
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Whatever happened to chivalry?

As he walked across the empty street, all he could see were the stars. The stars were so bright tonight, the sky was clear and smog had drifted away. It was late at night, around three, although their were still few drunken mobs and cars moving past him. As he traveled, he couldn't explain why he kept on walking. Everything he sensed around him was clearer and sharper than ever before. The world around him felt like data being observed by a scientist. He wasn't missing any sensations or sights. But the altar at the middle of the city, kept pulling him, and all he could do was walk with his feet.

The altar was ancient, how it had survived in the middle of such a modern city was something incredible. Not only had it managed to survive the smog, it was clean as if someone cleaned it everyday. For a second, the man wondered had he even see the altar here before. For he didn't understand that the altar was in the wrong place, it had never existed here, until now. There were ancient runes glowing on it, the runes were shining and mesmerizing, so much that he reached is hands out to touch it. As beautiful as the runes were, he realized at the same time that this was alien, something unknown. Something more powerful than him, had its presence everywhere, this power was controlling his movement, his actions, and at some point even his thoughts. And all he could do was let himself drift away...

No matter how incredible it was to touch the altar, he still couldn't get rid of the thought that something unnatural was happening to him. He wanted to pull his hands away from the altar, but the more he tried the more he wanted to touch it. The weaker his sensations were and the more he felt it...The power taking control of him, asking him to let go completely. As he slowly drifted of to sleep, in the distance another man hid in the shadows. This man watched what was happening in front off him, with unbelievable eyes. Those same eyes changed from shock, to sudden defeat. These eyes were that of a man that was dead inside. A man that wanted to just let it all go, and something like this was enticing to him. After all, this man had been bullied by the world to an extent that he wished for something incredible to happen in his life or he fade out of existence. Now he had both of his wishes come true, well the latter will be a bit different from what he was thinking, but this man had gone crazy.

The man in the shadows watched as the other man started to glow, he seemed to fade slowly out of existence, it was a beautiful sight. He went watched as the magical sight induced before him and somehow his body reacted faster than his head. He sprinted tackling the man who was faintly glowing now, barely visible enough to be considered a ghost. At that moment something truly astonishing happened, the other man touching the altar suddenly became solid again and crumbled to the ground. He was sound a sleep, and unbeknownst to others his memories of the altar became a dream from a reality. A reality that he will never get to live, because of the villain who stole his place as the chosen one. The man from the shadows defying his fears touched the altar, as his body started to fade. This time the altar seemed to glitch, as it turned from the pure starlight it induced on the innocent man, now sound a sleep, to a dark glowing aura. This aura aggressively took hold of the shadow man (villain) and engulfed him in darkness. The whole process took him only a minute, compared to the peaceful energy that had been slowly engulfing the now crumpled man on the ground.

Author's Note: It is funny, how one person's life can be impacted by another's without anyone including the person himself finding out. Guess you should be aware of the shadows lurking around you, maybe then your chance for a magical life may increase.

In the morning, the crumpled man woke up to find himself sleeping underneath a bride. The sky was polluted, with hot air blowing around the city. The sun was shrouded in fog, with only a bright light to show its existence. Cars honking as sound of people mingled in with the chatters of insect. During the summer, this one man was confused on what he was doing sleeping underneath a bridge, when he had a house somewhere in Tokyo. All he could do was sit and think on what possibly could have happened. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember drinking and also fully well remembered sleeping on his bed. His mysteries will become memories, but for us he will be the hero that never got chosen. The "crumpled man" know the "awakened man" slowly started stumbling his way back to wherever he came from. Having no idea on what that dream could have meant for him, it was just another crappy day, as far as he cared.


The man appeared in a place shrouded in fog and mist. There didn't seem to be a ground underneath him, just a smooth translucent barrier keeping him from falling into the endless foggy clouds, floating in the sea of darkness. All he could do was stand and stare at the environment around him. From wanting to see something incredible, to dying, he somehow had managed to end up in purgatory, or at least that's what he believed. But with patience comes great rewards and this betrayed man, had been always searching for a place that would accept him. A place that wouldn't bully him, a place where he could be king, and he would destroy anyone that dared to raise hand against him. This man was a tortured soul that had barely survived and stealing from others was the only way he had known. He had forgotten love, and emotions, were unnecessary to him. A shell of the man he used to be, he was truly a villain.

Whatever he was the man looked up in shock as he saw something appear in front off him. A creature so powerful, that GOD was the only way to describe him. The way this creature carried himself was truly powerful, and the gown that surrounded him was darker than anything this man had ever seen. As the creature made his way towards the man, it lent out a hand, a gesture so very simple but the fog outside reacted to this movement by blowing even harder. The man knowing nothing, yet dead inside, took the dark ones hand and placed it on the skeletal fingers that grasped his palm. As soon as the man touched it, he disappeared, so much had happened in that simple moment and only they knew. As the creature materialized a throne of weapons, and majestically sat down and closed its eyes. As the eyes closed, a glowing circle appeared on the center of his forehead. As the creature, slowly let out a great sigh, the fog surrounding him calmed down and the barrier that was their turned into a room with thousands of orbs drifting in different shades of color and brightness. Colors that the human eye couldn't detect. The creature grabbed one of the orbs, one that was the color of night and so dim that even light seemed to melt into it. The creature opened its eyes, as it gazed into it.

Author's Note: For those of you, who don't realize what the creature is, let me make it clear he is basically a GOD. Our hero has truly been chosen by the God of Death, or Darkness, or Shadows, or War, and whatever negative things you can come up with.

As the man closed his eyes, he felt his body transforming. Power surged into him, he could feel himself growing stronger and yet something felt off...he was getting smaller...like a baby? As the man felt the changes in his body, he felt himself losing his consciousness. Letting himself fully delve into a deep state of sleep, even deeper than meditation. Whatever he had chosen was his own decision and if he couldn't live by that, then he was worthless. An as he slept, the creature from above watched him, making sure his journey into the unknown was as safe as possible.