
The Voidwalker

Arthur sacrificed his life for the safety of his family. Death however would not be the end for him. In exchange for fulfilling his final wish, the creator of his universe sent him to another with one mission. A mission that would decide the fate of that entire universe. A mission where the only chance he had of success was to fight. To grow. To evolve. {This fanfic will be a slower one than my previous work. I plan to spend some more time developing characters to make things feel more natural and smooth this time around.}

HuntingFate · Movies
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Chapter 3

{A/N: So need so help answering a question i had. Psionic blades are stated as being able to cut through any material regardless of density. How do you guys think adamantium and vibranium would work in that regard. Uru i figured could resist psionic blades thanks to their magical nature and enchantments, vibranium might be able cause the lore there says if tempered by magic and science it amplifies magical energies. But what about base vibranium and adamantium. Would a weapon that ignores density be effective against it?}

Arthur hid himself in a supply closet as he peeked out to look at the guard walking towards the armory. He had been waiting for someone to come along that could help him get access to the room since the scientist or doctor from earlier didn't know the code. Arthur then tried to use his telepathy for the first time as the guard stepped up to the door.

'Let's see. It was 7-4-7-5-2 today right? Why do they change these codes everyday? It's not like anyone is gonna find us here.' Arthur could hear the guards thoughts in his head as though the man was directly speaking to him. It was a strange feeling but he knew he'd have to get used to it. Arthur waited another minute for the guard to leave the armory and disappear from view before stepping out of the closet and walking towards the door. His eyes swept back and forth for signs of anyone else heading his way as he quickly typed in the code to the door. With a beep the keypad turned green and he slowly opened the door as he slipped a small mirror that he took from the office through the gap in the door. With a little bit of work he managed to use the mirror to see most of what was inside the armory. Along with the expected weapons and equipment there was one guard that was faced away from the door and looked to be organizing items on the shelf. Arthur also managed to spot a camera that was slowly pivoting in place and was currently turning away from the door. He also noticed that there was a small area underneath the camera itself that seemed to be out of its cone of vision. Arthur knocked several items off a shelf in the corner of the room with his powers and waited.

"What the hell? Come on! I just sorted that one!" The guard complained as he walked over to pick the items up. Arthur waited for the camera to turn away from the door again before quickly darting into the room and towards the guard.

"How the hell did they even fall off?" The guard questioned as Arthur appeared behind him grabbing one of the helmets off the floor.

"Huh? Oh thanks for- oof!" The guard turned just in time to see a helmet smash into the side of his skull. The guard slammed his head into the shelf in a daze as Arthur pulled a knife from a nearby shelf and stabbed it into the guard's throat. Arthur covered the man's mouth as he slowly lowered him to the ground and twisted the knife before pulling it out. Arthur quickly looked around for a place to head the body to no avail and simply decided to grab a bag and tarp from a shelf. He laid the guard flat on the ground, placed the bag under his head and rearranged the body to make it look as though the man was asleep before covering him with the tarp. He found several sets of uniforms and grabbed one of the shirts to wrap around the guard's neck to keep the blood from pooling on the floor. With the problem done Arthur grabbed a set of the black uniform for himself as he quickly changed out of his old clothes. He paused for a moment when he saw the patch sewn on shirt's sleeve. A skull with six tentacles stretched out beneath it.

"Is this Hydra's logo? Come on, it's a fucking kraken, not a hydra." Arthur grimaced at the sight of the logo before putting on the shirt. He quickly started to equip himself with as much gear as he could grab without stepping in front of the camera. He picked up a Glock-19, attached a suppressor and placed it in a holster that he then strapped to his thigh. He grabbed an mp5 and slung it over his shoulder before he slipped on a black bulletproof vest and stuffed a balaclava in his pocket before grabbing a bag to begin filling with gear. A compass, knives, several types of grenades, extra ammunition, some paracords, an extra change of uniform, and a few rations that he found tucked away behind one of the shelves all went into the bag. Once he was done Arthur turned to leave the armory but paused when he saw a bundle of remote explosives and quickly grabbed them before slipping out the door. He slowly made his way through the halls while doing his best to look like he belonged as he carried the bag by his side. As he searched for the N-2 stairway he stopped at a different one he passed that was labelled W-2 to set up one of the charges of explosives at the foot of the door. After ensuring that the charge was armed he quickly continued on his search.

As he continued making his way through the facility he stopped periodically to set up the rest of his charges. One he above the door frame of one of the barracks where he saw some of the guards sleeping. Another charge he levitated under one of the desks in what appeared to be a communications room that was filled with numerous radios. The last charge he levitated behind a technician entering a locked room filled with dozens upon dozens of servers. Once the charge was inside he moved it on top of one of the towers and continued on his way. It wasn't long after that when he found the N-2 stairway at the end of a hall. But just as Arthur had made it halfway down the hallway, alarms began to sound all throughout the facility as red lights flashed all through the halls.

Arthur quickly began to activate the detonators one by one. The facility shook and rumbled as explosions echoed through the halls. First he detonated the communications room, then the barracks before finally detonating the server room. He tossed the used detonators into his bag as he held the final one in his hands as he pressed his back against the door of the stairway. He detonated the final explosive as he waited by the door and listened as the last explosive rocked the facility while orders and yelling echoed over one of the radios he grabbed from the guard in the armory.

"West Stairway! Go now! Don't let them get away!" Arthur pushed open the stairway door with his back and quickly started to run up the stairs. Once he reached the top he pressed himself against the door leading outside and peeked through the window. He spotted a pair of guards getting into one of several jeeps and appeared to be waiting for someone. Arthur pulled a balaclava over his head and walked out of the stairway towards the vehicle.

"Hurry up! We can't let them get away!" The driver stuck his head out the window and yelled at him as he slowly walked up to the vehicle. Arthur tossed his bag into the back seat before he climbed in the back. Arthur then started to climb into the front of the car as the two guards gave him a strange look.

"What are you doing? Sit do-ack!" The driver yelled out in pain as Arthur elbowed him in the nose while shooting the passenger through his eye. Arthur kicked the corpse out through the open window as he chopped the driver in the throat to keep him from recovering before throwing him out of the vehicle. As the driver landed on the ground and rolled over to look up at him, Arthur shot him twice in the chest before he reached back and grabbed two grenades from his bag. He pulled the pin and threw both grenades towards the two other jeeps before quickly driving off along towards the river in the distance. Arthur watched in the rear view mirror as the grenades exploded under the two vehicles, lifting both briefly into the air before they slammed back on the ground with destroyed tires, ruined engines and shredded fuel tanks. Arthur turned the car towards the northwest until he reached the river where he drove the car onto the rock covered bank and turned around to drive east.

"Doctor Sullivan is dead! Subject 17 has escaped!"

"The intruder was at the north stairway! He's in a vehicle heading northwest!" Arthur smiled as he listened to the chaos that was playing out over the radio. About half an hour later Arthur turned away from the river and drove onto the road as he saw the signs informing him that he was approaching the city of Samara. The last bits of sunlight were beginning to fade as he drove into the city filled with people walking back and forth.

'I need money, a change of clothes and a safe place to hide. Hydra will eventually realize that the tracks I left were false so I also need to get as far away from here as I can without leaving a trail. Should probably get rid of this jeep too. Might be tracked.' Arthur thought to himself as he drove through the streets, his eyes constantly scanning his surroundings. He pulled off to the side of the road when he noticed a group of people gathered in a parking lot that everyone else seemed to avoid. He pulled off his vest and stuffed it along with the MP5 into the bag before grabbing a grenade that he slipped into his pocket. As he placed the bag in the passenger seat next to him, his eyes fell on the Hydra patch on his shoulder. Grumbling, he ripped the patch off and stuffed it into his bag before he drove the jeep into the parking lot. The group immediately turned to watch him as he parked next to them and stepped out of the vehicle with his bag.

"You in wrong place su-ka." One of the men said as Arthur set his bag on the ground.

"If you are who I think you are then no I am not." Arthur said calmly as he placed a hand in his pocket.

"And who you think we are?" The man asked as his eyes locked onto the gun holstered on Arthur's thigh.

"Judging by the tattoo on your man's shoulder? You're organized criminals. Which group? I don't care. What matters is I have a deal for you." Arthur said as he looked the man in his eyes.

"What deal?"

"Look at his jeep behind me. If you were to resell it or even just sell it's parts, how much money would you get?" Arthur asked.

"Maybe one million. Why?"

"How much money do all of you have in your pockets right now? 10000 each maybe? What if I sold you this jeep for all of the money in your pockets? Right now, right here." Arthur offered as he showed them the keys. The men all exchanged a look with one another before the man in front.

"What if we just take it? There five of us, one of you." The man threatened as they all showed Arthur the gun tucked in their waistband.

"Mmmh. You're right. I'm outnumbered. But, well the problem there is well… You're outgunned." Arthur pulled his hand out of his pocket revealing the grenade in his grasp that was missing a pin. He watched as the men stumbled backward away from him as they stared in shock.

"Look fellas. This is a great deal for you. You give me all the money you have on your person, I give you this jeep. You can resell it, sell it for parts, whatever. Either way you make a profit. Although I am going to add that jacket you're wearing to the deal now because of your threat." Arthur said with a smile hidden by the balaclava on his head.

"How 'bout it? We can all leave here happy or we all leave here in pieces." The man looked back at his group who were nodding at him before looking back at Arthur.

"Piz-dets. Okay, okay. We take deal." The man said as he started collecting the money from his group.

"Wonderful. Put the money in your jacket and put it on the ground." Arthur instructed the man and watched as they followed his instructions. The group backed away from the jacket as Arthur walked forward to pick it up and place it with his bag.

"See? Everyone's happy. Now get out of here." Arthur said as he tossed them the keys as he watched them rush to get into the jeep and drive out of his sight. He pulled the pin out of his pocket and inserted it back into the grenade before putting it in his bag with the money. He put on the jacket as he walked away with the bag, taking off the balaclava as he went. Arthur made a few quick stops at a clothing store and public bath to get cleaned up and changed into something other than the uniform he took from Hydra. He then walked out of the bathhouse in black boots, black cargo pants, a grey shirt and the black fur collared jacket he took earlier.

Arthur walked through the city streets as his eyes continuously scanned his surroundings. He had walked past the train station, ignoring it as an option after he saw the sign requiring an ID to get on board. All of his belongings were taken from him when he was kidnapped by Hydra, including his IDs. He needed to find a different method of travel to get out of the country or find someone that could replace his old IDs or forge new ones.

'An all expense paid trip. How do you not realize something is off about that? Some fucking bullshit.' Arthur complained as he entered a bus stop and found a bus heading to Moscow. Arthur quickly rushed onto the bus before the doors closed as the conductor walked up to him. After paying for a ticket Arthur sat down at the back of the bus and placed the bag in his lap. He took a moment as the bus to go through everything he currently had in his possession.

'MP5 with four mags, Glock with five, the vest, two hydra uniforms, four frags, five smokes, three days of rations, two knives, a compass, 50 feet of paracord and 47800 rubles.' Arthur moved the uniform to cover the weapons as he closed the bag and wrapped an arm tightly around it.

'First check the embassy. Maybe I can get them to reissue a passport. But then again the problem is Hydra. Of the people in that facility, I didn't see a single russian so odds are they're a multinational organization not a russian one and they might have people inside the embassy. Plan B then, take the long way. Head to Saint Petersburg and into Finland. If I can make my way to Denmark then maybe I can stowaway on a freighter to get back to the States.' Arthur thought to himself as he looked out the window and watched the city disappear into the distance.

As Arthur slowly allowed himself to peacefully drift asleep on the long bus ride, things were not so quiet back at the facility he escaped. A bald man with a monocle over his right eye stood in front of the body of a dead man dressed in a lab coat with blood staining the back of his neck. His eyes were trained on a picture of Arthur walking behind the dead man through the halls of the facility. He pulled out a cell phone from his pocket and made a phone call as he turned and walked away from the body.

"What do you want, Strucker?" A man asked as the call connected.

"I have a job for your Widows, Dreykov."