
The Vengeful Ways of the Abyss Lord

Some people say that revenge is a product of despicable injustice and unpleasant interactions. It's the complete opposite of returning gratitude, far from modesty and more of enmity. But what if I told you that vengeance is equivalent to kindness? What if retribution means casting off everything you had for the sake of equality and heroism? What if vindication signifies peace and harmony? In this world of inequity and monstrosity, humanity shall kneel. For when the dark time has come, all will be under the mercy of the malevolent king.

CyrixIsUplifted · Fantasy
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12 Chs

T̴͈̎͑h̷̻̊̈̐̇̊̽ḙ̴̡̡̡̺̈́ ̵͈͍͉̻́̀̄͊͜D̷̡̮̰̠̉ͅȇ̶̩͗͛͒͒̂͜v̵̲͇̜͈̮̺̚ĭ̷̯͙̮͇̿̚̕l̷͇̘̲͇̈̑́̑͜ ̶͎͔̺̃̇̽͝ȏ̶͓͑͂ͅf̵͍̏́̀͝ ̷̣̭͑̿t̵͔̪̹͆̔͑͑͝h̴̹̬̀̎̓̀͝ḙ̵̺̥̈́̀̂͋̍̓ ̴̦́̇̽A̸̤̅̑b̴͉̦͙̏͠y̷̪̼͑͊̋͝s̴̻̦̼͚̦̫͒̂́͠s̸̢̝̬̎͂̀̃͝

Death befalls upon them.

No, it wasn't just death... It's the destruction of the land. Creatures covered in black fur have begun to bombard their defenses as if countless cavalries are forcing their way in. No one knows where they came from, their history, or who made them. All they know is that they run when they see a black creature.

They can't fight it. A devil of this kind is something that even royal mages have a hard time dealing with. And since most Damniants don't know how to use magic or protect themselves, they have no choice but to run for their lives. Or so they thought...

"AAAAAHHHH—!!!" With one swing of its claws, the man who was hiding in the corner of the district was instantly shredded. His body was torn apart, and blood drifted out, spurting all over the wall as his flesh spread out into the ground.

"..." Rin saw the nightmarish scene with his own eyes. He saw how that man got killed in a second.

He was shaking. He'd never felt this kind of fear before. It was beyond what he could take.

"Run! Run!" He thought that it was weird for the district to be so desolate when it had many people a while ago. It was just then that he realized that the reason why there wasn't anyone outside is because of this. But it seems like hiding is not enough to escape the hellish landscape.

The black creatures have started invading their homes, tearing whatever obstacles are in their way. This prompted the other Damniants to go outside and run. The empty square is now full of people who are succumbing to their dread as they shriek. A complete turnaround—the opposite of the lively chattering that is engaged every single day.

"D-Don't come in here...! AHHH—" The person who tripped has been devoured. Rin tried to help him but it was too late.

Multiple horrors were occurring all at the same time. The whole town square district is now bathed in crimson color. The fresh blood of the victims—Damniants, who are powerless against the abyss creatures painted the scenery in an abhorrent state. Debris from the destroyed sandstones plummeted, causing obstacles that slowed them thoroughly.

"I... Mother, Eina!" There was no time to waste. As though he got slapped back to reality, Rin started dashing forward. He didn't care about the people around him. Everyone's in for themselves. They're the only ones who can save themselves from hell.

Upon reaching 2nd street, Rin saw three children running.

"Save us, big brother!!!"


"Those are..." Although he is not sure of it, Rin assumed that these three lived inside the poverty grounds. Which means that they're probably the kids that Bell mentioned. But where is she...?

Rin stopped near the alleyway and went straight into the narrow path. He wasn't sure if it was the right decision to change course but he knows that he couldn't just turn a blind eye to the kids.

"Hurry! Grab on to me!" He extended his hand and the children went to grab it, however—



He reached them, right? He managed to grab them...

So where are they? Why is there only an arm hanging on to him?

"AAHHH!" Rin fell backward. The arm of the child that he thought he saved rolled down into the pool of blood. Before he knew it, the three children were no longer in his front, they immediately got torn by the wave of rending claws coming from the wolf-like creature.

"D-DON'T COME!" Panicking, Rin pulled himself up and started running. The creature weaved left and right, destroying the walls beside him. He leaped to avoid the debris but his speed was greatly reduced.

When the creature caught up, it used its claws to slice Rin's head. But as though he predicted it, Rin instantly duck and swept through the rubble to cover himself. He then pushed the heavy stone with all of his might and it landed toward the creature. It was a solid escape but a risky one. He didn't dare look back to where he came from.

When he returned to the town square, multiple bodies were lying on the ground. A sea of blood—flesh, their organs... The Damniants' mangled bodies scattered across the paved crimson road.

"I need to go back!"

There was no time to stall around. This is the absolute manifestation of pure domination.

No one knows where the phenomenon started.

According to the lost scriptures from Ancient Times, a dark beast also known as the Calamity Invoker appears every ten years. There are even records that invokers appear later than the presumed time.

Some say that the summoning of the Calamity Invokers is deeply connected to the battle between the God of Light (Yddra) and the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord summoned an entity that doesn't belong to the world and caused the great cataclysm. This method of world destruction was then pioneered by the Cursed King who revered him greatly for his power.

And thus, the Calamity Invoker is now classified as a curse, shedding the world of its light until nothing remains.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the Bluesy provisional residence.

All of the guards who were assigned to protect the crucial members of the house gathered around.

"The Calamity Invoker appeared in the southern district near the Town Square, it's just a couple of kilometers away from the mansion. We need to get out of here as soon as possible, Your Grace." The Chief supervising the whole security faction suggested.

Duke Bluesy was sitting at the center on his desk. Beside him were Bella, Eina, and Auelina who's been restless ever since she woke up.

"Don't worry, Ma'am. I'm sure Rin is fine, he's a strong boy after all..." Eina grabbed Auelina's hand and reassured her.

"Thank you, Miss Eina..." Her worries haven't vanished yet but seeing Eina's trust that Rin is still alive comforted her. Even so, she wasn't that fine at all. She was still traumatized by what happened to her inside the Marquis' residence but she tough it out because she didn't want Rin to worry about her.

"We're going to find him no matter what..." Eina nodded.

"What about the route that I have shown you?" Duke Bluesy asked.

"Yes. The route that His Grace suggested is a viable option for escape. However, there's a possibility that the abyss monsters will break through the wall first before we get into the location. We might need to rush our evacuation process and start going there now before it's too late..." The Chief replied respectfully.


"We can't do it just yet, Father..." Eina spoke up. She knew what Duke Bluesy was thinking but he narrowed his eyes and asked her.

"We're in a tough situation right now, Eina. Are you going to prioritize finding someone who's lost instead of our safety?" His tone was especially stern but he was calm with the approach.

"Forgive me for speaking but Rin is also an important person within our House since we're the ones who requested for them to stay. It's only natural that we'll give them the treatment even in dire matters that require patience and logic. I'm not going to abandon someone just because I have the power to make it to safety..." Eina explained her side graciously. It wasn't a statement from a noble of the house but rather, she was speaking as a normal human being.

One of the policies that she learned as she grew up was that she can't abandon someone in need. Be it any other person or Rin, although they are not obligated in general, a modicum of decency inclined to a good morality should be practiced anywhere they go as they are the blessed ones. What's so bad about helping someone when you have the power to?

"Hm... Very well." Duke Bluesy smiled when he heard his daughter's committed answer. "Order the Mages to put up a maximum defense and dispatch a small group. Limit the search to the vicinity and through the road. If you see a boy with black hair, make sure to protect and escort him back.

"But Your Grace, there's too much risk..." The Chief was confused.

Obviously, the more time they put into waiting for Rin or rescuing him, the riskier it gets. The beasts are just beyond the walls that are protecting them right now, if it came to it that it gets breached, all of them will suffer death. They know too well the gamble that they are taking part in. However...

"We don't play by the rules that those idiots have implemented... Do as I said." Duke Bluesy showered them with words that are not meant to be taken lightly. It was an absolute order, born from justice and kindness.


And of course, the mages are well aware of that. They have been serving the Bluesy House for so many years and they have grown accustomed to this kind of justice. It might be a bit uncommon for an Eliad to care about the Damniants but they didn't question it. If they're looking from the Damniant side, the assumption would be that this house is the only Eliad who helped them.

What advantages will Bluesy receive from such deeds? Nothing. Will their house win people's hearts? Surely, that's possible. After all, they've been so kind to them. Will they earn some capital from it? It's possible. Is he only doing this because he wanted those advantages? The answer is no, Duke Bluesy is just doing what a normal human being will do when he finds someone or everyone in trouble.

It's not a question of whether he is doing this for the sake of rising up, growing his reputation, or becoming richer. From a moral standpoint, this kind of activity is the most ethical among the other acts. He helps people and that will prompt them to switch sides and be hopeful that there are still people out there who would not disregard or dismiss them.

As long as they have protection, it is only natural that they will be closer to the House. And to be honest, the Duke was not expecting anything from the start because he himself has had a fair share of experience about what is it like to get discriminated against.

It took him a lot of time before he got into this position. With his hard work, he rose to prosperity. With his knowledge and strength, he was promoted to a decent rank, and all of this started in the slums.

That's why... Leaning into the same reason as his daughter, he wouldn't abandon someone just because they have the power to do so.

* * *

"Queen of the Lightning Realm, ignite the crackling storm and let retribution befall in our place, revere my directive and attend my call! Extiergo! (Electric Wall)" A charged wall erupted from the ground, and electricity discharged in a linear pattern that extended horizontally, forming a 6 feet wall.

However, even with the high wall, the abyss creatures still manage to enter. The static didn't have any effect on its hardened skin. It's like their bodies were made to counter every element and do not have any weaknesses.

"General! Your orders!" A battalion consisting of Royal Mages struggled to fend off the monsters. They are skilled sorcerers who know a lot of spells and have mastered Divine Arts from an early age and yet they weren't able to do a good job in exterminating them.

"Form a defensive line, we need to protect this side of the town!" General Alphonse of the RMC ordered. "Those damn old geezers, where the hell are they?"

They have just arrived at Fier but their numbers are slowly decreasing. The Royal Mages Corps are supposed to be assisted by the Church of Yddra's Archmages to avoid getting more casualties but there are still not in the location for some reason.

"At this point, we won't be able to stand until the next wave. I suggest that we retreat for now—"

"Idiot! Are you stupid? Do you know what will happen if we leave this post?!" The General shouted, his voice reverberating around the field with intensity similar to a fierce warrior.


"It's not just the cursed Damniants who will die, every Eliads in this area will get demolished if we retreat. As part of the Royal Mages Corps, everyone is expected to do their absolute best in defending this town. I won't tolerate those who don't have any courage to sacrifice themselves for the country!" He declared.

The warcry that he planted enabled them to raise their power to a certain degree. Although their spells are not working, they're still sorcerers. A rank that is positioned on the third according to the Divine Art ranking system. They have the firepower to mold everything on sight and turn their enemies to dust.


* * *

The situation may have been cleared for some time but it's wishful thinking from the opposite side. Countless abyss monsters have started to disperse all around the town including Rin's favorite spot—the Lake itself.

If it is not obvious by now, smears of blood, puddles of flesh, and disgusting bones are scattered across the vicinity. The God of Light has forsaken them. It was a direct plunge from the vindictive spot to the bottomless pit. Every time he goes around the corner, Rin would only finds himself seeing more lifeless bodies. What's even worst is that a few of them are kids that he met a few days.

He could feel his body losing strength the further he run. But even though he wanted to stop, there was just no way in hell he would. The moment he stops letting his legs move forward, it will be the end of him.

The boy eventually reached the top of the district. He didn't dare look behind him. His mindset was fixated on surviving the onslaught and going back to his mother and Eina.

"Hey! I found him!" One of the guards coming from the House of Bluesy alerted the rest of the dispatched officers.


"There! There are three monsters behind him. Let's hurry!"

Without any hesitation, all experienced mages in the area proceeded to rescue Rin. One guard informed Eina and Auelina of the situation and they all started running toward the safe zone.

"Don't let him die!" Eina's order made it clear to them: If they let Rin die, they will also die alongside him.

With a crisp salute, all groups dove into the sea of hell.

"Queen of the Lightning Realm, ignite the crackling storm and let retribution befall in our place, revere my directive and attend my call! Libeus Virorus (Electric charged bomb)" A spell was cast upon the street, blowing up the abyss monsters.

Balls of electrically charged energy fused within the air, creating a spiraling effect of jolted static that electrified the dark creatures. Every time it passes the border, its body began convulsing due to the high voltage created by the bombs.

"Embers of the malevolent prince of flame, lend me thy ashen fire that crackles through thy veins, witness the blazing course and serve thy name! Morsus Acefictum Heriea (Heat Concentration)" to heighten the effect of the charged energy, a few guards from the rear aimed their palms at the bombs and unleashed a black hole of flame.

It absorbed the electricity and increased its firepower, creating a powerful overload explosion that bombarded the rest of the line. This method was used a few more times but they couldn't risk firing it near Rin's location, otherwise, he'll get caught in the explosion.

"Switch to single target!" The Head ordered.

"Brightest archon of the frozen world, let the trembling lair erupt, freeze my nemesis, and revere your chosen's call! Auges (Frost Surge)"

"Wisest judicator of the azure realm, Heed thy chosen's decree. Bless with your pristine wisdom and fulfill our order! Libereos (Hydro Surge)"

As if there were two teams on opposite of each side, two surging elements directed at the creatures washed over them like a wave from the ocean. The hydro surge made the abyss monsters wet while the frost surge instantly froze them.

This attack gave Rin an opportunity to escape the pursuit, however...

"Look out!"



Another creature appeared on the guard's left side and devoured his head. They were so fixated on rescuing Rin that they failed to defend their sides.

"Release your barriers!" At the Head's order, all lines activated their magical barrier and countered the rend.

"Oh no! The kid!" Releasing barriers oftentimes drains someone's magical energy because it is a staple discharge of Mana. Other than that, not many mages are capable of offensive and defensive stances so the guards weren't able to continue protecting Rin as they are focused on protecting themselves.

"Urgh!!!" Realizing how dreadful the situation was, the Head removed his barrier and started going after the monster that was on Rin's tail. He put both of his hands together and fired a volley of fireballs into space, each ball traced a flaming arc and splashed through the creature's body but it was rendered ineffective.

"What the—!" As he charged another one, he failed to see the wolf on his back. Its sharp horns passed through his back and into his stomach, severing his spinal cord along the way. The wolf then swatted him away with its spiky tail, delivering his punctured body to the side.

"Oh no! Quick!" Without their commander, the dispatched group now didn't have a single clue of what they were going to do. All of them immediately retreated, causing a massive digression to the original plan.

"What are you doing?! Help him!" Eina shouted but no one heard her.

Fear was now taking place into their mind constantly devouring their courage and they couldn't bear handle the external pressure that came from their superior's death and from the mission itself. A few groups were able to cross the usurping feeling but they still died in the end.

"RIN!" A horrible expression painted Eina's face.

Compare to its prelude to irrationality and indignations, this moment was far harsher than what they've experienced until now.

It really speaks—no, it really shouts the terrifying sound from the title Calamity Invoker. An eerie and unnerving displacement of death that instantly deletes everyone, no wonder why humanity from this era keeps on building magical academies to further enhance their Divine Arts skills. They are prepared for the worst but not this kind.

Eina knew what it is like to battle using Divine Arts as she have practiced them in early training sessions but this was beyond different from what she expected.

"We need to get out of here..." She whispered. Her hands were shaking and she felt very cold. She was trembling in fear. Rin was just out there and the abyss creatures are about to get inside their household. Do they even have any chance of making it out alive? Does she even have the power to overturn the situation?

As far as her genius mindset was concerned, there was absolutely no way they could survive this. That's why...

"Ma'am! Ah—!" She thought about escaping from the back as soon as they fetch Rin with Auelina and her father, however...

"Ma'am? Ma'am Auelina?" She was nowhere to be found. Eina have stalled long enough that she didn't notice Rin's mother suddenly disappears.

She went back inside the mansion but there was no person around. She checked every room but there was no sign of Auelina anywhere.

"Where is she? Wait! Don't tell me—!"

It was already too late.

Five dark wolves shattered the gate, their claws razed through the obstacles and slashed the remaining guards inside.

The front door was busted open and from there, Eina saw Auelina running outside trying to catch Rin.

"No! Ma'am Auelina!" Eina rushed downstairs to follow her. Escaping from the front means death but Rin was about to reach her. If they go back inside and escape through the rear, Rin will be trapped inside. The pathway around the mansion is too narrow as the building is large so there's no chance for him to make it through the sidelines.

The only option was to meet Rin outside and run as fast as they can.

"Mother!" Seeing Auelina approach him, Rin mustered up the courage to keep on going. Even though his left leg was already broken caused of the obstacles pinning him down on every corner, he still struggled to sprint through sheer will. Blood was dripping from his forehead, covering his eye sight.

"Rin! RINNNNNN!" Auelina seemed to have found her strength as well despite her weakness. She was extremely exhausted and mentally unstable from the abuses that the Marquis have done but none of that matters when it comes to life or death especially when both of them are about to meet.

These two were not the only ones in the world to have crossed such a plethora of unforgiving fates. They are not the only ones who have drowned in the ocean of adversity, let alone dive into the tragedy.

But one thing is clear: All mishaps—the misfortune accumulated through their own adventure, the side effects of survival, and the harsh treatments... These are what shaped them to become even stronger than anyone else in the world.

In the real world, there are instances where broken families are often on the downfall. People who have lived through their life without their parents, companions, close friends, or guardians... Those who have survived loneliness and depression... Those who have cast away their unforgivable circumstances in order to obtain happiness... They are strong. Stronger than anyone, in fact.

But it's a double-edged weapon. A wrong move makes the path to suicide, a wrong interpretation leads the way to craziness, and a flaw in guidance or lack of supervision drives one's sanity away.

There are many possibilities and endings... And Rin wished for the better.

"Mother! MOTHER!!!"


The two embraced each other tightly.

Both cogs of familiar love bound them in the middle of the calamity. And as soon as they felt each other's touch, they ran together.

Rin extended his arm towards the entrance... He was trying to reach Eina to join them.

"Rin!!!" She screamed his name. The three of them, Eina, Duke Bluesy, and Bella are stationed just near the rear.

If Rin and Auelina ran fast enough, they could escape together to the underground, just a few meters away based on the evacuation route that the head planned a while ago.

They're also a few meters away from reaching each other... Eina extended her hands, her palms opened, ready to accept Rin's.

They ran and ran and ran and ran.

Pain was already ahead of what they are feeling. Rin's heart was screaming, Auelina's body was pulsing. They were in a trance state for a second.



"Keep on running..."

"Don't stop..."

"You promised that you will get out alive, right?'

"You promised that you will survive together..."

"That's why... don't stop!"

Rin's eyes lit up. A surge of Mana sprouted visibly like a cobweb enveloping them together. It gave them enough energy to keep moving forward.

The dark creatures were following them from behind and it is already close. At this point, if one of them trips, it will be the end.


Just a few more and it will be over. All of the hardwork, the pain, the blood they shed, their exhaustion... Everything will be okay after this.

Don't give up... It was Rin's final quote for himself.

And so after that final struggle... Rin's hand caught Eina's...

The world turned bleak for a moment. His consciousness faded, returning back to the trance realm that he once dreamed about. But this time, the real world was projected in front of him.

They are now saved, right? From now on, everything is going to be fine. There's nothing to worry about...




Auelina's head was cut off in an instant.

The wolf from where the guards are positioned earlier sliced her head using its sharp tail. After that, the next wolf used its claw to tear her body into pieces.

An exponent of blood exploded in front of Rin as Eina caught him.

His eyes widened, his jaws are locked and opened.

"Mother...?" His grasp slipped under Eina's palm and dropped on his knees. His body won't move. He couldn't even feel anything.




This slight gap from progression broke their position as Eina stopped running to pull Rin up.

And when Rin turned around, he saw Eina approaching him.


Rin slowly extended his arm to once again reach her, but...

As though the world was playing with him, a large drake passed through the balcony accompanied by small dark creatures that engulfed the whole space in a void.

Another splash of blood spurted across Rin's face.

Eina was eaten up and the remaining monsters devoured the other two completely.

Ť̷̛͇̫̳͙̠̻͎̮͙̜̮̲̻̐͗̈́̑͘ḩ̵͔̳̦̱̪͛̃̐̓͂̄͆̈́̑̈́ė̷̢̪̹͉͍͉̩͖̱̝̠͔̪͎̯̲̄̈́̈́̐́̂͌̔͐̃̈́̚͘͠ṙ̶̨̧̭̤̼̥͇̳͍̜̼̇̅̉̈́́̀͂̽̀͠ͅȩ̶̭̫̞̙̗̀̇̄͌̓̀̇̀̅͋̄͊̎̇͠͝͝'̸̠̤̝̽͑͒s̴̛̮̖͎͐̍̏͑̆͗̐͗̑͐̇̈́͌̚̕ ̷̡̡̹̘̞͕̙̼̌̉̀̊̉̍͋̆̆̎̕n̷̩̺̱̙͚̗̲͉̋͗͛͛̈̋́̉̅̈́͘ō̸͉̟̦͓͛̿̀̋̐͘͝ ̵͚̟̝̦̘͖̟̣͒̓͗̋̾̓͂̔̊͒̚̚͘͜͝ę̵̪͕̳͓̭̥̼̟̝͈͔͌̄͗̂̂̂͂̍̌̍͝ͅs̷̡̢͚̹͓̻̥͓͉̗͍̹̗̹̤͚̅͊̋ċ̸̜̬͓̜͈̻̣̩̈́͆̏́͗̊̐̑̕a̴͎͂̒̈́̅̏́̐̐͐͘͠ͅp̶̡̺̥̮̟͓͈̮̜̗̙̑̏̒̎̈́͌̾̊͗̄̿͑͝ȩ̵̧̧̗̞̪̰͎̠̟̜͖̘̫̞̪̖̑͐̅̉̈̽̑

Hello! Apologies for the late upload. Christmas and New year came by so I didn't have any time to write as I relaxed my mind and ate a lot of food.

Anyway, I'll be updating again everyday so that I can continue my plan. This chapter marks the end of the first volume's part one so we're getting into part two maybe tomorrow or next day.

If you like the story so far, feel free to support me by sharing or giving reviews to that I can improve it.

CyrixIsUpliftedcreators' thoughts