
The Villain Lady-love

Ariana, a simple yet stunning and beautiful girl live happily in a small town of Devon with her parents, until a deadly disease struck the town that killed them, leaving her and her brother orphans. Aidan Sheraton, the Duke of Sheraton, who everyone fear in the capital for his ruthlessness, and was known for being a villain by everyone for his cruel ways of doing things. He was ordered by the King to investigate the deadly disease in the small town Devon and in the meantime to find his childhood fiance. What will happened when the villain got his eyes on the naive and innocence Ariana? *Cover is not mine* PS : *Everything here is fictional*

Mish_Black · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The outbreak - V

In the entire Suran Empire, only the D'Avanzo family possessed this kind of healings power. However, this fallen family was completely wiped out mysteriously decades ago. According to hearsay, they were ruthlessly murdered by the Dark Mage Vier, considering his thirst for their powers and his obsession to their daughter Alina D'Avanzo.

Ezavius observed Ariana, who was healing the infected woman, pondering to himself for a while, whether she might be a D'Avanzo descendants, since she possess this healing powers. However, this notion seem absurd, since every single one of the 'D'Avanzo was brutally murdered 20 years ago, considering Ariana is only 17 years old, this seem quite impossible. Therefore, he concluded she might be blessed to possess healings power.

Ezavius quickly averted his thought and turned to Jace, "You go and called Leah to assist your sister."

Jace nodded and hurriedly walked away.

Ariana saw the woman face has a bit colour and finally turned to Ezavius and said, "I can't heals her completely, since I still need to heals others. So, gave her some medicine for flu,."

"Same with others," she added.

Ezavius nodded and was about to speak when Jace came back with a woman in a wavy brown hair with brown eyes and a round face shape, she looked ordinary, yet at the same attractive in her own ways, although she appears to be in her thirties.

"My Lord," Leah nodded at him.

Ezavius gesture at Ariana to Leah, "Leah, you helped assist her in treating the patients and immediately informed others to prepare every herbal medicines for flu to all the people which Miss Ariana had healed."

Ezavius continues, "I have to meet the Duke, so you'll be incharge to look after here."

"Certainly, My Lord," Leah nodded and turned to walked away to inform the healers and the witches.

Ezavius then turned to Jace, "Jace, you come with me," without waiting for Jace response, he walked out of the church.


The Devon town which was bustling with people was now completely deserted, with things scattered on the ground, without a single souls inside the town.

Ezavius glanced at the man draped in a red cloak with a mask covering his face, his whole blody exuded a cold aura and aloofness, that could freeze anyone near him, in contrast to his priceless green eyes that symbolize the freshness and vitality of life.

"Your Grace, Do you think it's really a disease or something else that spread throughout the town?" Ezavius asked the Duke lightly.

They are currently walking in the middle part of the town, at Ezavius request with the duke in regard of the town, since, this town is under the duke territory.

Aidan gave him a cold glanced and just turned his gazed towards the direction of one of the house at the end of the town.

Ezavius turned to the direction of his gazes and his eyes shook slightly. The house look ordinary just like any others house out there in the town. However, he sense something unnatural in there.

"There's something dark and unnatural in there," Ezavius voice out.

Aidan on the other hand just lightly nodded and sauntered towards the house which exudes dark magic.

Ezavius followed behind him, the more he approach the house, the more he feel like something dark and uncanny is in this house.

Aidan opened the door and entered with Ezavius behind him.

The house was clean and spotless like any others house.

However, Ezavius was now totally certain, the dark things that are filled in this house is black magic.

"Dark Magic," uttered Ezavius, bewildered.

Dark Magic mean The Black Witches!

The Black witches mean The Dark Mage is still alive!

Ezavius eyes shook slightly, if these disease or whatever it is are the dark witches doing, then this whole town is under their control. Therefore, he quickly turned to the Duke and said, "Your Grace, this town is filled with black magic."

Burning the whole town with magic is their only option, to dissipate this dark magic that might surrounded the whole town. However, the people that survived are going to be homeless.

Ezavius noticed the Duke seem nonchalant at their discovery, since he could figured out everything,he's certain the Duke could figure out too.

Nevertheless, the Duke looked really cold-hearted and unmoved, even though right under his nose, his territory is being perform by black magic, without being oblivious to it.

But, Ezavius is sure his expression right now is like the calm before the storm.

"Burn down everything," Ezavius heard the duke uttered ruthlessly.

"Your Grace, I think we should first informed His Majesty," Ezavius tried to prevent him and then said, "The people that lives in this town are going to be homeless, if we burn down the whole town."

Nonetheless, his words are futile, since the duke had already spoken his words.

Ezavius sighed and said, "I'll explain to the town people first."

Aidan just shrugged and walked out of the house with Ezavius following behind him.