
The wanderer series: A Bleach fanfic

Kuro's past life could be best described as pointless but then he was summoned by a cosmic being to save his favorite anime ; Bleach. Ecstatic at the opportunity he sets out to do the one thing no one could in the original anime; give Ichigo a rival. But he may be getting a bit too into character. DISCLAIMER: I do not own bleach, all rights belong to Tite Kubo and Viz media.

Rebirthwriter25 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Everything's so much better now, and it's all because of him. I can't believe I thought he would hurt me the first day I met him, he would never do something like that.

My life hasn't or wasn't easy, I was maltreated and abused by my so called family. I don't know why, I guess because they enjoyed it.

Gaining pleasure from my misery. I had tried to run away several times but couldn't escape them and everytime they caught me they would always punish me severely.

My life was so bad I wished I could die, so I decided to do just that. That night, I set everything on fire. A befitting end since suicide is a sin so I was expecting to wake up in a lot of fire, but I didn't I was a ghost. I thought my sins were so great I wasn't being allowed to pass on but I was wrong, when I'm with him I'm in heaven. Although I'm not with him right now.

Sidestepping her next punch I turned around and attempted a kick to the abdomen which she dodged, moving forward I attempted to pursue her but I tripped and fell on the floor.


"Seriously Kuro, can you try not tripping over your own two feet,"

"Duly noted Tatsuki"

"You were doing really great but you get really nervous in a fight"

"Yeah! Guess I'm just not into it"

"Anyway, practice makes perfect. Wanna go again"

"No thanks, get another punching bag"

" Sadly only you and Ichigo are stupid enough to still be my punching bags"

"Besides, I gotta go"

"Where to"

"Meeting up with Megumi"

"Oh! Right, aren't you a little old for imaginary friends"

I opened my mouth to say something but she just waved her hands in surrender, probably seeing where this was going.

"Alright, tell her I said hi"

"Will do"

Leaving the dojo I made my way to the woods where Megumi was waiting. My mind begin to wander, lately I've realized how screwed cannon is. (it's okay Miguel o' hara)

Using information from my past life the grand fisher was supposed to kill Masaki when Ichigo was nine. So around that time I scouted the area looking for him over and over again. That was two years ago and Masaki is still kicking, I had expected him to show up at the very least, maybe be defeated this time.

I was only scouting to stop a worse case scenario but the hollow didn't even show up, so imagine my surprise when I sensed the first hollow I had come across and for some reason it was following me. Or at least that's what I thought until today, that SOB was actuality following Megumi.

What was disturbing was the fact that at my level of spiritual energy I would be a feast for any hollow but instead of stalking the prey with more nutrition it went for the prey with less. 'Why'

Activating my ESP I looked around for her and once I found her I paled in fear and increased my speed.

"Damn it, I thought hollows like to stalk their prey. Why's this one attacking"

I got there just in time, watching as it held her in the air with two of it's six appendages. As if by instinct I brought my hand out chanting,

"Hado #1—Sho" I said as a red orb of Reiryoku formed in my hand and flew towards it, obliterating it's two hands and causing it to jump back in pain.

Coating my hands in Reishi I was able to catch her before she hit the ground. I called her name but didn't get a response.

"Hey you"

Placing an hand on her chest I felt around for anything wrong and felt a foreign substance in her lungs. Moving my hands I placed them above her chest,

"You, what are you doing"

Getting a grip on the smoke I brought my hand up removing it through her lungs and mouth.

"I'm talking to you" it shouted probably angry about getting ignored so I turned towards it.

"Get your hands off my daughter"