickly spread among the students in the Advanced Knight training program. One by one, they left their training spaces and gathered, making their way toward Caleb, who was heading to the dining hall.

Using his heightened awareness, Caleb could see familiar faces converging upon him. Although taken aback by the turnout and unsure of their intentions, he remained alert and ready for any potential confrontation. Gathering a substantial amount of food, Caleb, famished after not eating for six days, sat at a table and began to eat with one hand, his other hand firmly gripping his spear.

As everyone watched in silence, Caleb voraciously devoured his meal. Although no words were spoken, he could sense the bond that had formed among the students. They had all undergone similar training, experiencing pain and hardship together. They shared a camaraderie that had eluded him in the past due to his solitary training.

Amidst the group, a quiet girl with green hair tied in a ponytail drew everyone's attention. Clad in light leather armour and carrying a short sword at her side, her determined eyes also revealed a hint of sorrow. Sitting not far from Caleb, she tightly grasped the hand of a blonde, muscular girl. Despite the scars that adorned her battle-hardened physique, the girl's beauty remained undiminished. Her sleeveless breastplate showcased the bulging muscles, evidence of countless fights she had endured.

With a resolute purpose, Steph, the girl with green hair rose to her feet and addressed the gathered group. She announced that both she and Jay had decided to leave the program and join the Elite Soldier Camp.

The unexpected news surprised the others, but Steph and Jay's determined and emotional expressions showed the seriousness of their decision. Tears glistened in Steph's eyes, and her shoulders trembled as she fought back her emotions, finding solace in the warmth of Jay's hand. The instructors had tried to keep them apart, claiming that love would be a weakness in times of war, but Steph vehemently disagreed. She believed that love was a driving force that fueled her determination and hard work—for her family, her friends, and, above all, her love for Jay. Her neck veins bulged, her breathing became unsteady, and madness flickered in her eyes. Overwhelmed by the intensity of Steph's emotions, Jay could no longer hold back her tears and embraced Steph, gently sobbing.

The moment was emotional, combining feelings of sadness with their strong bond. The group watched, their hearts heavy with understanding, as Steph and Jay embarked on the difficult path they had chosen, driven by their unwavering love for each other.

Two more figures rose from the group, revealing themselves as Gabe and Rico, known for their mischievous nature. Hailing from the War Seeker Academy in the Imperial Country, they had endured the harshest beatings from their instructors, who constantly lectured them on discipline. Gabe, a sharp-eyed young man with a quiver strapped to his back, glanced at the crowd and smiled. "We've decided to leave the program altogether," he announced. "All this training isn't for us. We are joining the army as recruits and working our way up. Why waste two years here while people are suffering outside?" Rico, a stout young man covered in bandages, resembling a mix between an embalmed mummy and an iron-blooded dwarf, rose alongside Gabe. His towering shield stood by his side as he bid farewell to everyone, walking away in Gabe's company.

Caleb understood that this moment marked a turning point for everyone involved. Not all of them would reach the end, and each person found their reasons to strengthen their resolve. He possessed knowledge far beyond their comprehension, but Caleb knew it wasn't his place to share it. All he could do was nod, acknowledging the significance of each individual's journey in finding their path in life.

Over the next two years, more and more students dropped out of the program one after the other. The initial group of 15 gradually reduced to just seven, including Caleb, Alex, Dara, Anna, Osmos, Tutu, and Fufu. It wasn't because the others lacked strength or determination; they simply felt they could do more good by joining the war early, or they had their reasons for leaving the advanced program. Those from the Moonlight Country Frontier Academy had made it to the end driven by their rivalry with Caleb, unwilling to be outdone by him. Their obsession fueled their determination to survive until the end.

In the months that followed the gathering, Reya resorted to every possible means to attack Caleb. She laid traps, sent soldiers after him, and even attempted assassinations. Caleb learned to survive in various conditions and withstand different types of attacks. Despite the increased danger, his body cultivation technique improved by leaps and bounds, and his Lightning Domain and Lightning Dash skills played significant roles in his progress. Reya was constantly amazed by Caleb's daily transformations. Since the brief break, he seemed possessed, with refined movements, improved skills, and perfected awareness. Both her tricks and skills were tested, and the dynamic shifted from hunter and prey to a battle between near-equals. It became a transfer of knowledge rather than just survival training.

Throughout the two-year program, Caleb deliberately refrained from advancing beyond the Early Stage of the Heaven Rank. Instead, he focused on using his newly developed body cultivation technique to refine his body from its roots, starting with his skin and progressing through the Human Rank, Earth Rank, and Heaven Rank. Caleb also dedicated himself to refining the nine open meridians in his body, especially the three newly opened ones depicted in the Revelation Scripture. His progress in Faith Cultivation had not been significant, as he made only a minor advancement to the Middle Stage of the Deacon Rank before focusing on compressing his medium world to further solidify his foundation.

Reya observed Caleb's development, witnessing his transformation from the naive student he once was to the formidable figure standing before her on this final day of the training program. She reminisced about the fun times they had shared, his various expressions during training, his determination, perseverance, and most importantly, his progress. She had never been prouder of a soldier than she was at that moment.

Standing beside her were the instructors of the other six students. Their training was now officially complete, and they had reached the end of their journey despite the odds. The time had come for them to join the war, and they couldn't wait to contribute their skills and become champions for the human race.

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