
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Princely attitude and babies!

Looking around, this place seemed posh, it had expensive antique furniture and the fixtures above my head were beautiful giving off soft light. The brilliance of the chandelier made of shiny looking glass was breathtaking, as I stared up at. While I was staring up at the chandelier, the strange people around him stared back at me. As I stared at the chandelier, I realized what had become off me. I was simply a clueless child, and not just any child...I was a newborn...freshly newborn...and I still hadn't cried. These people were staring at me in awe, since they had never seen a baby that hadn't cried after being born. Realizing this, I mustered enough strength to start screaming, it is pretty amazing how hard it is to fake cry. Especially when a bunch of "adults" are staring down at you. A baby who was fully aware of where he is and what had just happened. Maybe I should have made it clear to that Keeper, to just send me down just the way I had been. But the though having a new body was too tempting, especially since it was going to be more powerful and handsome looking than my old body. I still remember that night, it had changed my existence in a blink.

One second I was going out for a midnight walk, since I had been fired from my crappy job. On that day, I had worked hard to reach the goals set by my company, only to have someone else reap the benefits of my hard work. And as if that hadn't been enough, later that evening I got a call saying I had been fired. The world is so hell-bent on letting good people work their ass off and stupid wretches succeed in life. All my life I had been stolen of every opportunity, and each time I got back up and worked harder than before. Now I have had enough, with a vodka in one hand, I started to walk towards the edge of the bridge. It was better to just end it all, since everything will just be worse if I am still alive. Letting go, will just be so peaceful and after this no one will ever be their to torture me and take away my prizes. They will all just continue in their cruel existence, hurting each other forever. Peace is only eternal through death.

Author's Note: Peace is only eternal through death, you have got to be joking me...Peace literally not possible. He will probably end up with Lucifer eating his brains out, or angels playing harps, while he tries to fall asleep on a cloud or in a lava pit. Guys, on a more serous tone, if you want to succeed in life...just be better! ;)

During this moment, I saw something so beautiful, an altar with ancient runes on it. Or at least that's what it looked like to me. And with it I saw my stupid co-worker, who had stolen my credit for my job assignment. He was walking like a drunk man, getting closer and closer to the altar. After that what happened can only be decided as truly magical. To simply put this in as simple of format I can possibly manage, for your meager brains, I attacked (tackled) a drunk creep, and ended up coming face to face with a God. Or better known as a creepy, massive looking mythical creature, who talked as slowly as how majestic he looked. Then the dude told me, I had to pick my own path, and took my hand. The next thing I knew I was coming out of a, you know what, and looked around to be surrounded by these adults. While the lady, I was put next to me started to tear up, along with some man who also started to laugh joyfully. By my hypothesis these were my parents, and they were probably happy that I had been born.

Putting things aside, I had been brought into this new world. I could tell because the "adults" surrounding were just not humans but a mix of different species. Hell, my mother had pointy ears, while my father looked normal. Well normal considering he looked human in my eyes, any second now he would just start doing taekwondo or some martial arts like that. My mother, to be honest was beautiful, she had this long silvery white hair. That was shining from the soft chandelier light. Her hair complemented her beautiful gray eyes, that sparkled with joy and she looked at my father with happiness. At least she seemed kind, but I mustn't attach myself to such people, even my so called mother, without finding out their motives. Trust only leads to betrayal. She had a pretty face with hollow cheek bones, and a small straight nose. While on the other hand my father was built like Captain America and had long black hair falling down to his shoulders. He was clean shaven, with dark black eyes. His nose was long and pointed, and the way he stood showed confidence. And on his head their was a crown...wait a minute a crown! Don't tell me that God just made the Prince of a kingdom. I don't know if I should praise the lord or just jump off a bridge. Both options seemed fairly safe.

As I lay next to my mother on the bed, who by the way is the queen, I pretended to fall asleep. I watched as many different people came and went paying their respects to me. After all, I was the prince and that meant power. Power meant being strong and strong meant never having to face bullies again. This time I was going to change my life for the better. I never really realized how creepy this is, a 32 year old man inside of the body of a newborn baby. I felt like I was violating this child, which is to say myself, and being violated by myself doesn't sound fun. From what I gathered, their would be a naming ceremony tomorrow morning. Where I shalt be given thy name! The courtiers, as I have come to know them as, talked like nobles and were proud and arrogant. My mother wished to spend more time playing with me, wheres I would pretend to giggle like a child, which made her happy. But these court people were too bothersome to her, and every time their was a knock on the great oak doors she would sigh in frustration. My father had left shortly after holding me and gazing intently into my eyes, as if I was fragile like glass but at the same time he was ready to give me a sword, put me in a diaper, and turn me into a boss baby. Hopefully that wasn't his intent for me at such an young age. I don't know when the courtiers and nobles stopped coming and laden me with gifts, but sometime in the evening I had fallen asleep.


"Finn! Finn! Finn!" This is what I woke up to. My parents had somehow managed to move me, without waking me up, into the throne room. I am guessing it is the throne room because there were two thrones and next to them a smaller throne was being constructed. The hall was beautiful, it had a Gothic style, with large banners full of colors falling from the ceiling. I am guessing, I have been transported to some medial setting. There were nobles dressed in party gowns and trousers, each one with a glass of wine in their hands. Although they all seemed happy, you could tell from they way they carried themselves, that they were snobby. And I hated snobby people, especially ones that act high and mighty in front of the weak. I will never again suffer in the hands of such arrogant people. Putting things aside, I was the main deal, the MC, the whole shebang, and I felt happy. I could get used to this, but the Creep from Above had sent me on one condition. That I defeat the hero, so the God can live. That God is the Demon Lord and I need to stop the hero from reaching his goal of defeating the Demon Lord. What an evil twist of fate?

They already had an hero, and I was just a hero fighting a hero, who is good but I am protecting the evil boss and that makes me bad...But I am still a hero?! Nothing can be more confusing than this, but either way. I am ready to start a new life in this world. I, Finn, am the true Villain in this novel. And I shall tell you all about what I plan on doing to this world. Hero, Villain, ant-hero, just plain evil, or a depressed suicidal idiot with no life, you can think what you want. I am just trying to make my life better. And if that means fighting for the Demon Lord, I will do just that...Since when have the mighty have cared for trash like us.

Author's Note: P.S. If you have beautiful parents and are the prince of a nation, all because a scared Demon Lord, called you to destroy the Hero...Would you do it? I don't know about you, but for me I had rather stick with the simple life. Hopefully, I don't get hit by a truck and summoned by a Demon, who is scared of its own shadow, to come protect him...Although it does sound amusing.

During my naming ceremony, I learned so much about this world by just listening and pretending to be a cute little baby, who was fast asleep. I bet if cameras existed in this world, my mother would probably have snapped pictures like a creep. My father acted all stoic and bold, trying to show people that he wasn't a bit emotional about having a child. My father is probably going to be one of those macho dads, who turns his kid into a war machine. And slaps your back so hard, that you let out a toot and a gasp at the same time. Either way, everyone commented on how cute of a baby I was. Everybody was touching me with their grubby hands, trying to tickle me and make me laugh. I don't think these people understood personal space.

As a princely baby, I got fed and kept for very nicely. Life had its luxuries...But all luxuries have to come to an end. Finn is my name and my objective to live a better life is all that matters. Killing the hero should be a piece of cake. Speaking of cake, cake in this world delicious...It must have to do with the magic in this world.