
The Warrior's Musician [BL]

In the vast expanse of the celestial realm, a sacred mission was bestowed upon the five deities known as the Heavenly Order. Their purpose: to protect the mortal realm from the offspring of an ancient demon, whose birth was foretold to bring destruction upon their world. But what if that destruction already happened? and its existence was forgotten for someone brought everyone back to the beginning, that beginning of time where everything had started. Eventually, as the time turns counterclockwise, so does everyone’s memories. - “Your destiny cannot be undone” In a sudden gasp, Xing Ziao abruptly rose from his sleep, his body drenched in perspiration as he struggled for breath. A younger man with silvery-white hair, holding a bundle of fruits, swiftly approached, his steps filled with concern. "Ziao ge, are you unwell? You seem troubled," he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. Xing Ziao, still breathing heavily, shook his head in response. "It is merely another one of my troubled dreams," Xing Ziao sighed, his voice tinged with resignation. The younger man lowered himself to a crouching position beside his elder brother, offering the bundle of fruits he had just brought. "Can you recall the content of this unsettling dream, Ziao ge?" he inquired, his concern evident in his eyes. "No, but it feels familiar, like my previous dreams. Though the details are blurred, I sense a scene of warfare," Xing Ziao explained. The younger man nodded in understanding, taking a bite from one of the fruits he had brought. Xing Ziao rose to his feet and retrieved his iron spear, which had been resting against a nearby tree. "I am certain these dreams hold no significant meaning," he murmured to himself...

Baoyu_Loufu_Xia_Er · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Blood Link

Behind the town of Xiye, a massive white tiger, Ling Ye's faithful companion, Yin, stood with a regal demeanor. Ling Ye, turned to her companions with urgency.

"Come on, we need to head north. Not too long ago, I sensed that Dou Dou's presence felt further away. Unlike in Jiashu, where I was certain he was somewhere in Jianghu, now it seems whoever took him has taken him even farther. And I sense that Kuai is with him," Ling Ye's voice held a determined edge.

Wen Di nodded, "We must follow their trail. Where do you sense they were taken?"

Ling Ye's gaze turned northward, her eyes narrowing as she focused on an unseen destination. "I sense a faint aura heading north. It's not the kind of energy that would come from a ship, which means they're not traveling by sea. It appears that whoever took them is heading towards Huoshan Lava."

Xing Ziao's eyes widened at the mention of the perilous place. "Huoshan Lava? Isn't that a dangerous territory. It's full of lava and is considered uninhabitable. At its heart lies a massive volcano, rumoured to be the dwelling of the Deity of the North's Familiar, The Dragon of Fire."

Wen Di's determination only grew stronger. "If that's where they're headed, then we must follow."

Ling Ye nodded, "I will lead the way, but we need to be prepared." With a purposeful motion, she reached into her satchel and retrieved three Northernian Sigils.

"We will need these when passing through Huoshan Lava," she explained, her voice steady. "These Sigils are imbued with magic that can suppress the extreme heat of the territory. They are usually reserved for those traveling to the Northern Nation, where such extreme conditions are common. But in our case, they will serve to protect us."

Ling Ye handed the two remaining Sigils to her companions. This Sigils would be their shield against the environment of Huoshan Lava.

With her companions now equipped, Ling Ye suddenly produced a talisman from within the inner pocket of her cloak . Her fingers danced in intricate patterns as she chanted a low incantation. The talisman began to emit a soft, soothing shade of light blue, and with a swift motion, she affixed it to her white tiger's flank. In an astonishing display of magic, the tiger split into two identical forms.

"I can only create one clone," Ling Ye explained with a wry smirk. "So both of you will have to share Yin number two." She gestured toward the cloned tiger. "After all, the sacks of food will be on Yin number one, including me. So, I have no extra space to offer."

Without further ado, Ling Ye mounted her original white tiger, her posture poised and ready. Xing Ziao and Wen Di hesitated for a moment, exchanging glances before they, too, climbed onto the cloned tiger. Xing Ziao positioned himself at the front, while Wen Di settled behind him.

Sensing the potential awkwardness, Xing Ziao leaned toward Wen Di and whispered, "Hold onto my waist tightly, so you won't fall off." Wen Di's face flushed momentarily, but he quickly composed himself and followed Xing Ziao's instruction, gripping his waist securely. unfortunately, their actions went unnoticed by Ling Ye, who was focused on the journey ahead.


{A few Hours ago before Sunrise}

In the dimly lit cell, Ling Dou sat with his legs crossed on the cold, stone floor, his eyes closed in deep concentration. He was immersed in a meditative formation, The intricate formation he was enacting required his utmost concentration, his mind focused on channeling his inner energy and trying to connect with something. Kuai, his silvery-white hair gleaming faintly in the dim light, watched him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

Ling Dou's voice cut through the silence, his tone slightly exasperated. "You can quit staring, I'm concentrating here."

Kuai chuckled softly, his lips curving into a wry smile. He settled down beside Ling Dou, his demeanor relaxed. "Alright, alright,"

With a bemused smile, Kuai continued, "So, what exactly are you doing?"

Ling Dou's closed eyes flickered open, revealing his thoughtful gaze. "I'm trying to tap into the bloodlink that connects me and my twin sister," he explained, his voice tinged with a touch of resignation. "It's a connection that allows us to sense each other's emotions, presence and share some of our vision's, even across distances."

Kuai's brows raised in surprise, his interest piqued. "A blood link? That sounds... interesting."

Ling Dou nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "It has its moments. But right now, I'm hoping that through this link, Ling Ye can somehow locate us."

Kuai's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. He leaned back against the wall, his posture more relaxed. "You know, I have a feeling your sister is doing everything she can to find us. I hope she's on her way, I must get back to my brother immediately,"

As the minutes passed, the cell remained enveloped in a contemplative silence. Ling Dou's focus remained unbroken, his energy channelled into the delicate meditation. But the tranquillity was abruptly shattered by the sudden appearance of a dark, smoky figure just outside the cell.

"Impossible..." Kuai's voice held a mixture of surprise and recognition, his eyes narrowing at the figure's appearance. His hand instinctively moved to his waist, only to realize his fan was missing. A muttered curse slipped from his lips, his frustration evident.

Ling Dou's senses sharpened, his meditation broken as he registered the threat. He knew this situation was about to take a dangerous turn. Before either of them could react, the smoky figure extended its tendrils, wrapping them around Kuai and Ling Dou.

A sense of urgency coursed through them as the darkness enveloped their forms. Ling Dou and Kuai stood firm, attempting to break free from the smoky shroud that constricted around them. The last echoes of an incantation reverberated in their ears before the darkness swallowed their consciousness, pulling them into an unconscious abyss.