
Waking up

When people wake up there are two ways to do it. The first one is for people who are still a bit asleep and slowly open their eyes. First they listen to everything around and then, if they really have to, they open their eyes. Sometimes they even close again.

Then you've got the second way. That is when people wake up and jolt up calling: I'M AWAKE!' Sometimes they don't say it though but they do jolt up. Their eyes flash open in milliseconds and they are totally unprepared for everything.

Keylee woke up the second way. Something she immediately regretted since she was now blinded by light. She blinked a few times before she could finally see something again. Void was sitting at a chair in front of her while he studied her face that showed now a little fear. She tried to jump up and run but couldn't move.

'I wouldn't try. If you would take time to look at yourself you would notice you are taped to the chair.'

Void was right. Keylee was stuck at the chair with her wrists and legs. Frantically, she pulled at the tape but it didn't help. She grunted frustrated and looked back at the chair were Void was sitting a few seconds ago. Only now he was gone.

Keylee stared at the now empty chair with disbelieve. How did he manage to get out of sight without making a sound in just a few seconds? Out of nowhere she heard his husky voice besides her.

'Hello kitten, already looking for me?'

Void chuckled slightly at Keylee's shocked expression as he walked back to the chair. He moved it a bit closer and, while Keylee moved as far back in the chair as she could, he simply bowed forward, leaning with his elbows on his knees.

'I think we should have a talk.'

'Let me go.'

Void shook his head. 'No, I'm keeping you here. But I am willing to tell you what happened.'

Keylee wasn't stupid. She was burning of curiosity but never ever that Void would give her the information for nothing. Besides that, how could she trust anything he told her to be the truth?

Void stared calmly at her. Knowing she would eventually take his offer. He knew how disturbing she felt for not knowing everything. Yet he also saw the doubt on her face. He knew she was smart, she was doubting if he'd tell her the truth. Void would have doubted himself too, at least this proved she was smarter than her brother.

'If, and only IF, I would wanna hear what you have to say, what do you want in return? I'm not that stupid St-Void. How would I know you're not lying to me?'

'If you WOULD let me explain and I WOULD get in return what I wish for then why should I lie to you? It is far more fun to tell you the truth. Lying wouldn't help me.'

Keylee sighted defeated. she knew she wanted to know what had happened. 'What do you want in return?'

A small smirk spread across Void's face. 'Good Kitty. I want more.'


'See Keylee, I'm gonna tell you the same thing as I told Lydia. The trickster story's are all about food, the coyote, the raven, the fox. They are all hungry. I'm the same, I simply carve something a little different-' Void slowly stood up. - 'I eat what you feel-' He moved closer to Keylee. - 'And I'm insatiable.'- He squat down besides her. -' You, Kitten, are the perfect food source to me, you feel everything from everyone.'

Keylee had never felt her heart pounding this fast, not even with the Alpha pack. But now he was so close besides her, tucking a string of her hair behind her ear, his face almost touching her cheek, she felt terrified. He was crazy, and she was stuck with him.

Void could smell her fear, he could hear her heart beating at abnormal fast speed. And he loved it. He saw how she closed her eyes and move her face away from him, breathing shakily. He placed his hand on her cheek and moved her head back so she had to face him.

'All that pain Keylee, all that chaos inside of you. Don't try to control it. Give it to me, and I tell you what you wanna know.'

Void would have told her anyway cause he knew it would create more chaos if he told her but she didn't have to know that. He wanted the pain she was holding, and she had to give it to him unless he wanted her to automatically take it back before he even had it. He knew what she was and he knew she didn't control the ability of taking someones pain if they made contact. He didn't tell her, not yet.

'Come on Kitten, relax. It won't hurt you, I promise. It will only make you feel better. It's a win win situation.'

Keylee opened her eyes. Would it really make it better? No pain at all? That was to good to be true, especially if it came from someone like him. After all, she didn't pick up any pain from him, she didn't pick up any emotions from him, for the first time in half a year it was calm. Perhaps it was worth a shot? It couldn't get any worse from now on right? So she slowly nodded her head.

Void smirked and almost immediately Keylee could feel the pain leaving her body. Her eyes widened as Void's eyes rolled back in his head. He started to breathe more heavily while Keylee just leaned in. Hoping for one day she wouldn't feel anything from anyone. She didn't care what the consequences were, he would feel better and she would finally get rid of the pain.

Void brought her head closer to his and closed his eyes. The feeling of her pain felt so good, his entire body tingled with it. He felt more and more powerful and he shivered in delight. This felt like pure pleasure and it all started from his hand where he touched Keylee till his entire body was filled with it. He leaned closer, he couldn't get enough of it. He felt his forehead touching Keylee's and she seemed to like this as well. His plan was going perfect. Void opened his eyes again and saw Keylee had them still closed. He smirked.

'Well Kitten. I told you it would be a win win right?'

Keylee opened her eyes and looked like she only now realized what was going on. She jolted her head back and he let her do so. Void stood up and walked back to the chair but didn't sit down.

'Now as I promised. You missed quite a lot Kitten. See, your dear miss Blake that send you away turned out to be a murderous darach who sacrificed people in order to gain power and kill more people. When your brother, Stiles and Allison sacrificed themselves to the Nemeton I came free. that storm Miss Blake caused made everything fall apart. I took Stiles as host and from that moment the game started. I took control, twice. Eventually they all found a way to split me from Stiles and, here I am. Looking like Stiles but not being him. They thought they could kill me with a "devine move", they thought they had any moves at all. It was all a big trick. After I let them catch me in that wooden Nemeton box I waited for my moment to come. I had this one little fly left who took possession over a simple toddler.' Void chuckled a bit. 'They actually believed they killed me. I told them they couldn't kill me but they didn't listen. They were so angry about Allison's death. You already knew she died right? Oh, and Kira is Scotty's new girlfriend and a Kitsune. Anyways, that toddler set me free again and here I am.'

Void told everything like he was talking about the weather. He looked at Keylee's face and saw that with every word she got more terrified and angry.

'Your brother tried to kill me Kitten, now I'm gonna kill him. From the inside out. And what is better than to do that with his own sister?'

'They will find me.'

'Ohhh, let's hope they do.'

Keylee gave him an angry glare but Void ignored it and started to walk away. 'I'll be back in an hour. I have to do something else first.'

With those words he just walked away. Leaving Keylee alone, not thinking she could possibly escape. But even a fox can be wrong.

---At Scott's house---

Scott marched from one side of the room to the other one while Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Liam and Malia were sitting on the floor and his bed.

'Scott. I know you are scared, but if you don't stop marching from one side to the other I swear I'm gonna draw a circle around you made of mountainash to prevent you from moving any longer!'

Scott looked up at Stiles. 'I know, I know. But he has my sister Stiles, what am I supposed to do? I promised to look after her.'

Kira stood up and placed her hand on his back. 'We'll find her Scott, we will.'

'I can try to track her again?' Liam offered.

'No, that is too dangerous. I'm sorry Liam, but you don't know him like we do. I don't understand why it didn't work. Why isn't he gone, we killed him right?'

'Maybe he escaped when Isaac and mister Argent took him in that box?'

'It shouldn't be possible.' Lydia stated. 'The box was made from the wood of the Nemeton.

'Maybe he got help? Like he had from Oliver back in Eichen house?' Malia placed her arm around Stiles at seeing how uncomfortable the memory made him.

'Guys, maybe we should split it up, I mean, when we find Keylee, how are we gonna safe her? How are we gonna beat the Nogitsune and how are we gonna explain her what's going on? The last thing she knows is the Alpha pack and the strange powers it awakened in her. That is the reason she went out of the city remember?'

Everyone looked at Lydia. Se was right, they just wished she wasn't cause this would only make things harder. Scott Sighted in defeat. 'She is in trouble because of me, this is my fault.'

Suddenly the lights flickered, for about a minute the only light seen was that from the alarm clock. Then Stiles found the curtains and opened them so the weak light of the evening fell inside the room.

'What was that?'

'That, my dear Malia, was me. Hi there.'

They all turned to Void who was standing in the corner of the room, his hands folded behind his back and two Oni behind him. Everyone stood up, Kira took her sword, Liam, Scott and Malia held their claws out. Stiles and Lydia took a few steps back to give the others space and keep themselves safe.

'Where is my sister!'

'Aw, how sweet, don't worry Scott, she is fine. Perhaps a bit disorientated, or frustrated. Most likely scared and sad but I didn't hurt her. At least not physical.'

Scott's eyes turned red and he charged forward but was driven aback by the Oni's long swords.

'Come now Scott. You really think that is a good idea? I'm just here to talk you know.'

'Then talk.' Malia growled angry at him and tried hard not to jump at him right away.

'So demanding. Fine, I came to warn you, if we are specific, Scott. Someone will be dead at the end of the week. And if that is someone of your pack or your sister is up to you.'

'What do you mean with that? You wan't me to kill my own pack?'

'No, I want someone of your pack dead by your doing. You can order someone to kill them for you, you could trap them, they could sacrifice them self. I don't care. I only want someone dead by the end of the weak or I'll kill her.' Void then got another idea. He knew Scott was always trying to safe everyone, that was the reason he went to talk with Deucalion, where Kali asked Derek the same question he would ask now. 'What is it gonna be Scotty? Pack? Or family?' Void mocked.

Before anyone could do something he disappeared with the oni in black smoke. The lights flickered on again. The pack looked at each other, they had till the end of the weak to safe Keylee. And they had no idea where to begin.

Void chuckled when he saw the panicking looks across their faces. Chaos has arrived, and he loved it. He took a deep breath in and enjoyed the chaos he created. He wasn't stupid, he wouldn't kill Keylee, she was far more useful when she was alive. He just had to make sure he wouldn't loose her. Thinking about that, he started to walk back to the woods and his house. He suddenly stopped when he saw a car parked in front of a house. He didn't need a car, he could use the Oni to teleport. But he wanted that car simply because he could. And it could bring a slight amount of chaos.

So when Void arrived back at the house he arrived with a black shiny car. He imagined the surprised look of the owner and smirked. His smirk soon faded when he heard something. He quickly sneaked to the door and waited. One second he was scared his plan would fail cause he didn't see this coming but he was quick to hide it. He leaned against the door frame and watched how it opened. He the decided to make himself known and sighted bored.

'Really. Again?'

Keylee jumped up in surprise and started to run as fast as she could. She didn't really come any far. Before she could pass more than 6 trees she bumped into Void. She panicked and turned around but it din't took more than 5 seconds before she bumped into him again. Void looked down at her and opened his mouth to say something but she went of again. This time Void let her run She would get tired eventually. She could't go out of the forest, the oni would take care of that and eventually she had no choice but to come back.

Void waited, slightly getting impatient, so when the sun was really down and the moon was up he started to go looking for her. She wasn't human but she did't have supernatural strength. She was utterly defenseless and he knew that. It didn't take long before he found her. He felt the oni guarding her from the shadows while Keylee just sat down against a tree and hugging her knees.

Void heard her heart beat speed up and he knew she noticed him but she didn't look up to him nor did she ran away. He didn't make a sound for a while but eventually stepped closer.

'Come on Kitten, let's go.' He spoke in a soft voice. Hoping it would lure her into coming with him without any problems.

Keylee nearly reacted, she only moved a few inches away from him so he stared at her back. 'Keylee, it's dark, it is dangerous for you out here. Come on, don't make me angry.' Void spoke a little more demanding now.

'No. I wanna go home. Leave me alone!'

Keylee jumped up and started to run again. Void sighted again before he went after her. He din't run, he knew she would't get far, there was a cliff in that direction. When he came closer to the cliff he saw Keylee looking down. Hesitating. Was she planning to jump? That wasn't good for his game.

'Keylee....' Void started threatening.

She turned around, still too close to the edge for his liking.

'Go away! I'll jump, I will do it. I'm gonna end it all, I'm sick of your stupid game. I don't want you to use me against Scott!'

Void laughed. 'You wouldn't. It wouldn't end anything, it would only make things worse don't you think? Now... Come... Here....'