

In a world ravaged by the terrors of the demon invasion, Caleb, a young man blessed with the power of lightning, embarks on a treacherous journey of self-discovery and survival. As Caleb delves into his training, he must navigate the intricate realm of cultivation, facing gruelling physical and mental challenges that push him to the brink of his limits. Alongside him stand his loyal friends from the Moonlight Country Frontier Corps, each with their unique abilities and shared dreams of overcoming the horrors that have plagued their land. Haunted by the memories of past demon incursions, Caleb and his comrades find themselves in a race against time. The demons, relentless in their pursuit of chaos and destruction, resurface, their malevolent presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once fragile peace. The land teeters on the precipice of a full-scale war, and Caleb's lightning powers become both a formidable weapon and a beacon of hope. As battles rage and alliances are tested, Caleb's true potential unfolds. He must confront not only the external forces threatening his world but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him. The path to advancement in cultivation is treacherous, mysterious and full of hardship. During the chaos, Caleb discovers that his lightning blessing is not merely a gift but a key to unlocking secrets buried deep within his inner space. His journey takes unexpected turns as he unearths hidden truths about his past and his destiny. As the war intensifies, Caleb faces pivotal choices that will determine the fate of the human race. The future hangs in the balance, and Caleb must draw upon every ounce of his strength, skill, and resilience to confront the demons and safeguard those he holds dear. In this suspenseful tale of courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Caleb's journey intertwines with the destiny of his world. The shadows of the past and the uncertain future collide, and the ultimate question looms: What lies in Caleb's future, and will he become the champion humanity so desperately needs?

Crazibrains_ · Fantasy
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36 Chs

B1C18: The Effect of Two Years

"Gather round, children, you can call me Peter. I am from the War Seekers Academy. We focus on the art of war, developing commanders and teaching tactics and strategies. We also train seasoned fighters who are not afraid of battle," said a sturdy man. All the children looked at Peter, who was a miniature giant standing about 7 feet tall. His bulging muscles were almost as big as a 12-year-old child's head. He was wearing a sleeveless leather armour on his chest, displaying his muscles for all to see.

"That's enough, Peter. We came here to recruit, not to intimidate the little ones," another voice spoke out next to Peter. "Hi, I am Luke. I am from the Defense Institute. We specialize in defence! No matter what happens, people will need to be defended, whether it's our frontline fighters or our cities and families. At our academy, you will learn about sieging and defending. We also have the best instructors for shieldbearers in the country." Luke was dressed in full steel armour from head to toe, with a tower shield by his side that could easily cover his entire figure. The kids were amazed at how effortlessly he lifted the shield, let alone used it in battle. "Paul, aren't you going to say anything?" Luke mentioned.

"I was just waiting for you two to finish with your act. I honestly don't want to be part of your show. These kids are fighters! Aren't you?" Paul asked the crowd.

"Yes, we are," the children replied.

"See, fighters are people who stand at the front to protect those they love. They fight for the resources they need. If you think you have what it takes to be a fighter, then come to the Frontline Corps. We don't train guards or backseat commanders; we are fighters!" Peter and Luke could only shake their heads. Paul's speech had a much stronger effect than their display. It was a fair competition between the three of them, so no hard feelings. The children didn't have to make their minds up now; they could only join the academies when they turned 15 years old and reached Unity of Mortal Rank or Human Rank for Body Cultivation, or Disciple Rank for Faith Cultivation.

At the main square, families of the children had slowly started to gather at the Moonfire Palace, waiting for the children's arrival. As soon as the gates of the training ground opened, a group of children ran out to meet their parents. Excitement filled the air as families laughed and joyfully reunited.

Caleb, Tobias, and Arsher were also among the crowd as they made their way, looking for someone they recognized from the clan.

Elder Rock was standing very close to the entrance of the square. Having learned his lesson two years ago, he brought only three horses, including his shiny beauty. Elder Rock knew that Caleb would most likely run back home, so he didn't bring a horse for him.

"Elder Rock!" Tobias exclaimed, a little emotional upon finally seeing someone from the clan.

"Young Master, you have grown. How was the camp?" Elder Rock asked.

Before he could get an answer from Tobias, another group of children slowly made their way over to the group. Elder Rock was intrigued, so he casually listened to the conversations of the children.

"Caleb, Alex, and I will be heading to the Frontline Corps in three years. I don't think I'm cut out for tactics and strategy-type battles, let alone defending. My style has always been to attack first! We hope to see you there so we can continue competing," Osmos said, scratching his head a little embarrassedly as he admitted his preference out loud.

"You can't waste your time studying and sieging. If you do, we will leave you behind," Alex added before turning to leave with his family. Osmos nodded in approval before taking his leave as well.

Elder Rock looked at the banners behind the two children, Ironhide Clan and the other one Silverthorn Clan. He was astonished. After realizing that these children, despite their clans' higher status and wealth, treated Caleb, a member of a branch family, as their equal, he felt a sense of shock. The next shock came from Tobias and Asher.

"Elder Rock, Tobias and I will run with Caleb all the way back to the clan this time. You can either ride ahead or behind us," Asher announced confidently.

Elder Rock's mind couldn't comprehend what could have happened over the two years that seemed to have elevated Caleb but also changed both Asher and Tobias. He couldn't help but agree as he led the three horses out of the Moonfire Palace and onto the dirt roads heading back to the clan.

"Caleb, won't the spear slow you down?" Asher asked, looking at Elder Rock's figure getting further away from them.

"It won't! Although it is heavy, it is also a form of training. Let's go unless we want to lose our way back," Caleb replied, and the three of them began their race home, amazing the crowd.

"Father, I want to run home too," each child requested, as if bewitched. Their parents and guardians could only shake their heads at the little training maniacs their children had become.

In the clan, all the elders were gathered in the meeting room. A maid brought out some drinks and quietly served them while the clan leader spoke. "It has been two years since my son and the others left for Silvermoon City. They should be arriving any moment now. Although we cannot organize a welcoming ceremony for them, we can at least recognize their completion of the training and allocate them some resources."


"Master, Young Master and the others are back. Should I send them in?" a maid asked politely from outside the door.

"They are back. Quickly, let them in!" The smiles on the clan leader's face could not be hidden. The smiles on the faces of the elders slowly vanished as they saw three dirty young boys panting as they entered the room.

"Tobias! What happened?" the clan leader said with a frown on his face. He hadn't seen his son in two years and couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. Had the camp been run down? How come the children looked more like beggars after two years?

"Father, let me catch my breath!" Tobias quickly replied, oblivious to the looks of the elders. "We were training. We all ran back from Silvermoon City. Didn't Elder Rock tell you?" Tobias looked around, but Elder Rock was nowhere to be found.

"It looks like Elder Rock has not yet returned. He should be running some errands," Asher said from the side, while the elders all wore looks of shock and disbelief on their faces.

"RAN BACK!" they all yelled in unison.

"Okay, I can see that the three of you have made a lot of progress in the two years you've been away. Tobias and the others have just arrived. Why don't you all go and clean up? In three days, we will have a clan meeting. We would like to hear about your experiences in the last two years," the clan elder said after looking at the dirty boys.

"Okay, Father," Tobias replied.

"Thank you, clan leader," Asher and Caleb replied as they bowed in the direction of the elders before making their way out of the hall. A discussion broke out among the elders as the three boys left.

Caleb left the other two in a hurry. They had tried to convince him to stay in the main clan, but Caleb politely refused. He was used to the quiet life a Rank 0 enjoyed in the camp. Looking at how busy the main camp was, Caleb was not in the mood to stay. Besides, he hadn't seen his mother in two years, and there was no way he was going to stay in the main camp without her. Seeing how determined Caleb was, they agreed to meet in front of the hall in three days.

Caleb walked the familiar route back to the remote corner of the town, past all the big houses and the bustling streets. His dirty, unkempt appearance caused discussions among the clan members. Some recognized him, and rumours of how challenging the training camp was began to spread. Some even went as far as saying that Caleb was taught a lesson in the camp, or else he wouldn't look so worn out after it ended.

Caleb solely made his way past the crowd, each step filled with determination and his destination fixed in his eyes. He walked into the path leading to his house, past the swaying trees and the grass, oblivious to the singing birds or the small animals running in the trees. He looked amazed at the house in front of him. He remembered how the house looked before he went to the training camp—a run-down mud house, doorless and lacking space. But right now, in front of him, stood a wooden fence surrounding a wooden house.

As Caleb stepped further into the courtyard, he took in the refreshing sight before him. The freshly swept ground bore the marks of the broom, indicating that his mother had diligently cleaned the space in anticipation of his return. The courtyard itself was small but well-maintained, with a neatly trimmed lawn and a variety of vibrant flowers blooming along the edges. Their sweet fragrance filled the air, creating a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.

To the side of the courtyard, a small vegetable garden thrived. Luscious green leaves of different shapes and sizes peeked out from the rich soil. There were rows of leafy greens, vibrant red tomatoes hanging from the vines, and tendrils of delicate climbing plants reaching for the sun. The sight of the flourishing garden spoke volumes about his mother's care and dedication, as she had nurtured these plants during his absence.

Directing his attention to the front of the house, Caleb's eyes widened with awe. The architecture of the house was striking, showcasing the skilful craftsmanship of the clan's artisans. Four sturdy stairs led from the ground up to a spacious balcony, providing an elevated view of the surroundings. The balcony was adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing the clan's emblem and various symbols representing strength and unity. He could feel that things must have changed in the clan over the two years.

A charming addition to the balcony was a comfortable rocking chair, its polished wood gleaming in the sunlight. It was a place where Caleb could imagine spending quiet evenings, enjoying the gentle sway and taking in the serene beauty of the clan's territory. He could imagine his mother sitting there in the evenings thinking about her son who was far away, he felt a little pain in his heart.

The house itself was a marvel to behold. Constructed with the strongest type of wood known to Caleb, the revered Black Wood, it exuded an air of elegance and durability. The natural black colour of the wood gave the house a distinct allure, standing out among the surrounding structures. The walls were smooth and polished, with subtle patterns etched into the surface, adding a touch of sophistication.

Large windows framed with intricate wooden designs allowed ample sunlight to filter into the interior, casting warm, inviting rays that bathed the rooms. The architecture balanced functionality and aesthetics, providing a comfortable living space. He felt happy that his mother's treatment from the clan had improved and from what he could see with the house and the surrounding, although she remained away from the main clan she was well looked after.

"Mother, I'm back!" Caleb exclaimed.

Very quickly, a beautiful woman ran outside. Her slender frame could be seen trembling as she held the hem of her clothes. Her heart-shaped face was hidden behind her dark chestnut hair, which now had a few shades of grey. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at her son in front of her.

"Caleb, welcome home," she said with a sob, running and hugging him as if she wasn't planning on ever letting him out of her sight again.

Caleb could only comfort her with words as he patted her back. He couldn't help but feel emotional too.

"I am home!" he said gently.