
The Voidwalker

Arthur sacrificed his life for the safety of his family. Death however would not be the end for him. In exchange for fulfilling his final wish, the creator of his universe sent him to another with one mission. A mission that would decide the fate of that entire universe. A mission where the only chance he had of success was to fight. To grow. To evolve. {This fanfic will be a slower one than my previous work. I plan to spend some more time developing characters to make things feel more natural and smooth this time around.}

HuntingFate · Movies
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Chapter 1

{A/N: So here we go. I'll go ahead and say these things here. This first chapter is my attempt to establish more of a backstory for the MC. A way to give you an idea regarding the kind of person he is. Now onto important lore changes and things of that nature. I'VE CHANGED HOW SOME THINGS WORK. Cool? Great, I don't want to hear "Oh but that's not how that works." Now I'm only changing things to make it fit better into the universe(s) as a whole. Now about the story. Yes this is a Marvel fanfic. Yes there is a system. No the MC won't be enslaved by the system, it's not going be "Do this or die/lose everything." The MC won't be OP right off the bat, can he be? yes eventually. Romance is possible we'll see how it goes, I have an idea for the love interest and I guarantee most people won't think of it. As for characters, I aim to develop them and their relationships a lot more than I did with Marvelous Grandmaster. I can't think of anything else to say so without further delay. Enjoy.}

Sirens broke the silence of the dark moonless sky while the heavy smell of blood filled the air. Arthur Jacobs laid silently on the ground looking up at the face of his six year old niece Rebekah as she knelt by his side, tears streaking down her cheeks. Behind her stood almost a dozen other young boys and girls as they watched in silence with the occasional sniffle. Arthur's body was filled with bullets, stab wounds and shrapnel. The clothes on the right side of his torso were burned and nearly fused to his skin. He struggled to breathe and was unable to even feel the rain and tears that fell on his cheeks. He would die tonight but yet he had a smile on his face as he looked at his niece. He smiled because he had kept his promise to his late brother. He smiled because she was safe.

Memories of the past replayed themselves before his eyes. Rebekah's resemblance to his brother was clearer than ever now and his current circumstances reminded him of the day he made that promise to his brother Bryan. When he was the one in his niece's position and comforting his brother in his final moments. Arthur remembered kneeling behind the cover of an overturned Humvee in the deserts of Afghanistan, his brother's hand grasped tightly in his own. Bullets rained down around them as he listened to his brother's final wishes.

"Take care of her Art. Take care of Becky.." Bryan told him.

"I will, I promise. Just hang on, we'll get you fixed up." Arthur promised before he felt his brother's hand go limp in his grasp and his brother's eyes slowly shut as he whispered for the last time.

"Thank you."

That day his brother's death became a spark inside him. A spark that became a flame washing over the sands of the war torn country for the remainder of his tour. A flame that alone consumed well over two hundred men, women and children. None that held a weapon, even if it was just a common kitchen knife, had escaped the grief-fueled wrath Arthur found himself consumed with. It was only when he returned home and saw his niece that he managed to lock that flame away.

It was for his niece that he joined the police department, in the hopes that he could keep the place they called home safe. His promise became his motivation, his purpose. It was why he accepted the case for the human trafficking ring when he had just been promoted to detective, even when none in the last five years had come close to solving it. He tracked down the ring like a bloodhound and had come close to solving it in a single year. But just when he was on the verge of catching the trafficking ring, he was removed from the case.

Frustrated that the commissioner had decided to transfer him to a 'more important' case, he went home only to get a call that his niece had disappeared from school. His frustration turned to fear and fear turned to anger as he interrogated the principal of the school to find that he had been bribed to allow for strangers to take his niece away. He knew then what happened and the flame he had once locked away was once again unleashed. On that day the city learned just how far he was willing to go to protect his niece.

The principal would be found hours later with every bone in his arms and legs shattered to the point of no repair. A trail of bodies then followed in his wake as he carved his path to the harbor where he had discovered the trafficking ring was in the middle of loading children onto a ship. Arthur tore through the criminals that evening, suffering countless injuries on the way. But even then his desire to see his niece safe pushed him forward. It was only when the last criminal fell and he saw his niece again did he finally give in to his injuries.

Arthur reached his hand up and brushed the hair out of Rebekah's face as he smiled at her. Blood trickled out of his ears, nose and mouth as he struggled to breathe. He shakily placed a thumb drive into her hands as he wrapped his hands around hers.

"Hide this… and give it… to uncle Ryan. He'll take c-care… of you and your m-mother." Arthur stuttered as Rebekah nodded her head, her tears mixing with the rain on her cheeks.

"I'm s-sorry B-Becky. I c-can't… p-protect you… a-anymore. P-promise me… you'll s-stay s-strong."

"Please don't go. I don't want you to go." Rebekah cried as she pulled on his hands.

"P-Promise me… Please." Arthur pleaded gasping between each word as his breath became more and more shallow.

"I promise uncle. I promise." Rebekah replied as footsteps began to approach in the distance. Flashlights illuminated the area and fell on the group of children huddled behind Rebekah. Arthur gasped for breath as he struggled to reach his hand towards her face before she lowered her head to make it easier. He could hear the familiar voice of his friend yelling out draw closer.

"I l-love you. A-always." Arthur whispered just loudly enough for his niece to hear as he struggled to caress her cheek. His eyes slowly shut as his final breath left his body. A blonde haired man wearing a black jacket and bulletproof vest with FBI printed on the front ran towards the group of children. He soon recognized Rebekah as she looked up at him, her cheeks stained with tears and blood. He rushed towards her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into the nook of his shoulder while sobbing uncontrollably. A tear trailed down his face as he looked at the body of his old friend laying on the wet ground, wounds covering almost every part of him. And yet despite the pain he had no doubt endured there was a soft smile on his face.

"Goodbye brother." Ryan whispered as he closed his eyes and tried to console the crying niece his friend had left behind. That week his agency used the thumb drive Rebekah gave him and arrested the police commissioner and mayor for aiding the trafficking ring along with several politicians, businessmen and other wealthy individuals for their dealings with the criminal organization. Over two dozen missing children were returned to their families and two other criminal organizations were busted as a result of their connection to the trafficking ring. Per the public's request the governor of the state would go on to name a public park after Arthur.

Rebekah however would keep her promise to Arthur, she stayed strong just like he wanted. She grew up with a focus and determination unlike anyone else her age. A drive that eventually led her to follow in her uncle's footsteps. Rebekah would go on to join the police department much like Arthur did before quickly becoming a detective and eventually going on to join the FBI. She made a name for herself with her unwillingness to give up in the face of danger and adversity. A trait that paved her way to become the first woman to serve as the FBI's director.

She kept her promise all her life, even as she laid on her deathbed surrounded by her children and grandchildren. She smiled as each member of her family tried to comfort her in her last moments. Her eyes passed over each of their faces, burning them into her memory as her eyelids grew heavy. But then in the corner of the room as her vision started to fade, she could barely make out a shadow standing there in silence. For every moment that her vision continued to darken the shadow became clearer until just before her eyes closed she could see clearly for the first time in 90 years the image of her uncle Arthur standing there smiling at her.

"Goodbye Becky." His voice echoed in her mind as her eyes closed and tears trickled down her face. Arthur stood in a dark space watching the machine flatline as Rebekah took her last breath. The view in front of him faded away, replaced with a dark expanse filled with small motes of light. A golden hand grasped his shoulder before he turned around and looked at the giant woman standing behind him. Undeniably beautiful with hair made of fire tied in a ponytail and burning wings folded neatly behind her back. She was someone he had believed to only exist in a game he played so very long ago. Sarah Kerrigan, the Terran Ghost turned Primal Queen of Blades turned Xel'naga.

She had pulled his soul to this place after his death because she needed his assistance. It felt like mere minutes ago that she had explained the situation to him. How she had created this universe after her previous one ended and has been watching it develop ever since. It took him a minute to overcome the shock before he was willing to listen to the rest of what she had to say.

"Normally I wouldn't intervene with the cycle of life and death but there's a problem that requires it." She told him.

"See, there are many other universes out there besides this one that I have created. Many other creators like myself. Normally we don't interfere with the universes we create unless something major happens that requires our interference. This is one such circumstance." Kerrigan explained as she waved her hand and teleported them both from their universe to an expanse of darkness littered with numerous motes of light far off in the distance.

"This is the Void. It is the space between all of the different universes. Each mote of light you see is a different universe that was either born on their own or created by those like me. Universes are born and die all the time, either because they have reached the end of their cycle or because they are destroyed. That universe is the one that has created my current dilemma." Kerrigan continued before pointing to a specific mote of light in the distance.

"The creator of that universe wishes to destroy it because of a, shall we say tumor?"

"So why is that your problem?" Arthur asked her.

"Because that tumor is named Amon." Kerrigan answered as she looked at him.

"What you think you know isn't quite the whole truth. See Xel'naga weren't uplifting species to create new Xel'naga like those games said. No, they were creating new bodies for themselves to inhabit in the hopes of achieving the level that I am now. Amon came close and had I not ascended when I did he would have succeeded. I destroyed him then but because I had only recently ascended and didn't have the level of control I have now, a piece of him managed to escape to take root in that universe and begin to recover."

"So why can't you destroy him yourself? You should have more than enough power to do so if he hasn't fully recovered right?" Arthur questioned as he looked at the mote of light.

"Because it's not my universe. I cannot influence another's universe without causing it to collapse. If I could I would have done so already. The creator of that universe however has several universes to manage and would rather just destroy that one instead of taking the time to fix it." Kerrigan explained as she crossed her arms.

"Although I've grown used to watching universes die, I'm not exactly okay with one dying because of my mistake. So I asked him to give me a chance to fix it."

"Is that why I'm here?" Arthur asked as he looked up at her.

"Yes, I was impressed by your determination and resolve. It reminded me of an old friend. So I chose you in hopes that you could destroy Amon for good in my place and save that universe from being destroyed. Of course, you're welcome to refuse and I won't ask you to do it for free. I'm willing to grant one wish, within reason of course, and I'll give you the tools to help you accomplish the mission." Kerrigan said as she slowly shrunk in size to match him.

"Why me? Surely there are others you could choose for this." Arthur questioned.

"Oh there are. You're just the first one that met my requirements and DIDN'T piss me off. You wouldn't believe the number of little punks who have willingly thrown themselves in front of a truck, van or train hoping that I would give them this opportunity. Hell there were even five that went out of their way to get struck by lightning, three that went skydiving and PURPOSEFULLY didn't pull their chute and one that threw himself into the propeller of a cruise ship. It's ridiculous. The others that met my requirement had ridiculous and excessive wishes so I just threw them into the sun. One had the nerve to ask me to be his wife, that little shit." Kerrigan ranted as she clenched her fist causing a nearby star to suddenly disappear.

"So? What do you think? Will you accept?" Kerrigan asked as she stuck out her hand. Arthur looked back towards the universe behind him for a moment before he turned back around.

"You said you'll grant any wish?"

"Within reason, yes."

"Alright I'll do it." Arthur said as he shook Kerrigan's hand.

"Wonderful, so what do you want?" Kerrigan asked with a smile. Arthur closed his eyes for a moment before he looked up at her.

"I want to say goodbye." Arthur answered, causing Kerrigan to raise her eyebrows as she smiled gently at him.

"So be it." Kerrigan responded as she turned him around and snapped her finger. The dark space in front of them lit up as they watched Rebekah's life go by in front of them like a movie. Arthur watched as she grew up before his eyes, he watched as she got married and raised her children. He watched her every success and failure, every struggle and triumph until finally he saw her laying on her deathbed surrounded by her family. He felt Kerrigan push him from behind as he stepped into the room with the family. His eyes passed over the numerous photos set up on the nearby desk. A photo of him and his brother, one of his brother and his sister-in-law holding Rebekah, one of him reading his niece a book by her bedside and one of him carrying her on his shoulders. He reached out and softly caressed the photos as a smile crossed his face. He looked over the rest of the photos showing Rebekah and her own family before he turned around to look at her. He knew that time was running out for both of them as he watched her eyes grow heavy but yet in that very moment she looked directly at him. He could see the emotions welling up in her eyes and he knew she could see him. He smiled at her as he finally said goodbye.