
Chapter 6: The Tale of a Torn Friendship

The door opened and there stands a woman in black and white dress. "Who's there? " she asked.

"We come here maam, because we are looking for a woman, named Calliope Bark. Are you Calliope Bark?" asked Chester. "Oh! I know you.... Prince Chester." she bowed down and kissed the shoes that the Chester is wearing.

Before she could kiss the other shoe, Chester quickly stop here, "You don't have to do that madam!" said Chester while he assists the old lady.

"And who is this handsome boy?" Calliope asked. "That is my friend," said Chester. "Jayme madame, Jayme Wickbel," said Jayme while he shakes the hand of the old lady

"A Wickbel? " said the old lady. "Huh? " Jayme wondered. "What circumstances that brings a Wickbel here? " asked Calliope. " Are you familiar with my parents, cause it seems that my last name is so familiar to you madame," said Jayme. "Yes, I know your step parents and your true parents, young man."

"How did you know them?" asked Jayme. "Do you really want to know the whole story?" Jayme simply nodded. "Well, come in to my house, you two!"

The interior of the house is so beautiful and well lit, the architecture is so unique that it resembles like "The Parthenon" in Greece. "Your house is so beautiful," said Jayme. "Thank you, I designed it myself. And please watch your step, cause I set up some traps, inside and outside the house, cause I've heard that one of my past friend has come back, and he is into great evil," said the old lady.

"Erazik" said Jayme. "You're correct young man!" said Calliope. And they arrived at a room with three chairs and a little coffee table and the place was lit by the flames of the fire place. "Get comfy on the chair young men."

* * * * *

Calliope started the story on how she and my parents met. "It was the end of "The Great Troll War", oh I remembered how many trolls and goblins, I killed, it was almost hundreds. After the war, me and the remaining troops are heading back to the town, and we were greet by lots of people by our victory, and the king has prepared a gala for us, I am the only girl in that party, until I met your mom, she said to me that the party is getting boring because there are so many guys are coming towards, just to get our names, but we don't. So we both go outside the balcony and that's where your father awaits for us, and we all run away from the party and start going on adventures and one of them includes meeting new friends and finding a strange item, when we exploring the woods, we come across this falls that is so beautiful, and it is glistening because of the sunlight shining to it. And there was a woman lying beside the falls with a pool of blood surrounding here, I thought first that she was already dead, but the nature seems to be so powerful, it give the woman life again, and we all helped here and she decided to go and have adventures with us," said Calliope.

"Marina," said Jayme. "You know her? " asked Calliope. "Yes I met her but she left in Aegis Manta because she has to find where Erazik might be hiding and get me back when she finds it, and save my parents."

"Okay so continue to the story, one day me and my friends, your parents, me and Marina. Was confronted by a man named Erazik, he so charming and handsome that time he said to us that he was an orphan and he escaped his cruel step parents and he joined us."

*Fast Foward* (Cause I'm Lazy)

"When the troll war starts me, Erazik, Marina, your parents , Henry and Grace, we battled out way through hordes of trolls with axes on their hands, and we were inside they found a strange looking gauntlet inside a glass container, your parents opened and they both lift the gauntlet, then a blinding light shone through the room. Someone is talking to them but I can't eavesdrop more cause there still trolls that is still alive, so I have to kill them. The war is over, we all got back to the town, but we kept the secret about the gauntlet, Tisha and Greg, seperated the parts carefully, they got a wand and a cup from the gauntlet. We gave it to the king and we warn him that it is so powerful that he needs to guard it very carefully. Then we all both went our separate ways cause we need to hide the other instruments Marina has the wand but I don't know where do your parents hide the cup.

Jayme brought out the wand from his pocket."Is it this wand? " asked Jayme while Chester went to the bathroom. "The Wand of Escandium! " Calliope exclaimed. "Where did you get that?" she asked. "Marina left it for me, before she left, " said Jayme and Chester returned to the room.

"Listen here, Jayme that is the wand that ruined our friendship! Because of that Erazik became hungry for power and he stole it from your parents because he was jealous, and he believe that your parents are only keeping the wand for their own good, but that is not the case, they helped a lot of people, that's why Erazik killed your parents! Keep it and don't let it slip for your hands because it's too powerful, because if it falls into the wrong hands, the whole world will be des----." before she could finish, a sword stabbed through the woman's back and it passed through the chest of the poor woman and the poor woman falls into the floor, and she was surrounded by the pool of her own blood.

At the back of her stood a hologram of a man holding a sword dripping with blood, they both couldn't speak because they were both shocked and because of the horror that the hologram brings to them. The sword stabbed through the chair and impaled the heart of the poor lady that caused her death.

"Jayme, if you don't bring me the wand and there will be blood of your loved ones and the ones that cares for you, so bring me that wand and I will the killings, " after that bone chilling sentence from the man, he instantly vanished into thin air.

"What are we going to do now?" Chester asked. "I will be locked down inside the castle for 3 more years that sucks! Ugh!" Chester groaned. "Maybe we can find some information inside her library. But before that we need to bury her nicely and formal, cause she is a brave warrior, " Jayme said while tears run down from his eyes.

They both bury the body of Calliope and they both go to the library of her house, in there they found her diary.

They both flipped through the pages of the diary until they found a page that is about their adventure to get the wand.

Febuary 26, ****

We finally beat the trolls, we finally killed their king! This is the denouement of all the killings that those trolls did. But after that we found a thing, a gauntlet, I feel something weird about that gauntlet, something unpleasant, but yet powerful.

Greg tried to get it but he failed, so Tisha helped him. And they both succeed, once they got the weird gauntlet, an bright light shone through the stronghold, then there appeared a woman that wore white, then she said, "I am your Mother Earth, I created the land and sea and the treasures that is buried beneath the earth, who are you?"

Then Greg and Tisha said their names to Mother Earth, then they both asked the woman, about the gauntlet, "that is the 'Gauntlet of Ampodour,' the powerful weapon that I created. Greg also asked what's the use of it, "I will use to cleanse the world if the world I created is destoryed enough. It holds the two strong weapons, the 'Wand of Escandium' and the ' Cup of Verisimilitude.'

"I want you two to protect it, and I will give you immortality, so you both can protect it from the hands of evil. Tisha, you need to know, that the child that you are going to deliver to this world is the child that is in the prophecy, that my husband Uranus has created."

That is all that I have heard because someone called me outside, cause some of the trolls are still alive so we need to kill it, but before I leave the stronghold, I heard something about the combination of the three things can be so powerful but I didn't pay attention to that because I need to kill the rest of those pesky trolls.

After the page Jayme realized that he was the child, that the prophecy is talking about.

"You are the kid from the prophecy that she talking about Jayme," Chester said.

"Yeah I know it already," Jayme answered.

Then Jayme found a page that is about the the three powerful weapons. It said, "The Wand of Escandium, it is a powerful weapon that can be any weapon you want, it can turn into a bow, a sword, a shield, and a whistle.

While the Cup of Verisimilitude is weapon that can give you immortality, and it resurrect the dead, like the Golden Fleece that the Greeks have, when your pour water into the cup, it will take 2-3 hours to make it into life water, but if put water and drink it directly it can give you vision of your future but for it will last for 2 minutes only.

The Gauntlet of Ampodour, the most powerful weapon, we both removed the wand and the cup, because if the three weapons are combine together you will be able to move and you can control all things but not all thing, and that thing is a imaginary thing, if you are full with it you can do anything, with it. We how this things are so gave them to our three other friends while we guarded the gauntlet.

But our friend Erazik, has been blinded by the power that the three weapons will bring him, he stoled the gauntler to us but, of course he cannot move from his place so we caught him, then he tried to steal the cup but failed because it is hidden in a magical safe, and now he is going for the wand."

And the story ended, but at the bottom right of the page writes the name Calliope in cursive. "That poor woman" but before he could cry.

"I have to keep this before Erazik finds out about the power of the three things, " he put it inside his pocket.

Chester called to him that, they are going to go now before the hollogram may comes back and kill them also. Then after he returned the book something fell out of it, a ripped piece of paper. He pick it up and he run to the door and go out, and they both go back to the town.


Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading this and be sure to vote on this story, and that's pretty much it. And thank you guys for the 600+ reads on this book.

I will be updating slow, cause I'm having writers block sooo.... bear with me plss. Anyways bye guyss..