
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Movies
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140 Chs


I did contemplate telling the two about who was possibly their real father but then I thought why would I want to do that? There was no merit, not to me or them, if they were to find out. They'd only worry more if they find out that their father was some kind of 90's bogeyman. It's not as if knowing that particular bit was going to help them in some way or the other.

Rather than just opening up a can of inconclusive worms, I decided to continue doing what I was quite good at. 

With some applications of my powers like Density Manipulation and Molecular Deconstruction, I could actually decrease and increase my size, well at least to a level. Turns out getting smaller was a lot harder than growing bigger. 

With a few of my scans done, a lot of things started to make more sense than they did initially. 

Take for example, using my Psychic immunity along with my limited control over electromagnetic waves, I could actually pick up on the frequency the brain vibrates at when someone thinks or when the brain is active. It's quite an archaic way of mind reading but I could easily boost it with the Mind Stone and voila, Telepathy. 

Using the now custom-made Telepathy along with Energy Projection, it becomes something like Light Manipulation or put more aptly, Hard-light construct. The applications started piling up as soon as the results of my scans came back. 

Coupled with the data I got from Stark, it became a lot easier for the information and conjectures to meet across a similar path and bear something new. 

Along with the lot of good that came with these findings it wasn't without a healthy dose of bad. 

Firstly was that while my body was impervious to most things, it wasn't entirely infallible. 

Vibranium had a way it reacted to certain frequencies which made it behave differently from its other states and sometimes it takes on a new form due to the frequency its vibrating at. 

The problem with this was that Vibranium was in a lot of ways susceptible to magnetic and electrical discharges. Its properties could be greatly hindered if someone could tap into the negative effects these two energy forms had on the metal. Which conversely meant I was prone to danger, though not widely known, was still a form of danger nonetheless. 

I could offset this negative effect with my own electromagnetic field but that was not a sure or solid solution since that too could be overwhelmed. Frequencies were such an underestimated phenomenon that isn't usually given its due credit in the superhero community and likewise universes. 

A simple understanding of this property was what Vibe and Reverb could do in the Flash series. They could open portals to the multiverse as if it was nothing and even shut-down the electrical discharges in a speedsters body. 

Right now I was running speculations on how different frequencies could affect my body as a whole but unfortunately it wasn't making any headway. Do you know how wide the hertz range is? Easily in the trillions, that's how wide it is. 

That aside, the result of my body scan came and its efficiency came at an astonishing 89%, with hundred being whatever my AI could think of as perfection. 

Whatever 100% was, the words 'impenetrable', 'peak optimization', 'perfect energy synchronicity', 'perfectly malleable', 'optimal adaptation' and whatever terms it used to describe it made me easily accept its 89% rating. It also highlighted one of this body's major flaws as the composition of biological cells which was quite a bummer. 

While it was extremely fun being a robot, there were quite a few *things* I need human biology for… I might be Vision, but I wasn't the messiah Ultron wanted to be. 

So yeah, that so-called flaw was staying. I'll just have to find a way around it if nothing else happens. 

That aside, I could also do some slight modifications to my android body like weaponizing quite a few parts just for the kick of it. Due to the fact that I couldn't easily decrease my height to whatever limit I wanted, the modifications I could do in the future would be limited but that's easily bypassed when nanotechnology was taken into account. 

From what I could understand, while Hank Pym might have already created the Pym Particles, he didn't make it publicly known since he was afraid it'll just kill his family faster since you really can't trust the government. 

What the public knew was that Stark and Richard were actually researching nanotechnology as the next step in mechanical breakthrough. And with the two of them being blissfully unaware of Hank Pym's achievements, it automatically catapulted me to the forefront, not that there was anyone I could brag to about it. 

Unfortunately for me, Hank was quite thorough since he didn't leave a trace of his research on anything digital since he was afraid he'd lose it that way. Even what SHIELD had was incomplete research, nothing they could make headway on, but at least I had a perspective to begin with, and with the versatility of Vibranium added to the mix I believe I'll crack it way sooner than expected. 

[Merging Psychic Immunity and Electromagnetic subset] 

[Due to the high influence of the Mind Stone and its high compatibility with both abilities, merging result has been amplified] 

[New designated ability – Telepathy] 

Would you look at that? 

What if I combined Telepathy, Technopathy, Energy Projection and Electromagnetic Manipulation? Psionic control maybe? 

Too bad, I was sure that the merging would fail either because of the Mind Stone or the level of the other abilities. 

Due to being heavily influenced by the Mind Stone, I could already feel even without testing it out that my Telepathy was very strong. 

Could someone even read my mind at this level? I wasn't sure but there also was no such thing as absolutes in this reality, so fingers crossed. 

Going back to the few highlighted flaws of my body and the possibilities of more in the future, I wanted to build something that could house a part of my consciousness, the most important part that coordinated who I was at the core and not OG Vision, but I'd have to build something that'll be able to house the ever increasing trillions of terabytes of data and also act as a secondary body while I upgrade this one. 

This was the best bod biology and science could conjure up, I wasn't just going to toss it away from a new body that I wasn't sure could be better than this one. 

I could make a lot of modifications to this one since it also had the highest compatibility with the Mind Stone which would make future upgrades better. 

The idea of having secondary bodies was cool but that was just all what they would be – secondary bodies. Backup plans in case of an unforeseen emergency. 

I pulled up one of my past research and sifted through it. 

[Task Completed] 

[Data and information of selected individuals have been categorized under different tags.]

The information I could get on a lot of people were very limited and mostly irrelevant to what I truly wanted to know. 

The Eternals were quite easy to find since I knew that they didn't change their names and also had a sketch of each of them according to their appearance in the cinematic universe's and I was pleased when I actually found them, at least most of them. 

A few of them were missing or haven't been seen for years which was normal so I shelved that for later. 

I made sure not to skim through Von Doom's network all that much. Yeah, no provoking the guy if it could be helped. 

The Fantastic Four's were easily obtainable as were the public information of the X-men's. They were still in their budding years so no back-to-back apocalyptic shit happening yet. Small graces, right? 

I also kept an eye on the nuisances that were the American government, like they always were, keeping an eye on what they were putting together for their Accord bill to be passed. I just ignored them in favor of digging quite a few dirts I could find on them. Quid pro quo bitches. 

They actually wanted me as a part of their 'Military Weapons Research' which was a fancy way of saying 'come be our experiment'. I just didn't have the time to be so focused on them. 

Sure they could be a problem going down the line but that was only if I was someone like Stark or Banner. 

They could do anything they wanted and while I wouldn't go to the extreme end of killing them unless they absolutely pushed it, the most I'd do is just up and leave if no one grows a backbone. 

Unlike them who are blissfully ignorant, the only thing keeping me from turning psychotic from paranoia was just the super hyper AI I had for a brain. Who knew a cold logical rationality sometimes helps with insanity? 





You can find +5 chapters ahead in my patreøn

