
Chapter 7: Sweet Freedom

Jayme and Chester both got back to the palace and they were greeted by the royal guards.

"Chester? " Jayme called Chester. "Yep? " Chester answered. "Hey I found this note from the book that I read earlier," Jayme said.

Chester get it and he read the paper and it said "Qualdros". "T-this is the spell!" he said giddy with joy.

They both go to the underground cave beside the beach, and they both go in the cave. The inside of the cave was surrounded by shinning crystals, after few meters of walking the come across a large wooden door with big iron handles.

"This is the entrance to the dungeon, you better be ready, " Chester said. "I am always ready, " said Jayme.

And they both open and entered the dungeon. Right of the bat, the light from the crystals was gone, and has been replaced by the light from torches and the sight of darkness from a far.

"Becareful of traps and don't be a prick, Jayme," said Chester with serious tone. "Hey!" Jayme felt insulted after what he said.

They walked through various dark tunnels of mossy cobblestones, until a 10-feet tall mosnter that looks like a bear with a star on it's head. The bear growl so loud that it is hurting their ears and they both started to run, cause the bear is after them.

"What is that thing?! " asked Jayme. "That is Ursa Major, I totally forgot to tell you that earlier, he guards this dungeon and sometimes he roams this. Heads up! " just as then a tree log swing to them, Jayme hoped that the log hit the bear but, it looks like the log just pass through it. Then they both encoutered a crossroad.

"Head right and and I will go left, we can confuse him by splitting up, " Chester said. "Okay I that is a bad ide-" Jayme was speaking when Chester interrupted him. "We have no time, just go! "

And they ran to the opposite sides, the bear stopped and then continued but he head left.


Jayme was still running, he only stopped when he doesn't hear the sound of footsteps from the Ursa Major. He was engulfed by darkness, no torches around, and no bark lights, it is a light source from a tree called "Bark Tree" and when you pick one of it's leaves and rub it between your palms it will light up.

He walked forward but he couldn't see anything until he saw a white apparition from a far and he ran to it. When he reached it he found that, that was his mother, "Jayme, I am so glad to see you my boy, you have grown so much, maybe Henry and Garce did a great job on raising you, " said by his mother.

Jayme has tears falling from his eyes, "don't cry my boy, mommy is always watching you from up there, " she pointed upward. "Mom, can you help me here, I-I am lost and I can't go back."

Her mother just smiled and said, "you have the answer my dear," she pointing the wand, " just raise it and say 'Lightuse' and to guide you back to the right way or find a lost friend , just say 'Waltus' and say where are you going or say the name of the person you are finding."

"I have to go now, my time to visit you is now ending, Goodby darling, " and she kissed the head of Jayme. And he waved goodbye.

Then he get the wand out of his pocket and raised it and he said, "Lightuse, " light burst out from the tip of the wand and it shone through the room, then he said "Waltus to Chester, " he said that loud enough then the wand just moved and he hold on to the wand tight so he don't be lost again.

(10 minutes later)

He found Chester sitting beside the bear and the bear is sleeping like a baby. "What happened?"

"I just managed to evade all his attacks and he just bump his head onto the wall then he just fell, unconscious," Chester answered.

"Oh, okay," said Jayme. Jayme and Chester continue walking, and Jayme uses the spell his mother taught him, until they are both greet by a "grunchback."

"What circumstances happened that made the prince and a person, to come here? " asked the grunchback in a deep voice. "I am here for the gauntlet, I will break the bond, " said Chester.

" You can enter but there is one problem, you need to pass those traps," as soon as the grunchback opens the crystal doors the two boys, is greeted by a series of contraption and pits of lava with swinging blades. "Okay if you are brave enough, then go!"

Chester goes first and he evaded the first contraption that look like a hammer, that is going to squash you in instant, then the pits of lava are harder, there are so many pits of lava in that area, and the lava there is going up and down like jumping, jumping lava? Maybe.

But luckily he evaded it, with a little burn on his red tunic. Then Jayme did the same and he reached the end without a single burn. Then they found a iron door, as soon as they opened it darkness evelopes them, but there was light at the end of the dark hallway. They are hearing voices, and they some apparitions walking or should I say floating through the air. Chester tried to calm down cause he is afraid of ghosts.

When they almost reached the end of the hallways they met a spirit of a cavalier, with a sword on his hand and starts charging to the two, Chester can't move cause he is panicking, the ghost was going to stab Chester.

"Porthmota! " said by none other than Jayme. Before the sword hits Chester, it was blocked by a shield then the ghost dissipates into thin air.

"H-how did you do that?" asked Chester still catching his breath from panic attack. "I don't know it just came to my head then th-the wand shone a bright light then I said that word and that's what happened," said Jayme.

After the rest they continue walking until they saw a gauntlet at the end of the hallway. It was inside a glass container, "There it is! " said Chester, giddy with joy.

Then they both get the gauntlet out of the glass container, it was so heavy, so heavy that made Chester grunt while carrying it. "Qualdros!" then the crevices of the gauntlet started to shine. Then chains started to appear, it surrounds the gauntlet and the crown. Then the chains started to break.

Light exploded the whole room and the whole castle, "Huh? What is that light about?! The gauntlet! Guards! Go to the dungeon now!"


"I-I am free now!" Chester said with pure joy. "Hold it right there!" suddenly there are guards barged into the room.

"What is happening here?!" asked the king that appeared out of nowhere. "I have broken the binding spell now! " said Chester.

"What! This was not supposed to happen. You need to binded again!" replied by the king. "No! I won't be binded again, with that wretched gauntlet of yours!"

The sound of the war horn, interrupted their argument. It seem an army is attacking their town.

"We are not over with this yet," the king said with a serious tone.


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