

In a world ravaged by the terrors of the demon invasion, Caleb, a young man blessed with the power of lightning, embarks on a treacherous journey of self-discovery and survival. As Caleb delves into his training, he must navigate the intricate realm of cultivation, facing gruelling physical and mental challenges that push him to the brink of his limits. Alongside him stand his loyal friends from the Moonlight Country Frontier Corps, each with their unique abilities and shared dreams of overcoming the horrors that have plagued their land. Haunted by the memories of past demon incursions, Caleb and his comrades find themselves in a race against time. The demons, relentless in their pursuit of chaos and destruction, resurface, their malevolent presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once fragile peace. The land teeters on the precipice of a full-scale war, and Caleb's lightning powers become both a formidable weapon and a beacon of hope. As battles rage and alliances are tested, Caleb's true potential unfolds. He must confront not only the external forces threatening his world but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him. The path to advancement in cultivation is treacherous, mysterious and full of hardship. During the chaos, Caleb discovers that his lightning blessing is not merely a gift but a key to unlocking secrets buried deep within his inner space. His journey takes unexpected turns as he unearths hidden truths about his past and his destiny. As the war intensifies, Caleb faces pivotal choices that will determine the fate of the human race. The future hangs in the balance, and Caleb must draw upon every ounce of his strength, skill, and resilience to confront the demons and safeguard those he holds dear. In this suspenseful tale of courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Caleb's journey intertwines with the destiny of his world. The shadows of the past and the uncertain future collide, and the ultimate question looms: What lies in Caleb's future, and will he become the champion humanity so desperately needs?

Crazibrains_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

B1C23: The Formation of Demonslayers

Staff Sergeant Judas surveyed the group of determined children standing before him once again, their eyes shining with unwavering resolve. He couldn't help but be impressed by their spirit.

"How can I assist you today?" he inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

Caleb stepped forward, a sense of purpose emanating from him. "Sir, we were informed that we could register as a team," he stated confidently.

Staff Sergeant Judas recalled the young faces before him. "Ah, yes. I remember there were only nine of you earlier. It seems you have found another member to join your team," he remarked, observing their growing numbers.

Caleb nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Indeed, Sir. We found someone special to complete our team," he affirmed.

"Very well, provide me with the necessary information regarding all the members of your team. I'll need the team name, the names of each recruit, their ranks in body cultivation, and their faith cultivation and blessings," Staff Sergeant Judas requested, his tone businesslike.

Caleb proceeded to provide the requested details, his voice filled with pride. "Our team name will be Demonslayers. Here are the names and ranks of each member:

Caleb: Human Rank and Disciple Rank, Lightning

Tobias: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Water

Asher: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Wind

Agor: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Earth

Nala: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Earth

Ashley: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Fire

Phoebe: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Water

Hector: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Water

Trojan: Human Rank

Naomi: Mortal Rank, Disciple Rank, Healing path of Light"

Once again, Staff Sergeant Judas found himself taken aback by the composition of the team. The Levi Clan had surpassed his initial expectations, and the information provided revealed a well-balanced group. He could already envision the roles each member would fulfil: Shieldbearers, Damage dealers, and a Healer were all present.

"Very well, the Demonslayer team is now officially registered. There is still one day remaining before the start of enrollment. Here are your identification cards; ensure you carry them at all times, especially during the enrollment assembly. Caleb, I have registered you as the team leader, but remember that leadership can be changed during the assembly. Choose wisely, as the recorded leader's name cannot be easily altered. And if you aspire for your leader to progress to a commander, every member must work extremely hard," Staff Sergeant Judas informed them, imparting a sense of responsibility.

Naomi couldn't believe her luck. She never expected the opportunity to join an established team prior to enrollment. Having spoken with Caleb and the rest of the team, she felt welcomed and accepted. No one treated her as a burden; instead, they recognized her value. This was the perfect team for her.

After receiving their identification cards, the Demonslayers were led to the equipment room to collect their wristbands. Each team was assigned a unique wristband colour to symbolize their unity. The Demonslayers received vibrant red wristbands, proudly displaying their team's identity. Caleb remembered seeing Alex and Osmos with different coloured wristbands on their first day, further signifying their affiliation. The team members returned to their equipment, eager to discuss and plan their time at the academy.

"Naomi, what level of body cultivation have you achieved?" Trojan inquired, his curiosity piqued. As one of the children who hadn't obtained a blessing during the rebirth ceremony, he was particularly interested in anything related to body cultivation.

Bashfully, Naomi responded, "I'm currently at the Muscle Stage of Mortal Rank. I haven't dedicated much time to training since the camp three years ago. Instead, I focused on working as a medic in a local hospital in Goldcoast City."

Nala, intrigued by Naomi's mention of Goldcoast City, asked for more information. "Goldcoast City? I'm not familiar with it."

Naomi provided additional details, sharing her knowledge of the Moonlight country. "Our Moonlight country is divided into four regions: North, South, East, and West. The North is relatively unknown to me. In the South, where we currently are, lies the desert and Silvermoon City, home to the Moonfire Palace and your Levi Clan. To the East, you'll find the East City, housing the Defense Institute. Goldcoast City is the largest city in the West, located near the border of another human country. My hometown was a small town in the West, but my work in Goldcoast City allowed me to interact with many travellers who broadened my understanding of the world," she explained, sharing her limited but valuable insights.

Caleb smiled warmly at Naomi. "Initially, we invited you to join our team because we needed a healer, but now we see that your knowledge of the outside world is equally valuable. Choosing you was undoubtedly the right decision."

Their enrollment day arrived, filling the children with excitement. They had heard that they would be allocated into teams, and they eagerly anticipated meeting their companions who would accompany them throughout their time at the academy.

Staff Sergeant Judas approached the buzzing crowd to address them, commanding their attention. "Good morning, everyone. I am Staff Sergeant Judas, and I will be overseeing your first year at the academy. As you have noticed, the academy functions as an extension of the army, and your development will be guided by military laws," he declared. "From this moment onward, you are all recruits who will be assigned to teams. Each team will have a designated leader, and you will be provided with dormitories. Everything you do at the academy will be carried out as a team, and the points you earn will contribute to your team's score."

"Your team will become your family. You will grow together, succeed together, or face challenges together. This is the way of the Corps. There are no fixed classes here at the Frontier Corps. You can undertake missions or train as a group. If you have any inquiries, seek out the instructors. We will organize events to monitor your progress. Remember, war can emerge at any time, so train with the anticipation of battle," Staff Sergeant Judas announced, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and preparation.

"Instructors, please allocate the remaining recruits into teams and lead them to their dormitories. Welcome to the Frontier Corps," Staff Sergeant Judas instructed, signalling the instructors to proceed with the team assignments.

The Demonslayers received their keys and training gear before making their way to their designated dormitory. It was a sturdy stone bungalow, equipped with five silver bunk beds and the necessary bedding. The dormitory also housed two shower rooms and two toilets. Just outside, a worn-out training field awaited their use. As the team entered the dormitory, they quickly selected their beds. The girls, though accustomed to training alongside the boys, opted to claim two bunk beds for themselves, ensuring their privacy. The boys chuckled at the girls' efficiency and swiftly made their own bed choices.

Once everyone had settled, Caleb decided it was time for their first official team meeting. Gathering their newfound family, he addressed them with a sense of purpose.

"We have all arrived in an unfamiliar place. In the past few days, we have learned much about the academy, but there is still so much more to discover. For now, I suggest we remain low-key and focus on our personal growth," Caleb advised, stressing the need for caution and dedication.

He continued, "The academy has strict rules, and we must do our best to avoid trouble. As I mentioned before, physical training is paramount for all of us. It forms the foundation of our abilities. However, those of us who are faith cultivators should not neglect our cultivation either. Trojan, you will need to train doubly hard since your focus is on body cultivation. I will continue to balance both types of cultivation, utilizing the advantages of my lightning blessing."

With their goals set, they delved into various topics they had heard during their four-day wait. They carefully planned their training routines and schedules for the upcoming months. Naomi marvelled at the team's efficiency and unity. Everyone's input was valued, and she felt grateful for being part of such a dedicated and harmonious group.

To address the team's need for ranged attacks, Naomi expressed her desire to become an archer. She would learn from Asher and the academy instructors, aiming to become a valuable asset beyond her healing abilities.

Time flew by, and the next few months passed in a blur of rigorous training and focused cultivation. Each member of the Demonslayer team experienced remarkable progress in their body cultivation, with the majority reaching the Unity stage of the Mortal Rank. This achievement was no easy feat, requiring arduous weighted training, extensive stretching, and rigorous stances. Their commitment to self-improvement was evident, and Naomi was no exception. She dedicated herself to training alongside her teammates, pushing her limits and making significant strides toward the Unity stage.

The team members also explored their weapon choices, seeking guidance from the academy instructors to hone their skills in battle. With a subtle presence in their classes, they absorbed every bit of knowledge imparted to them, eager to grow stronger.

Additionally, they upgraded their faith scriptures to Low-level Earth Rank Judges Scriptures, which provided detailed guidance on advancing from the Disciple Rank to the Prophet Rank. Caleb and Trojan even began learning a new body-forging method, supplementing their training with medicinal baths which they shared with the team.

Every day was a blend of learning and specialized training to solidify their skills. Naomi admired her teammates' unwavering dedication and passion for cultivation. She observed how they endured physical and mental hardships without complaint, celebrating even the smallest achievements and supporting each other through failures. During this time, Naomi grew immensely, both in her own cultivation and in her bond with her newfound family. The Demonslayer team was no longer just a team; they had become her family, a source of strength and camaraderie.