
The Vessel Of Spirit

Everytime he felt his body weird...he was struggling on something. He stood infront of the mirror, ready for whatever fact was waiting for him "Let's do it" he said and straightened his body. *GULP* his heartbeat rose and his hair started to turn white and his eyes yellow. His eyes could see everything in slow motion and his body reached a very high speed of reaction. "What is this...it's like a movie. It can't be real. THERE IS NO WAY IN THE HELL" He shouted. He was amazed , shocked and excited. Though it was still an unsolved mystery, he still wanted to have fun with the power. He suddenly realized his IQ also increases and now his way of strategizing has increased too and he is totally a super human now.

Mr_CraftiPlayer · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 41 (The One Who Overpowered)

It's been 3 months since the training has been started. There are many skilled warriors with a good amount of mana in them and there are some weak too. Originally there were 500 soliders but now there are only 300. The rest of them weren't accepted because they didn't had any mana in them but Yamato promised them that they will be trained for using the weapons. Because the weapons hadn't been made yet, everyone was practicing defense and strengthening their body as in order to control mana, a normal body won't be enough.

The results of the trainings were excellent and it was a lead for Yamato to keep the city safe. But Yamato wasn't sitting easy. He himself was undergoing intense training. He was fast and all but his magic knowledge was limited and his attack patterns were also of a newbie. And his biggest weakness, his heart sustainability was also being resolved.

"Ahh, it's been 3 months already. The men seem to be training well and according to Kai's reports, there isn't any issue either. This is going more well then I imagined. Thanks to Celestine's merciless trainings I have also improved myself. I have learnt many more powerful spells and my time of reaction has also increased. All my previous skills have levelled up and I can control my third form without Akari for about 15 minutes now. Everything is going way too smooth I hope it stays like this." Yamato delightfully says as he rolls on the chair in his room.

*Knock knock*

"It's me master. May I come in?" Kai asks

"Yes please come in."

He opens the door and enters the room.

"I have today's report. If you'd like to hear it." He says formally as he bows.

"Yes please do."

He stands straight and starts to give his report.

"All men are doing excellent and are taking in all my advices and training well. Their defenses are also at its peak. But we are having one problem."

"Oh what's that problem?"

"Some of them are judging your capabilities. They still don't have full faith in you so they aren't putting all their power into training. It can become an inevitable weakness of this force if this problem isn't resolved soon."

"Oh. And how do you think we can resolve it?" Yamato asks nervously.

"I was gonna ask this question to you master." He replies with a confused face.

"You can't even think of a solution for a matter this easy. It's a disappointment." Celestine says with confidence as she steps in the room.

"That was rude Celestine." Yamato says while pouting.

"So I suppose you have a plan General." Kai says.

"Yes I do." She replies with a smirk.

Later that day...

"What's happening? Why's everyone gathered up? Yamato explain me." Yuna asks confusingly.

"We are just having a little bit of training with these men." Yamato replies.

"Then why am I on the field?" She asks.

"You will know soon." He says with a freaky smile..

Yamato then walks to the mic and taps it 3 times to get the attention. After getting their attention, he starts the speech.

"Hello my soliders, I know what you might be thinking what is this gathering and why am I suddenly here after hiding myself for 3 months."

"YES EXACTLY" they shouted.

"Oh, well I'll tell that later. For now let me get straight to the point. I have been observing you all well for all this time and I have seen massive improvement in you even without the weapons. So to test your training, I have planned something. Call out your most powerful man!"

As Yamato ordered it, a tall mascular guy came out of the crowd.

'David huh? He's strong and tough and an excellent recommendation for the strongest. Will she even be able to beat him.' Kai wonders.

"Did you called for me?" David says.

"Oh so you are the most powerful here huh?"

"Yes, I am David Minato, age 22 and was previously in military for some months."

"Oh I see. So how would you feel if I asked you to fight a 16 year old High school girl?"

"16 year old and a high school girl. Wait that's me." Yuna says with surprise.

"HUH?" everyone says.

"Yes you guessed it right. I want you to fight my dearest partner, Yuna."

"Why Yamato, why would you do that to me." Yuna cries.

"Don't worry I also want to test your training. And if you beat Yuna, then I'm your next challenger."

"You are saying that to escape from fighting right?" David says furiously.

"Why don't you just fight her. Or are you scared of her?"

"Yamato I am the one scared here." Yuna cries

"Very well. I take up on this challenge. I'll fight her."

"No mister I'm fine."

"C'mon Yuna, I bet you'll win."

"If you say so.."

David gets on the stage with Yuna and looks at Yuna as she tembles.

"Hey mister...."

"Let's fight for real. I won't hold myself even if you're a girl." David says as he smirks

"Okay. let's do it then."

The crowd starts to pump up and support David.

"I just wanna see the face of this big guy when he looses." Yamato laughs.

"Why are you so confident that she will win?" Celestine asks.

"She has power. This fight will get her confidence."

The moment David gets steady, he launched himself on Yuna with no hesitation at all and tried to punch her.

Due to all the training, he's speed was inhuman but somehow, Yuna dodged it.

'huh? I could see his movements slowly so it was super easy to dodge it. Maybe I can just dodge his attacks all the time and end it without even fighting.' she thinks.

After that for 10 minutes straight, Yuna dodged every single attack.

"Only if magic was allowed, she would have won already but to make it fair, there should be no magic allowed in this match." Yamato says as he looks at the match

"STAND STILL ALREADY!" David screams.

"If I do you'll hurt me." Yuna says with a soft voice.

"OF COURSE I WILL." he says as he again tried to attack.

"Okay ENOUGH!" Yamato shouts as he holds David's punch.

"Your training has got you all well. You are better than a normal human at this point." He continues.

"Now's the time you stop it Yamato." Yuna says while pouting.

"I still haven't given up. I can fight more."

"A fighter's strength is all about their stamina. If you run out of it, you can't fight any more."

"You just don't want to fight me. Don't be scared and get here. Fight me you little punk."

Yamato gets pissed after getting taunted in that way.

"Such humiliation from one of my soliders. I can't bare it. I accept your challenge."

Yamato gets on the stage with David and stands for the attack.

"So let's start." David says.



Yamato runs to his opponent an strikes on his arm and breaking it.

"AGHH! MY ARM" he yells.

"And the fight is over."


He runs to Yamato full open for any attacks with no cover.

Yamato kicks his leg and holds him to the ground and sits on him in an instant.

"The one who recklessly launches himself on his opponent is always first to die."

"LIKE YOU ARE ANY DIFFERENT!" Akari and the sage says.

Yamato gets up and heals David's arm to as it was before.

"You cheated, you are nothing without your magic." David says with heavy breathing.

"Ok than, let's again have a match."

This time Yamato, without using any of his abilities tackles down David with strategy rather than strength.

"Now you have anything to say?"

"No. I misjudged you, please forgive me." David apologizes.