
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Movies
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140 Chs


[Vision POV]

"Well, that went well." I chuckled as I remembered the faces they made when they finally realized that they were threatened by a robot. 

Nothing was wrong with registering mutants into the government registry since something really had to be done about the various mutations that appeared everyday and their unending limits. The problem however was how they went about doing it. 

Unlike what they might think, they had very few defenses against a mutant uprising with the foremost being the Sentinels. The reason why they even pushed the mutants as far as they did was because most of them were adolescents and also their morals. Well, we know who to blame and also thank for that. 

Looking back at it now, everything around me has been heavily influenced by my presence in a way that the events of those changes were like a stone rolling down a steep hill. 

I was having an irritating buzz every time I thought or made a prediction about how things could go. Right now I was just receiving everything how they came and only controlled the ones I was sure can be easily changed or influenced by my presence. 

Speaking of changes, how can I even begin to explain this? 

I have been blissfully ignoring it after going through and failing to understand how pumping myself up with the green juice caused all this. 

The easiest thing to understand was that I now had a perfectly fused biomechanical body. I could switch between flesh and spare parts at will and it was a perfectly seamless transition. The downside was that my biomass only made up at most 35% of my body so my mechanical parts automatically structured themselves in the order of a model human body. 

Since I was in full control of how I wanted the biomass to form around my body, I could add and remove parts that would have been biological defects had I been remotely human. 

Hell, I could form wings on my back if I wanted or an extra pair of arms. It was mostly cosmetic, that was if I wanted it to be, and could be the real deal at the same time, so yeah, you could say I finally achieved what I wanted. 

Stark left to go attend to business, as usual, while I drove the awfully quiet Steve back to base. 

"Still thinking about the Accords? Trust me, it's not worth the time you put all those efforts into." I said lightly as I let the car move slowly at uniform speed. 

Steve let out a wry smile seeing how he was easily seen through and just rested his head on the window, watching the speeding buildings and cars outside. 

"You've said it, right? This could either make or break the team, and I'm hoping it doesn't… that's if it hasn't already." 

I released a sigh as I saw Steve behaving despondent like a neglected housewife. Despite being a robot, it irked me in a way I wasn't comfortable with seeing a fully grown man like Steve look and feel what I would describe as depression and longing. 

"Banner is back at the Compound." I ended up blurting out and heaved a sigh of relief under my breath when that caught his attention and made him relax with the faintest trace of a smile on his lips. 

"Thank you, Vision." He ended up saying which surprised me so I turned to look at him and just commanded the car to drive itself. "You're the reason why Bruce came back. You also made sure Tony checks in every once in a while. You're outlandish and strong, sure, but you care about the existence of the team. That's more than I can ask of anyone." He clarified. 

I looked at him for a few seconds before taking back manual control of the wheels. "It's no problem. Whether you guys like it or not, I'm here to stay and the Avengers is as much as mine as it belongs to everyone else."

He nodded and we both relapsed into a comfortable silence until we arrived at the Compound where Banner was already waiting for us. 

He gave me quite the complicated look but just waved it off. Quite the understanding man. He was the most level headed person in any room he found himself in which was something I respected about the man. 

"Glad to see you're back from your sabbatical." He chuckled at my words. 

"As if you gave me a choice." He said. 

I might not have given him one but the decision to come back was one he made without any input from anybody, in other words he wanted to be here. The reason why didn't matter. 

Decisions decisions. 

My recent decision might have been made in haste and unbiased curiosity and the results were something I wholly accepted. 

The changes were mostly unknown and I had to do a few mental exercises to make sure no mini-Ultron devil was neatly tucked away somewhere inside my head. 

Maybe I should do a training montage, but that would be highly destructive and I can't use the Compound or anywhere because I don't want to end up killing everyone. 

Apart from the obvious boost to my abilities, I haven't been using the Mind Stone all that much as I had restarted the data compilation on it. 

'Hmm, maybe this is a nice time to actually work out and who else is more suitable for highly destructive training practices than God's wrath himself?'

"Banner!" I called out to him. "I need a favor. Well it kind of goes both ways so it's not really much of a favor."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I need both your help."

He looked at me skeptically and asked with dread creeping in his tone. 

"Me and whose help?"

"You and Hulk's obviously."

"Are you…!" He stopped himself from lashing out and took in a deep breath and then turned around and started walking away which made me smile as he didn't reject me. "Hope you have parts to spare." He said. 





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
