
The Villain is back for revenge

Kaiden died as a villain or so the rumors say but now he is back for revenge and this time, he has nothing to fear. He is willing to use everyone in his path for his revenge. How far will he go for his revenge? Will he lose himself completely or let humanity save him?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Back to Life

Kaiden opened his eyes hesitantly, he squinted at the harsh glare of the sunlight. The last he remembered was falling off a cliff to his death, so why was he here alive?

He stood up and looked at his surroundings, he was in a decrepit apartment which smelled funny.

Was this a dream? He pinched himself hard and he felt the pain. So this wasn't a dream?

Why was he still alive? How was he still alive? He looked around the apartment for a clue, the only thing that seemed helpful was a leather bound journal.

He took it and entered the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat, he was hungry. He found cereals, he chewed them and drank water from the tap.

He then settled down to read the journal, he discovered that the journal was written by his adoptive sister Tia.

She wrote that after his death, life had been hard for her, she had been shunned and mistreated by everyone. She then discovered that she had cancer and had only a few months to live.

While in the final stages of her life, she had found a book which contained a ritual on how to bring someone back from the dead by sacrificing one's life. She had decided to sacrifice her life for him to come back to life.

Tia had ended the journal by telling him to take his revenge and take back everything he had lost.

Kaiden cried as he finished reading. His sister Tia had been the best thing in his life. He had adopted her from an orphanage when she was ten years old and he was eighteen. She had stayed with him for six years until he died.

Kaiden deeply regretted everything he had done in the past, if he could take it back, he would.

Well everything was done now, he would respect his sister's wish and get his revenge. Everyone who had betrayed him would get a taste of their medicine.

He looked around the apartment and made a disgusted face. The apartment was disgusting but it would have to make do for now. It had been a year since he died and things had changed a lot in the present world.

For example his company, was run by his rival and enemy Jonathan. All his wealth had also been taken over by him.

The only money Kaiden had was a thousand gold coins, his sister had managed to save up. He would have to be prudent in his spendings and get a job as soon as possible.

He looked in the mirror, maybe he could also get a makeover. He didn't want anyone to recognize him from his past.

He wistfully fingered his long curls, he would have to cut it short and dye it, maybe get some glasses too.

He took a shower and changed into some clothes he found in his wardrobe and headed into town.

Kaiden looked around, everywhere had changed in just a year, the city of Rivena looked even more flashier, the fashion had changed too. He noticed that they were new models of cars and motorcycles.

Kaiden chuckled to himself, if he had been alive in the past year, he would have bought all the now models, an act that would have infuriated Tia who thought he was wasting his money by buying them.

He entered a hair salon which looked affordable according to his current means. Who would have thought that the 'Kaiden Wellington' would be found in such a place, well things had changed.

"Hey, how can I help you?" the barber asked Kaiden.

"I would like an haircut please." he replied.

"What kind of haircut would you like?"

Kaiden looked at the haircuts displayed in the salon. He pointed at one which looked simple.

"That one."

"Are you sure sir? That one looks too simple."

"It's exactly what I want. And I would like a dye too."

"What color sir?"

"I was thinking brunette."

"Okay, please sit down."

Kaiden was about to sit down and then he hesitated.

"How much is it?" he asked.

"Just two hundred gold coins." the barber replied, he glanced at Kaiden's face which had gone pale and hurriedly added.

"But I will do it for an hundred and fifty for you."

"Thanks a lot." Kaiden said gratefully.

He sat down in the chair and the barber started his work. "I haven't been in town for a while, can you tell me what's going on?" he asked the barber.

"Well you missed a lot, there is a big society wedding happening this weekend, Jonathan Graham is getting married to Gwen Adams. You know who they are right?" the barber asked Kaiden.

"I really don't, I don't pay much attention to celebrities."

"Well Jonathan Graham is a genius who graduated from the University of Rivena with high honors and Gwen Adams is the daughter of the mayor and the most beautiful woman in Rivena. The two are madly in love with each other, their love was threatened by Kaiden Wellington, a mad man obsessed with Gwen and her ex fiancé. When Gwen decided to end their relationship, he did all he could to get her back, he even kidnapped her. Thankfully Jonathan was able to rescue her in time and Kaden fell off a cliff and died. It's a good thing he died."

Kaiden clenched the arm of the chair tightly with his hands. So that was the story going about, that he was a mad man.

Even if he hadn't cared about taking revenge previously, now he cared deeply about it.

"are you okay sir?" the barber asked in concern.

"I am okay, thanks for the information."

"You are welcome."

Kaiden smiled to himself, he would definitely be at that wedding. The wedding would be the first stage in his plan for revenge, he would bring them all down, little by little.

Hours later, the barber turned him around to see his reflection in the mirror. He looked way different from his previous self, all he needed was a pair of bookish glasses and he would be completely unrecognizable.

"Thanks for the haircut." Kaiden told the barber as he gave him his credit card to make payment.

"You are welcome sir, please can I get your name sir?" he asked.

Kaiden looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"My name is Kai." he replied.

"Pleased to meet you Kai, I am Jones." the barber replied.