
The Walking Dead: Kyle Carter

Kyle's life started off quite ordinary but before he could graduate, he was drafted into the army as WWIII was just starting. He watched his friends die, cities turn to dust and killed more people than he can count. He survived for over seven years until he was shot by a traitor in his own squad. Now, he sits across from God that's given him a chance to live again.

Fanfiction_Fanatic · TV
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Hey again, it's me

I know you all hate me and wish that i would burn in a fire... I'm sorry.

I don't have some elaborate excuse, I've just been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety.

Now, to the more important stuff that you want to read. Will i continue writing... yes... possibly.

Will i give it my full attention? no, I've currently started streaming on Twitch and i am enjoying it.

I have regained my spark to write.

I thought about what might be fun for you guys and i came up with the idea... why not stream myself writing stories and the next chapter?

So, every Sunday, i will be streaming and writing a new novel or chapter for my already existing ones.

Drop me a follow if you are interested! it would be much appreciated!

My twitch name is soul_of_a_simp :)