
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Movies
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140 Chs


Just like everyone predicted, the evening news was something else to watch. Surprisingly only J. J Jameson's Daily Bugle newscast spoke about how bleak the future of mutant kind will be in the country after this attack.

Other channels spewed the same thing with a little rehash of what another one said. Whether they meant it or not, they were basically fanning the flames of a witch hunt against mutants.

~This is the reason why we need a regulation of the super powered individuals in the country and this is exactly what the Mutant Registration Act and UN Accords are made for. Just imagine the disaster that happened today and yet there was nothing we could do. No one was held responsible and we couldn't reach out to any mutants to help.~

~But the Avengers were present on the scene and they stopped the disaster from spreadin-~

~Yes, they did and we are thankful for that but the painful truth is that the damages were already done before they arrived. Lives and infrastructure had already been destroyed before their arrival. It's also saddening to think that though the Avengers claim to want to protect the earth, none of them have been forthcoming when matters of the Accords were put through them.~

The reactions varied from people to people but the politicians were mostly rallied under one banner. The consensus was that the super powered individuals should sign the Acts and Accords when it is passed.

Unfortunately, the reason why those familiar with politics, mostly heroes and mutants were hesitant in signing any of them was because, for heroes, it meant that the government had the right order them anywhere irrespective of their choice and also had the power to restrain their movements to certain places if they felt it will threaten the 'stability'.

For the mutants however, signing up for the Mutant Registration Act was no different than submitting a pending conscription for the US Military. While it is not as blatant when given a first glance, the Registration Act coupled with the Accords was a sure fire way for the government to create their own personal super army.

If it had been under different conditions, both the Registration Act and the Accords would have been the dream of every mutant but humans' unending greed for power was more than powerful enough to corrupt the purest of intentions.

While some argued that the super powered individuals of the country should come forth and support the new movement in order for something like this not to happen again, others weren't subtle in pointing fingers.

~I've said it before and I'll say it again. Nothing good will come out from the mutants and while the so-called 'heroes' are currently helping, who knows when they will turn against the innocent citizens they once sworn to protect. I mean, seriously? The one they call 'Hulk' wrecked the Culver Institute and then proceeded to destroy Harlem, and now he's being hailed as some kind of hero? This is the same green beast that fought against Tony Stark in Johannesburg a couple of months ago after he lost control of himself. My question to the American citizen is this: What are you protecting?~

While the actions of the Avengers after the fight helped alleviate the critics they were getting, it did nothing to quell hate they were currently heaping on their heads.

While a lot of people were using the recent incident as a political boost and a way to gain a public voice, there were others who had completely different views to what was being aired on the news.

The Avengers were heroes, that was a fact that no one could deny regardless of their bias. And whilst their heroics affected some negatively, they also were others who they saved.

~I don't get it. They did nothing wrong. Yes, I believe that they should be held accountable for their actions, good and bad, but what I don't support is when people ask 'what have they done?'. I live here in New York and three years ago the sky split open directly above my head and aliens attacked. I remember seeing people being killed as the aliens attacked and I was sure it was going to be my turn next but Captain America saved me. And then during the recent attack I was in Eddison when the fight started and yet again I was saved by the grim Hulk~

~What do you mean by they are not trying? Did no one see them being a part of the rescue effort and helping out with first aid? Or have everyone forgotten how the fight ended in mere minutes after their arrival?~

While random street interviews and news channels relayed what happened during the destruction by the group of mutants, the internet, basically social media, were set ablaze with opinions, videos, interactions and comments about everything that was happening so far.

While the elders entered their world of listening to the news at 9:00 pm, those who were born during the age of the internet and those who were drawn into it expressed themselves more openly behind their media handles and usernames.

{>ThunderBunny: OMG‼ Did anyone see the video of that lady in red dropping a tanker on one of the attacking mutants? 🔥🔥🔥 That was so hot, pun doubly intended.

>IAmNotSus: @ThunderBunny can you be any more pathetic? People are crying and yet here you are fantasizing about a woman you can never have.

>ThunderBunny: @IamNotSus I'm grieving in my own way and besides I'm looking on the bright side where it's hot and sexy.

>DiscipleRa: Kinks and fetishes aside, anyone have any idea who the new faces in the Avengers are? I mean there's a grim looking Hulk for crying out loud!!!

>IamNotSus: Yeah, like the lady in red with some type of red construct powers and the other guy who disappears every second. Is that really how someone with super speed moves? Gyat damn!

>ForlornPanda: So I'm guessing no one has seen the video of the guy with the black cape stopping an energy blast with one hand and literally stomping on his opps? I tell you, mans was on some of that Black Airforce activity.

>Thor'sSimpxxx: @ForlornPanda I saw. That almost caused me a little crisis, I kid you not. The not bothered look on his face as he bathed that mini-zilla's head in electricity by pointing a finger at it almost became the deal breaker for me.

>80sPuddle: I was at one of the sites where he gave first aid and I heard Captain America call him Vision.

>DepravedFox: I know we all agree that the Avengers are great and all, but who got any info on the girl that fought with them? I'll also buy any hair samples and any 4k HD pictures of her feet.

>AngelD'Bonk: Oh great, another weirdo. You need to get cured, man. I can tell you're already dancing on the thin edge.

>ThunderBunny: @DepravedFox my brother‼ I managed to procure a picture of her slicing someone's leg off in an angle that made her little butt come out more…

… The user handle named DepravedFox no longer exists.

… The user handle named ThunderBunny no longer exists.

>SilentCreeper:… and off they go. Good riddance}

There were numerous threads on social media with these sorts of conversations running rampant. There was no way for the government to fully censor or manipulate the events of that day when almost every youth had access to one of these numerous threads.

It frustrated them so much to the point that even if they took one down, two more posts would take its place.


[The X Mansion]

The mood in Charles' office today was a very grim one and it only turned grimmer when they had turned on the news later in the day.

Everyone sitting in the office knew just what an attack like this meant for mutants. While they had been toeing the lines and limits of the government in respect to mutants, this attack just flipped everything on its head.

"Charles…" Hank said with an ashen face as they watched members of the senate giving a speech about calling another hearing two days from now.

"Is there anything we can do?" Even Colossus who usually remained quiet was spooked by what happened as it took everyone by surprise.

Feeling the rising horror and dread in the minds of some of his teachers and students, Charles knew that he had to do something and do it fast.

Ororo looked at the news and what they were saying and it hurt her heart. Was it that hard for simple understanding between two people to be met?

"We are not going to just lay back and let them do all this right?" The sky turned a little dark, perfectly displaying her current state of mind. They were all triggered.

"We are not doing anything…yet." Charles said, trying to assuage the dark thoughts currently swimming in their head. "I will reach out to a few people I know. In the meantime I would like you all to try and calm the younger ones down. They need it now more than ever."

The teachers nodded but they just couldn't clear their head of what was happening and what this meant to them and their future going forward.





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
