
The Villain is back for revenge

Kaiden died as a villain or so the rumors say but now he is back for revenge and this time, he has nothing to fear. He is willing to use everyone in his path for his revenge. How far will he go for his revenge? Will he lose himself completely or let humanity save him?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The wedding

Although the mayor thought Jonathan had gone home. Jonathan actually went somewhere else. There was something he needed to do before the big day.He needed to see Stephanie.He drove over to her apartment and knocked once and she opened immediately because she had been expecting him."If it isn't the latest groom to be." she said with a mischievous smirk as he walked inside the apartment."You texted me, why?" he asked straightforwardly immediately she entered."We have important business to discuss." she said with her arms folded."And it couldn't wait until after my wedding?" he asked."Well this has a lot to do with your wedding. I am pregnant for you." she revealed.Jonathan looked at her dumbstruck. "You are joking right?" he asked her."nope, I am two months gone, you are going to be a father soon, my love." she reached out to stroke his face.Jonathan recoiled from her touch like it was poisonous."If I didn't know better, I would say you hated me but that isn't true, is it my love? I mean you wouldn't fuck someone you hate right?" she asked him, a villainous grin on her face."You have to get rid of the pregnancy." he told her."Over my dead body! I will never get rid of my child." she said."Look, Stephanie. I am in a precarious situation here. I am getting married to Gwen tomorrow. You being pregnant for me complicates things. What if someone finds out?" He asked her, trying to make her see reason with him.All his efforts proved abortive when she shrugged nonchalantly."So leave her then. You don't really love her, you are just with her because of her father's position. Marry me instead, we love each other and we would be so happy."Jonathan looked at her like he was mad. "You do realize that if I break the heart of the daughter of the mayor, I am finished in this town, my wealth, influence and power is finished" he told her."So? I think you could do better, you are smart" she replied.He gripped her shoulders tightly."Stephanie, this is not a joke. Without the mayor's influence I am nothing. Being smart isn't enough.""I am not getting rid of the pregnancy, I refuse to shed the blood of an innocent child." she replied."Then what do you want, if i leave Gwen, I won't be able to take care of you and you know that.""Don't leave her then, string her along. Once you have made your own connections, dump her. I will keep the child in secret and not say a word to anyone." Stephanie replied."Really, you would do that? You won't show up at the wedding to cause trouble?" he asked. "I won't, as long as you promise me that you will be mine eventually." "I promise Stephanie" he assured her. Stephanie smiled and kissed him. Jonathan kissed her although his mind wasn't in the kiss. 'She had to go' was the thought that ran through his mind as he gripped her waist tightly and kissed her. Stephanie was too much of a risk to leave alive. The next day....... Kai stood by Jasper's side looking at Jonathan who stood at the podium waiting for his bride. Kai looked at him wanting to tear him to shreds. Was it worth it? He wanted to shout at him. Had betraying him been worth it? Kai had grown up with Jonathan and Gwen. They had been best friends and did everything together. When he had professed his feelings to Gwen, Jonathan had been happy for him or so he had thought. He would never forget the pain he had felt when he had found out Gwen and Jonathan had been seeing each other behind his back. If they loved each other why hadn't they come clean to him, it would have hurt but he would have been happy for them. But instead, they had lied and betrayed him. "Are you okay?" Jasper asked him after seeing that he wasn't looking okay. "I am fine, just a bit bored. I have never being a fan of weddings." he replied. Jasper chuckled quietly. "Me too, it will soon be over and then we can leave." he told Kai. The music started and they all looked towards the entrance of the hall where Gwen stood looking beautiful and radiant. She was still as beautiful as had looked when he had fallen in love with her, Kai thought. "A truly beautiful bride, she looks really pretty." a woman who stood close to them commented. Kai rolled his eyes, if only they knew that beyond that beautiful face lay a vicious and cruel heart. Slowly with her father holding her hand, she walked to the podium. Kai glared at her father, yet another person he had a score to settle with. Gwen's father had wanted to control him for his own selfish purpose. When he saw that he was too stubborn, he had moved over to Jonathan's side. He had been a staunch supporter of Jonathan and Gwen's relationship. He had also being the one to spread the rumor that Kai had been obsessed with Gwen and stalking her. As soon as he had died, he had promptly taken over all Kai's wealth. He had handed control of the business to Jonathan. Thinking about the past only made Kai more angry. He focused on the event happening in front of him. Gwen had reached the podium and her father handed her over to Jonathan. They exchanged their vows and were pronounced husband and wife. "Do you see yourself getting married in future?" Jasper asked in a whisper. "no, not at all. I don't think I would ever want to get married." Kai replied."Why?" Jasper asked curiously. "My heart isn't wired to love someone and then marry them. I would rather chill out and remain single." Kai replied."Well, I think you would meet someone and fall head over heels in love and I would remind you go this statement."Keep calm and write something...