
The Wanderer and His Endless Blade

A young man named Felkin is left in a mysterious ruin with no memories except his name and no possessions naught but the clothes on his back and a blade with the ability to extend seemingly endlessly. He comes across a man of few words named Metas, clad in black cloak and armor who can conjure flame from a snap of his fingertips. But come sunrise, the two are attacked by a wolven beast but manage to slay it. Having no other choice, Felkin follows the man who took notice of the former's abilities and decided to let Felkin tag along to keep an eye on him. Metas is a young but wizened knight of a nearby kingdom with the special task of investigating strange matters around the kingdom. The two arrive at a shanty village and make a split-second decision to rescue a young "witch" named Yuria from being burned at the stake by paranoid villagers who suspect anyone to be the cause of the attacks of the wolven creatures. The two are forced to work with the girl to escape from an angry mob and this causes a chain reaction of a whirlwind of events that lead the party to meet new allies, battle foes like dragons, travel to other worlds, overcome challenges, test bonds in a search for meaning and the truth in their lives. (Novel is also posted on Royal Road)

Marc_Rosales_7232 · Fantasy
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74 Chs


After Felkin left the temple, there was a quietude amongst the people there. Nox and Solis stared at the door wistfully, and all the others did as well. Nox turned around and walked back slowly and approached Kieron who was standing in a corner. "Seeing people leave and not being sure if they'll come back is a sight I'll never get used to." Kieron stated. "Us too. Only that we don't want to ever get used to it." Nox responded. Solis and Dagran walked to them.

"We can prepare the necessary supplies today, but the people need more time to get ready if we leave." Said Dagran. "We'll be conducting some tests to see if her power is a viable option for our escape. If we need you, we'll call." Said Nox. "So, we've tried recalling as much as we can, as well as trying to remember what the old man said." Said Solis. "We recall that he said that there was one group that could have possibly been related to you." She continued. "A large group conspired and escaped together years before we arrived at our old camp, they left with women and children as they were searching for a way to escape the desert itself, different from our scouts who simply wanted to a find another structure to live in." Nox added.

"They were searching for something out of an old legend. You remember our theory about the ancestors travelling to this land?" Said Solis. "Yes. I heard it from you." Kieron responded. "Well, some of the elders believed that they could travel out of this land by boat." Nox remarked. "Boat?" Kieron asked. "Some of the records have been recovered from the capital when the long march began, and it's been passed down that they sailed into the desert. We thought it was just rumor and hearsay, but the fact that you're here may prove otherwise." Said Solis. "But I was an orphan as long as I could remember. And I've been moving place to place ever since." Kieron exclaimed.

"Always the traveler, maybe that is something you've gained from our people." Said Nox. "Even so, being strangers in a land you don't know, it's hard to face the cruelty of other people if the only adversity you've experienced is from nature. Even if they survived the trip, the world out there is unforgiving, I've experienced it firsthand." Said Kieron. "That leads me into my next question." Solis exclaimed. "How safe it is for us to be in your world? I know its away from the curse, but can you guarantee it is safe to be an alternative for us?" She continued. "It isn't. I myself had to steal and... 'hurt' people to survive." Kieron answered. "All the more reason for us to wait." Nox responded. "Let's prepare to do the tests." Solis said to Kieron and the two walked away.

"It doesn't look like the talking's going well." Dagran said, walking back to Nox. "So, you've heard our conversation?" Nox asked. "A bit. What was that about the old man and the ship? You said that they were searching for some sort of relic that could make them escape from here?" "You didn't know." Said Nox. "All I thought was they were deserters, going off to die somewhere else without any hope. Tsk. That old man's quiet whenever I need him not to be." Dagran looked at the gray old man, happily resting without uttering any more words. "If only." He added. "Like you said, now we have hope. A warrior with great strength that could help destroy the source of the curse, and a means of escape." Nox responded. Dagran patted his head and said: "You know, I'm tired. I was already tired when you two arrived, but with you two, there's hope." He turned to face the entrance of the temple where Solis and Kieron were exiting.

"Those two, need you." Dagran said pointing to them. Nox nodded and bowed and walked towards them. As he exited the front door, Solis and Kieron were outside, they brought along several items of varying sizes. "We're just about to start, is Dagran not coming?" Said Solis. "He's staying inside, he's got some matters to attend to." Nox looked back and saw Dagran approaching the old man. "So, Kieron." Solis turned to her. "Right." Kieron held up a small stone.

"So, your power is to travel between this desert and the land you came from, correct?" Nox asked. "Yes." "You can do this any time and there's no limit?" "I've done it plenty of times in one battle." "And you can carry things with you if you're touching them?" "My clothes and my weapons reappear alongside me. I've brought Felkin along here when I held his hand." Kieron remarked. Nox nodded. "Hmm… You held his hand, I see." Solis stated. Kieron suddenly had a flustered expression. "Enough teasing, sister." Nox said, but he was smiling. "No, it's just…" Solis continued. "When you two first came here, I thought of you as strangers, as unknowns not to be trusted, but we're just the same. We need to eat, drink, sleep, we get happy and sad. They accepted us easily enough, so we'd like to return the courtesy to you." Solis stated.

"So, you don't know where you'll end up?" Nox continued. "No. When I use it for a split-second in a fight, I go back to the exact same place but now, I don't know." Said Kieron. "Okay, let's proceed." Said Solis. They stood in the shade of the building; Kieron held the rock up. "You're going to go back for a split-second, and drop the rock off, and then come right back. It's like we agreed to." Solis remarked. "Okay." Kieron sighed. "1, 2, 3." Solis counted down.

At three, Kieron disappeared and not more than a second later, she reappeared, the rock no longer in hand. "How was it? Where did you go?" Nox asked. "Well, I saw trees. We fled from the creatures in a forest, but they're everywhere so I don't exactly know where." Said Kieron. "Trees, huh. I wonder what its like to be a place where they're everywhere, where it isn't so hot, where you're not worrying about turning to sand every night." Said Solis. "Let's continue." Said Nox. "Right." Said Kieron grabbing another item from the pile.

"Okay, now I'm getting tired." Said Kieron, after appearing from thin air, she sat down and leaned on the temple's wall. "So, you said that it looks to be where you left?" Said Solis. "Yes, the area looks damaged, I walked a bit and saw the same town." Kieron remarked. "Good." Solis answered and Nox was writing something down. "And the objects are still there? No effects from being brought there, back here, and back there again?" "Yes, I looked at them. It doesn't appear so." Kieron remarked. "Okay." Nox wrote down more notes. "Now, one more test." Solis stated. "One more? I thought we planned that this would be it." "Well, there's just something I want to try." Said Solis.

"Hmm?" Nox wondered before he was struck by a realization. Solis walked back to the temple and waved at Dagran who was talking to Raln. He nodded and began to walk. "Wait, is this part of the plan they were talking about? Are you really going to another world?" Raln exclaimed "We'll talk about it later." Dagran replied. "Are you going to leave us? Walk off to some paradise?" Said Raln. "It's just temporary. I'll be in and out." Said Dagran. "What if its dangerous, its filled with all sorts of things we don't know about?" Raln asked. "That's why its going to be me." Dagran continued walking until he met up with Solis and went outside.

"A person, I don't know if I can transfer a person right now." Kieron exclaimed before turning to Nox. "She's right its too risky, and she's worn out. We're still unprepared for that kind of situation. Who knows what will happen, maybe the air isn't right or somehow the temperature is wrong?" Nox added. "We must do as much as we can today, sending someone in is just the next step of many." Solis remarked. "No." Nox responded. "The sand's going higher and higher every day. I can't hold it back for much longer and you are less so. You know time is of the essence here." She responded. They walked up to each other and slammed their foreheads against each other.

"Whoa, calm down. We can resolve this without hitting each other." Said Dagran. The two of them then looked at his direction, heads still pressing against one another with an angry expression. "Jeez, you kids can be scary." Dagran said as he stepped backwards. They then looked back at one another for a few seconds and then Nox turned around and walked away. "Fine." He said. "Its your call, if anything happens, its your fault." He added.

"I got this from inside." Dagran handed Kieron a cup of water, and a stick of cooked meat. "Thanks." She sat down on the ground and began eating. "So, after you take a break, we'll continue." Said Solis. "You'll take him, and you'll go there, wait for a few moments, and then go straight back. Simple." She added. Nox walked away grumpily towards the temple but stopped before turning the corner to continue watching them. "Let's start." Said Kieron standing up. Dagran grabbed Kieron's hand as Solis spoke: "Its going to be just like earlier. I'm going to count and on three, you'll go ahead. Okay…" Kieron deeply sighed and Dagran had a serious expression. "1, 2, and 3." On three, they both disappeared. Solis stood still, nervously, and eagerly waiting for about ten seconds.

After that, Kieron appeared, alone. "What happened?" Asked Nox, walking in from the corner. "I… I don't know." Said Kieron, dizzy and fatigued. "Hey, steady!" Solis exclaimed. Kieron fell unconscious. Solis pulled her along and was assisted by Nox who gave Solis a silent scowl. As they pulled her and reached the entrance, Raln was standing near it and the other warriors were alerted as well.

As Dagran appeared in the forest he was immediately taken by the scenery. As his boots touched the lush ground he was surprised and walked backwards, shocked at the strange feeling of the soft and wet grass beneath him. He looked at the towering trees that stood around him, and then at the blue sky and clouds. The shock had sat him down. "It's daytime, but it's not hot." He exclaimed, stunned. His eyes were moist, but he did not allow himself to shed tears.

"This. This is the place we all hoped to go. A sanctuary where the curse wouldn't touch us." He then stood up, turned around and said: "Hey." He looked all around but could not find any sight or trace of Kieron. His warrior instincts immediately kicked in and he raised his spear, looking all around looking for any trace of threat or danger. He heard the movement of the leaves of a tall tree, as birds fluttered through it. He pointed his spear upwards towards the sound. 'They're small, but they fly like the scavengers in our land. They could still be dangerous. As well as the creatures she described, if they're still here, then I'm well in danger. I shouldn't be out in the open.' He then slowly walked to a nearby tree and crouched in its cover, utilizing his senses to the maximum.

Back at the temple, Kieron was lying down and resting on cloth bedding. One of the desert warriors was checking up on her and said something to Solis. "He said that she just needs a full night of rest." She explained to Raln and the other warriors. They bowed and nodded and walked away while Raln and Nox stayed. "I know." She said to Nox, who had an angry expression but said nothing. "Well, I guess Dagran is out there. In an unfamiliar place filled with dangerous people." Said Raln. "And you were the one to order it." He said to Solis.

As he walked away, she gripped tightly the arm that she had the mark on, though obscured by clothing. Nox who had his mark on view, put a hand on her back and which she brushed off. She walked towards Nox's throne and sat on it and had her elbows on her lap and hands on her chin in a thinking pose. "So… We'll just have to wait now." Said Nox. "Yes. Until Kieron recovers or for Felkin to complete his task." Said Solis "Unlikely." He added. "Maybe Dagran could return here by himself?" Said Solis. "Even more so." Nox added. "Let's just hope Dagran lays low and can wait us out." Said Solis, optimistically.

Solis thought back to when she was younger, the mark of the sun on her arm reminded the people of the scorching heat, and the hot desert. At first, she was the more familiar to them because of the color of her skin, but then her powers of heat were a detriment and a reminder of the harsh conditions, and Nox had the power to make the desert's heat abate and had the ability to chill their food and provide water, something in desperate supply in the desert. She had to create her value as warrior and counsel to Nox, who the previous leader held in high regard.

Raln was sitting in front of the now closed stone door, awaiting Dagran's arrival. "So Dagran's gone to explore?" One child addressed Raln. "Yes, but he will be back soon." He answered. "I hope he doesn't end up like the others who go outside…" Another one answered. Raln looked down, trying to hide his uncertainty and unease. "Let's go now, time for lunch." A warrior ushered them to the back of the room. "I hope Mr. Felkin won't disappear too. He brought us all of the food, and he can protect us if any more monsters come." "Don't worry, we'll still be here and we'll protect you." Said Raln, patting the hair of the child. He turned back around, sitting, and waiting in front of the door.

There was a knock on the door, three consecutive knocks on the stone. Raln quickly stood up and pointed his spear at the door. The warriors ushered the children backwards and made their place in front of the door. Solis and Nox walked to behind where the warriors positioned themselves. Raln walked forward and pulled open the door. A tall old man, wearing armor on almost his entire body and wearing a hat was standing in the doorway outside.

"You?!" Both twins were taken aback and reacted at the exact same time. "Hey. I'm looking for someone, he might have passed through here." The twins brushed past the warriors who were surprised and still tense at the sight of the stranger. The two excitedly ran up but were stopped short by Raln, who jumped in front of them. "Please, get behind me! This situation might be dangerous, there's an intruder!" He said pointing his spear at Jura. "Its fine." Said Nox. "We'll take care of it." Solis followed up. "Do you know who this is?" One of the warriors asked. "Good. You didn't tell anybody about me." Jura walked in nonchalantly and ignored the hostility. Solis and Nox went past Raln's legs to approach Jura.

"We thought you were lost, gone, or at least not coming back." Said Nox. "I feared you might've been something we dreamed up but…" Solis continued. "Well, I'm here now, but I'm here for business." Jura stated. "How exactly do you know each other?" "Didn't you two say that you were alone with each other." "This isn't right, something's wrong." The warriors exclaimed and talked amongst themselves, the twins were left flustered and grasping for words. But before they could say anything, Raln raised his spear aggressively. Raln looked down and was surprised his spear was no longer in his hands, looking around he saw that it was stuck on the farthest wall behind him, broken into splinters. As he turned back around, he saw Jura had raised his pickaxe without anybody else noticing.

With this the warriors circled around him in a defensive position. "Sorry, just a reflex." Said Jura. Silence. "I am Jura. A traveler from another land. I am searching for someone, another traveler like myself. You might know him, his name is Felkin. Indeed, I met the two before you did, and I told them not to reveal who I was. How about we lower our weapons and continue our discussion." Solis and Nox made hand gestures to calm them down and for them to lower their weapons and stand down. "Now, let's talk." He said to the twins. "Yep." "Agreed." They responded.

Their conversation continued with Nox on the throne and Solis sitting on its armrest. After giving a basic rundown of the situation, Jura responded: "So you sent him to deal with the source of the curse. Without knowing exactly what's causing it." "We knew that the curse originated from the capital, and the power was caused by the old god that was in this land." Said Nox. "And that if it's alive or dead, he was the best chance against it, and the one most capable to make the journey." Said Solis. "So, you sent him in to possibly fight a god?" Jura replied. "He was the one who volunteered to go, it was like he was drawn to it." Solis answered. "Drawn to it, huh." Jura rubbed his chin and wondered.

"Do you know something?" Nox asked. "We have to get him. As soon as possible." Said Jura standing up. "We might need help solving some problems here first." Said Solis. "What problems?" Jura asked. 'Clink.' 'Clank.' The sounds of two metal tools could be heard resounding in the desert. Sand flew up in the air, as Jura stirred up a cloud of dust using his tools, dragging them across the ground and gently touching them together in a ceremonial manner. As he clinked his tools once again, he closed his eyes and when he opened them, he was in a separate location, the forest where Dagran appeared in the other world. Dagran wore clothes that matched the color of the ground's soil and the tree's bark, and he sat blending in on the underbrush, quietly watching and observing his surroundings.

As Jura emerged from the air, his landing emitted a sound as his armored legs hit the leaves below. Immediately, Dagran turned his head and raised his spear towards the sound. Jura squinted and saw Dagran hiding amongst the leaves, he began slowly walking towards him. Dagran presumed that he was just walking as he did not see his appearance from thin air, he remained motionless but still held his spear up. Jura walked slowly towards him and then spoke. "Dagran, correct?" Dagran slowly stood up, spear held in both hands and responded. "Who are you?" "I am Jura, Solis and Nox sent me to return you to the temple." "Hmph."

'I didn't ask about the possible abilities of the people who dwell in this world. For all I know he could have somehow gathered the information elsewhere. I remember the girl saying that there were mostly ordinary people here but… The existence of Felkin and Kieron make other individuals with abilities like theirs possible.' Dagran was silent to Jura's response. "Your weapons, throw them down." Said Dagran. "We need them. Its what we're going to use to return to the desert." Jura responded. "Do you need both of them?" Dagran asked. "No, just one." "Hand me the other then. Is the process done using the tools, or by you?" "Both. But anyone can do it with just the tools." "Throw the other one over to me, then tell me how." Said Dagran. "Hmph." Said Jura before he weakly tossed his shovel over to in front of Dagran.

He picked it up and held it in his right hand while he was still holding his spear in his left. "This is pretty heavy. You carry this and that tool, and the metal you're wearing all the time?" Said Dagran. "I gave you that because its lighter." Jura remarked. "Now. Tell me how." Dagran exclaimed. "You do this, with your spear." Jura then raised his pickaxe and clinked it against the metal gauntlet of his right hand. "Your spear should be in front." He continued. Dagran followed these instructions and clinked his spear with the shovel. "Now drag it along the ground." Jura lowered his pickaxe toward the ground on his side and dragged it. He then lifted it upwards causing dirt to fly outwards." Dagran, still tense and kept his guard did the exact same motion.

"Then clink it again, with your spear behind the tool." Dagran followed this instruction. "Then do this." Jura slammed his pickaxe against the earth and then he disappeared. Dagran nervously looked down and slammed the shovel against the ground as well, but before he disappeared, he saw a faint symbol in the metal head of the tool. The next thing he knew he was back under the familiar hot sun and sandy ground of the desert. Jura was standing half a dozen feet away and Dagran quickly threw back the tool to him, Jura caught it midair.

Solis and Nox were standing nearby and as Jura turned around the two quickly ran up to him. "Dagran!" "You're back!" The two greeted him. "How do you know him? Did he just appear recently or-" "They recognized him when he came through the door." Raln was standing in the temple's doorway and continued Dagran's sentence. "How?" Said Dagran. The two were once again speechless, staring at each other and appearing to have a strenuous conversation between them. "I'll explain." Said Jura, putting his hands gently on the shoulders of the twins. "I need something done, fast. If I talk now, then I can do it faster." Jura stood outside the temple in the desert, facing eastward whilst covering his eyes from the sunlight with his hand.

He looked up at the sky and saw the sun was getting lower, he was worried and looked back to inside the temple as he awaited Nox and Solis. "Let's go. Sun's getting lower and lower every minute." Solis exited first. She wore a quiver filled with arrows and her trusty worn down wooden bow. Pieces of stone scales were fastened on her clothes, above her forearms and shins. She wore the bow around herself, she traced her hand along the weathered string, recalling the time it was given to her by Dagran. Nox stepped out as well, almost stumbling, but held steady by Solis' hand.

"Are you alright?" Jura asked. "Yes." He responded. The mark on Solis' arm glowed once more, Nox then regained his posture but then shook off her hand as he walked forward. She reached out for him and recalled a previous time where he did the same, Solis recalled the beauty of the shifting sky, the stars and the moon were forcefully pulled forward and the sun was moved out of the way. The sands did not adjust to the movement of the skies, making it so that the ground rumbled and the curse spread under the dark watch of the night sky instead of the greeting of the morning sun.

Solis grew even more guilty after this event, instead of her mark reminding the people of the dreaded sunrise, to the frailty of their beloved leader, Nox. Nox saw the flash of these thoughts and Solis' feelings and turned around and met his sister's gaze. He wore the standard garb of the desert warriors, over his usual white fabric wear, the strip of fabric on his head with the crescent shaped stone still worn. "You two ready?" Jura asked. "Yes." Said Nox who was still looking at Solis wistfully. "I still think I should go along." Said Dagran who was seeing them off at the doorway.

"You're needed here. The most qualified here to be leader." Solis stated. "Besides, we need their strength in order to contend with whatever's causing the curse." Said Jura. "If they trust you, then I have no choice but to as well." Responded Dagran. "Just think about it this way, who will lead here if you leave? Raln?" Said Nox. "I suppose you're right." He responded. "Climb on." Said Jura, crouching to the ground. "Goodbye." Said Solis, whilst Nox waved. There was enough space on his back for both to fit on each shoulder. "See you soon." Said Dagran waving as well, as Jura took off. As he could no longer be seen, Dagran could only sigh, and hope for the best.

we'll cut back enough to Felkin soon enough.

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