
The Walking Dead: Kyle Carter

Kyle's life started off quite ordinary but before he could graduate, he was drafted into the army as WWIII was just starting. He watched his friends die, cities turn to dust and killed more people than he can count. He survived for over seven years until he was shot by a traitor in his own squad. Now, he sits across from God that's given him a chance to live again.

Fanfiction_Fanatic · TV
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Five Wishes

Sitting on a rather comfortable cloud, his pains and hardships disappear as a feeling of serenity and peace washes over him.

God takes a sip from his cup before breaking the silence, "I'll reiterate what i said, on each planet, a god may choose a single being to be their own personal reincarnator, we do this for our own entertainment and fun since living forever can be quite boring"

"You have infinite rebirths but you don't get to choose where your next life is going to be, you do however get to have five wishes before each reincarnation to help you out"

Kyle wasted no time in asking his first question, "do I get to know the world in which I'm reincarnating?"

God nods, "Yes, your first life will be in The Walking Dead, you may choose your appearance and backstory for this life and no, it won't cost any wishes"

"I'd like to keep the body and appearance i have now, i was a soldier in my last life, so i want to be a soldier camping out in the tank that Rick will climb into in season one before he meets Glenn"

God nods again, "Good idea, it will give you a good reason for meeting him. Now, onto your wishes, you can't wish for more wishes or anything that doesn't fit in that world meaning dragons and shit"

Kyle Thinks for several minutes before making his first wish, "I want to have a super-soldier body like Captain America without the extended lifespan"

God smiles at him, "Good choice, next?"

"I want the skills of a master survivalist and my third wish is to have the skills of a master hunter"

The smile on God's face brightens, "good, your choosing wishes that will have the max effectiveness in a zombie-infested world, very nice"

Kyle thinks a moment longer, "I want the ability to turn into a dragon... just kidding, I want Instant Weapon Mastery"

God couldn't help but chuckle at him, "and your last wish?"

"Let's have some fun, I want to have a natural smell that has an aphrodisiac effect on women, not enough to make them completely change their personality but enough to make them wet between the legs when around me"

"If i can't enjoy a life filled with wishes then what's the point in having them?"

God gives a hearty laugh, "Very true indeed, I'm glad i chose you as my reincarnator, Live your life however you please", he says before touching Kyle's forehead and sending him away in a blast of light.


As the light evaporates into the air, he looks at himself and his surroundings.

He's wearing full combat gear, an M9 pistol holstered on his right thigh, a combat knife on the side of his waist, and a standard-issue M4 assault rifle next to him.

Currently sitting in a tank with minimal supplies, he stretches his body as best he can, getting a good feel for his new strength.

Hearing a noise beneath him, he pulls out a Hershey chocolate bar and begins eating it.

After finishes the rather delicious treat, he washes it down with a mouthful of water before hearing a noise outside the tank, "Showtime"

As he watches Rick scramble up through the bottom of the tank and quickly crawl away from it, he makes sure not to startle the man, he whistles to get his attention and raises his empty hands.

--- Rick Grime POV ---

'Shit shit shit', is all he can think of as he climbs through the bottom of the tank and scurry away from it.

Hearing a low whistle from his left side, he raises his firearm to see a soldier with his hands up but with no fear on his face, "sorry", he says as he lowers his weapon.

The soldier holds out his hand towards him, "I'm Captain Kyle Carter, or i guess just Kyle now"

After a slight hesitation, he grabs the soldiers hand, "Rick Grimes"

Kyle pulls out a granola bar and his canteen, offering it to him.

He takes what's offered to him with thanks, as he's finishing the bar, he hears the radio go off and the soldier slide over to it.

--- Kyle POV ---

"Hey you, dumbass, you in the tank, cozy in there?", the voice says from the radio.

Kyle scoots over and answers him, "There's two of us in here, so it's dumbasses, plural, meaning more than one", he replies with a chuckle.

Glenn laughs back, "there you are, i only saw the sheriff go into the tank"

"Can you see us right now", he says despite already knowing the answer.

Glenn quickly answers, "Yeah, you're surrounded by walkers"

He turns to Rick with an over-the-top shocked expression before gasping, "Oh no, Rick!, we're surrounded, whatever shall we do", he replies with sarcasm dripping from every word causing Rick to finally crack a smile.

He can practically hear Glenn rolling his eyes at him, "Okay, sorry for pointing out the obvious"

After a short chuckle to himself, kyle gets serious, "I've got plenty of ammo and while the sheriff was eating, he told me he dropped a duffle bag filled with guns out there, can we get it?"

"No, just kill the one geek on top of the tank then jump off the right side of the tank and keep going in that direction, there's an alley up the street about fifty yards, I'll meet you there"

Handing Rick his M9 and a few clips, they get ready to meet their hero on the radio.

[Hope you enjoyed and tell me what wishes you would have made, remember, you can't choose thangs that are out of place in this world like superpowers and infinite pocket dimensions]