
Chapter 2; Him

Emon sat in the forest alone. Emon sat there looking into the water. Emon sat there dead, it was a full moon that night. He looked like another person, which he was. Emon was not in his body right now. Taron was. Emon let Taron borrow his body, Taron was a mix like Emon, only difference is Taron is non-existent, until the full moon that is. There he sat in Emons body. The body was in its normal form. When its day time and not full moon, Emon looks alive, normal.. in the full moon's light he looks like how he did when he died. Pale white skin, demon red iris' with a white line that goes through them that connects to his ash-yellow sclera. His hair was black with white demon horns and white elf ears poking out. His strange tail swayed from side to side, his dark blue jeans stained with blood as well as his light grey shirt, on his back the shirt had a few rips revealing parts of a tattoo that covered his back while there was a rather big bullet wound on the back of his shoulder and a large cut on his neck. When Emon died he was able to recreate how he looked during the day and normal nights. Emon was not born a creature, creation.. a mix he was born a demon and his real name was not Emon, his real name was Taron. Think of Emon as a reincarnated version of Taron, similar lives, similar personalities, different story's.

Yay new update TvT