
Chapter 1; Emon

"Emon? Oh yeah, that idiot" The spirit said telepathically with her older sister "I'm right here you know!" The spirit looked to her left to find a creature, He had dark grey skin and white hair, his deer horns matched his skin color and the white fox ears that were planted right in front of his horns had cuts and empty piercings, he had elf ears decorated in gold earings and his horns decorated with jewels feathers and an angels halo. One of his eyes were a golden yellow with a black slit, the other was entirely black with a scratch, darker than his skin. The elf wore a T-Shirt that had purple smudges- his own blood, and red smudges, his mothers blood. His bottom half was cover with high-wasted jean shorts, with a few red stains at the top, and brown high-top tennis shoes, his legs were covered in scratches, and tattoos hes had ever since birth, as well as his arms, but with fewer scratches and a smaller amount of tattoos. "Oh yeah, heh-" "Hello to you to Tsuki" Emon said in a sarcastic tone, he looked at the spirit beside him, she wore a black crop top, which looked dark blue due to her being a spirit, and white overalls, she had blonde hair that looked white and was tied up into a high ponytail, the young spirit had baby blue eyes and white valkyrie wings and skin that looks white, and because she was a spirit, Tsuki had a slight transparent look to her as well. "So, how have you and star been?" "Eh, fine Stars still visiting her 'bOyfrInd'' "Who, Yuko?" "No that was her last one, 'think his names Eric or some shit." "Oh Eric? The Elf or the human" "Both" Emon covered his mouth with his hand failing hold in a laugh that both him and the spirit shared

A/N: I hope this didn't suck- Uh, bye demons :D