
The Vengeful Ways of the Abyss Lord

Some people say that revenge is a product of despicable injustice and unpleasant interactions. It's the complete opposite of returning gratitude, far from modesty and more of enmity. But what if I told you that vengeance is equivalent to kindness? What if retribution means casting off everything you had for the sake of equality and heroism? What if vindication signifies peace and harmony? In this world of inequity and monstrosity, humanity shall kneel. For when the dark time has come, all will be under the mercy of the malevolent king.

CyrixIsUplifted · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


How long has it been ever since he felt relieved? Relieved that his peaceful life with his mother would continue as long as he work hard.

How long has it been ever since he felt elated? Elated that there are still some kind of nobles out there who would respect his stance in life despite being cast away by the mass.

The portrayed scenery—there was nothing positive about it.

Rin knelt to the pool of blood leaking around him. It was like a scene of a murderer staring listlessly at the abomination in front of him. But he's not the killer. He's just a victim, just like them.

The whole space was beginning to crumble and he felt like he was being negated by an unknown pressure from beyond. Everything moved slowly as if time had stopped. He was in a trance state, an empty desolated imaginary line that separates reality and time. He is like a singularity, an unusual point that takes place in the realm of destruction.

When he opened his eyes, the background turned white.

The familiar buildings around him vanished into thin air. It was replaced by an unnerving white screen that is dismal like a void.

He'd seen something like this before, but not in real life. He knew that this scene was pretty familiar. Even the events that led to this point were all fed into his mind but he never knew the conditions about it.

The familiarity, the same occurrences... It was like it was telling him that everything that is happening right now is all part of someone's plan. It has a deep connection with the dream—no, it's not a dream but a nightmare. It has a connection to the nightmare that has been haunting him for so many years now.

When the blank space covered the entire realm, the scenery changed.

The blood flowing through the ground was like paint abnormally being thrown into the white canvas.

A large cloud that seems to fit like a fog gradually fades in. Rin saw a shadow from a distance. It resembles a human figure.

He stared at it for a few seconds before approaching him. He'd seen this figure before but he doesn't know where. The familiarity extended and it seems like the world that is beyond this gate was just an illusion up until now.

Wait, if he's seeing indifferent things like this... Does that mean that he's already dead? Is this what heaven feels like? He recalled that Bell's parents were somewhere in the sky so if this realm is full of blank spaces, then is it heaven? I mean, seeing shadows and all that is pretty unnatural.

No, it sounds too good to be true. Rin didn't even die. Only his mother and the rest of his close companions.

Then where is this? What is this place?

He asked those questions many times but no one seemed to hear him. There's just nothing except for that shadow that has been looking at him for quite some time now. Rin tried to sway the fog with his hand, and a puffy wave of air dispersed like particles dissipating into thin air. The shadow gradually became clear and when he reached the end of the line, he saw a tall man dressed in somewhat a weird way.

Black coat, a long outstretched fabric that drops on the ground. The cuffs had red linings on them. His pants were so dark that you couldn't see any details. There was blood on his back, a stain that came out of nowhere. His stature was very ominous as if he were connected to a cold-blooded murderer. No, it feels like he is the murderer but not in a bad way.

The strange man turned to him. His presence exuded an unnerving aura that scared Rin for a few seconds. He was wearing a mask—a demonic, antique, facade. It was vintage but definitely has that terrifying design. Crimson blood was flowing out of its holes and the horns extended and spiraled against each other. Rin could feel his imperial authority across the dismal canvas.

"..." Rin wanted to say something but for some reason, he couldn't speak.

This peculiar meeting was quite unexpected. The roots might be connected to each other but what does it have to do with anything?

Why is it that this singularity was embedded in a point wherein everything around it turns like a never ending cycle?

And what's the identity of this man in front of him?

It feels like there's something between them that he couldn't comprehend. Their shape was intact. It's like the connection that Rin was trying to build is crumbling before he even molds it. Is he resetting everything?

The man only pitied him. There was a hint of sadness coming of out of its face even though it was covered. He could feel it. What is he trying to convey though? Rin has no idea. There's no answer to his question. Only a depiction of his inner turmoil.

And then... he disappeared.

A sweeping sound of a bell—or like a chain being stretched reverberated in a split second. The strange man vanished, leaving dark smoke that swirled in front of him.

The white world then began to fade out and he was brought back to hell. It's like a black hole has just popped out of nowhere and consumed the empty canvas instantly.

The crimson red paint, the blood, was still present. There was no difference. It only gave him some time to reflect on what happened. But there's one thing that he didn't fail to notice.

Rin looked around him... the abyss monsters were nowhere to be found.

The caliginous sky enveloping the whole town was being parted. It highly resembles the scenery that happens whenever the rain ends. After the dark and gloomy atmosphere shrouds the world, a newborn light will shine and a rainbow will appear. A basic understanding, a natural assumption, and also a natural occurrence. No matter how long the storm last, it will always pass by. And then a new hope in a form of light will replace it.

But isn't that kinda weird? White blank space appears, a strange man wearing black clothes vanishing, and then this...

It's like nothing happened at all. The Calamity Invoker might have ended but it wouldn't change the decimation it rained across the town. There's no way he could accept an ending like this... an ending where nobody else was with him.

There was no light left in his eyes. It didn't even reflect anything. It's empty.

He was exhausted. Both his mind and body were in a state of collapsing. There was pain everywhere, especially on his legs but it didn't seem like he was feeling it anymore. The state that he is in numbs everything.

And that stillness of a daze continued until he lost consciousness...

* * *

"How many survivors have we got...?" The overseer of the rescue team dispatched by the Kingdom's expedition faction asked.

"There's five of them, only children. The other stated on the list is still missing. Shall we proceed to the next area?" The team representative handed him a small list of the victims. A few of them are marked with a red line, indicating that they're dead.

"Hmm... We should probably search longer. I've heard that there are Eliads who visited the town a few weeks ago so maybe they are still in the vicinity and might need some help." The overseer ordered. "Oh, and bring back the five children to the gate. We'll conduct a thorough investigation about them."


The rest of the team worked together to find lost victims and potential survivors. Since the town of Fier was large enough to cover a quarter of the domain, the Chapel didn't have any choice but to send multiple groups. It is also a direct order from the guild and from the expedition faction who seems to be familiar with the place.

The search and rescuing process took more than five days as there are so many obstacles and debris impeding their search. They couldn't really risk using magic right now to remove the rubbles as they might accidentally hit someone buried underground and so on.

It was cruel. Despite being called a haven for the cursed beings, Fier town still has that magnificent order of beauty. It is still a part of the Kingdom and losing it means losing another domain. Neither the King nor the other organization wouldn't really care about one's loss especially if it was a place inhabited by the descendants of the cursed king. For them, losing Fier's town conveys that these Damniants didn't deserve to live peacefully.

They were fixated on the idea of punishment... That's how in-denial they are about the situation. The Calamity Invoker could've spawned in the capital or near any Eliad's domain, if that happens, it's guaranteed that they will pin the blame on the cursed ones and use it to empower discrimination even more.

They might even use it as a catalyst to drive them off the Kingdom and have them live outside where it's dangerous. Such pointless actions driven by negativity and loathe for the Damniants would be the end for them but it looks like the threaded fate didn't allow that to happen. There was something weird about the sudden invocation of the Calamity Invoker.

Another day has passed. The search went to a halt as they scoured the next area.

With the guidance of a mage, Rin met up with the other four children who happened to survive the calamity as well.

When he reached the outpost, his eyes widened in surprise... Among them was someone that he cares about for a long time now after meeting each other. There's no way Rin would forget her. She is the very first friend that he gets to play with.

Tears began forming in his eyes, they gradually foam up, making his vision blurry.


After hearing her name and seeing him once again, Bell stepped in and ran to approach Rin.

"Rin! Rin!"


The two went and embraced each other tightly.

It was heartbreaking...

It's really hard to describe what they are feeling right now. Should they be glad that the two of them are still alive? Or should they be sad and wallow in depression because they lost their family members and companions?

Either way, this particular meet-up was able to lessen the pain inside their heart. To be honest, Rin was on the verge of breaking down. If it weren't for the search team, he would've considered killing himself in order to join his mother.

But no, that's not what she taught to Rin at all. Even if Rin was alone in this world, he must survive and find his own happiness... Achieving that is debatable.

The process—the path that he is going to weave from now and those under him that will follow it, everything is connected to his own fate. If he chooses to live peacefully by maintaining the status quo, he could do that until he gets old.

That, or perhaps an action that will turn the tides away. A move that will change the flow of his fate. A risky gamble that will save everyone in this world at the cost of his own humanity and decency.

Nevertheless, Rin still doesn't know what he is going to do from now. It's too early for him to plan such actions for his future. All he needs to do right now is to cope with reality alongside Bell and hopefully survive for the next few days.

* * *

The night was very cold.

Now that the flame of hell was extinguished, the gloomy atmosphere replaced the current nature of the desolated town. It was probably the coldest temperature that Rin has felt ever since he came in here.

They are currently staying in a nearby constructed tent by the rescue team. The search for the remaining survivors is still not done so they figured that they should spend another night near the border. Thankfully, there are still some supplies left for the rest of the team so both Rin and Bella and the other kids got a substantial portion to fill their bellies.

He's probably feeling hungry by now but Rin didn't touch his food. Bell seems to notice this...

"Rin, are you okay...?" She asked.

If we talk about who's calm and in the right mindset right now, Bell probably has the most reasoning in the group as she's used to parting. Not like it should be justified that a person should feel numb for every death though. It's just that, Bell had lived alone while wandering the streets and meeting other children.

For her, this linear experience where she belongs to everything kinda denotes that she is not statically fixed on some form of bond. Sure, she loves the other children. It's the reason why she's stealing food. She wanted to do something for them and take care of them but... is there even someone out there who cared for her?

Before meeting Rin, Bell didn't really have anyone to rely on. She didn't have any guardians. She's just a passerby in a poverty-stricken place. If there's someone out there who truly cares for her, she wouldn't dare steal some food. This initiative was driven by her will to accept reality. She knows her own circumstances better than anyone.

That's why a tragedy where people die didn't really break her that much. She's sad, and it is a normal response for most people. But she's not mentally exhausted like Rin who has seen everyone die in front of him.

Bell managed to hide with a few children until the onslaught ended, but Rin took everything, saw everything, and experienced hell.

How can you even deal with something like that? For a mere child, that's beyond what their brain could handle. Actually, there's not that much difference. Everything that has unfolded up until now is going to be traumatizing for everyone. There's nothing to compare.

All that's clear right now is that her sanity was still intact despite experiencing something horrible. She's probably not a normal child but who knows?

"Rin...?" Bell tapped Rin's shoulder. There was no reflection in his eyes at all. He had his legs folded upward as he leaned on the pole of the tent. His arms were covering it like locked tentacles. He didn't have that much sleep for days now so he's feeling very weak.

"..." Seeing his state, Bell felt really sad. Now, as someone who has taken care of her and her needs for a month, seeing Rin like this is similar to seeing your beloved pet not responding to your calls. Even so, it's not like there's anything she could do right now. Bell doesn't know how to cheer someone up. She doesn't know what Rin is feeling.

Minutes passed, and Bell didn't have any choice but to take action. She slowly unwrapped the seal from Rin's portion and took it with her. She then leaned beside him and raised her hand. She was trying to feed Rin.

As if he was slapped, Rin went back to reality and finally noticed Bell's efforts.


"Ah! Rin... Please eat... I don't want you to feel hungry..." Since her arm is short, she couldn't really extend the spoon near his mouth. Rin noticed that there are tears forming in her eyes. She might've been really worried because of his silent treatment.

"Thank you, Bell..." Rin moved closer and indulged himself in Bell's attempt. He then gently grabbed the spoon by himself and ate the rest.

Seeing his instant recovery made Bell's eyes sparkle in delight.

After finishing his food, Rin and Bell talked about plenty of things to kill time. They weren't exactly that jovial about the topics that they were discussing but it was a smooth way of diverting their attention from dread.

Rin was fully aware of their circumstances. He couldn't bear adding any more worries to Bell as she might feel it as well. If that happens, both of their determination to survive will cease to exist...

* * *

After a couple of hours, the children fell asleep except for Rin. Bell was leaning beside him on his right shoulder and she was sleeping peacefully.

He couldn't really sleep. The drought of his mind was becoming clear as he think about what happened. That's why it didn't waver. There's absolutely no peace inside him right now. His mind was somewhere else, and his detachment from coping is what kept him awake.

As the silent night goes on, Rin heard footsteps approaching their tent. The shadow of the person covered the faint bluish glow, he then parted the tent's cover and peeked inside.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" The man asked. He was the one who accompanied Rin and the others before the search began. He is also the one who found Rin's unconscious body on the ground and brought him to the base.

"Captain... Well, I don't feel tired." Rin answered.

The man—or Captain Noya heaved a sigh. "Wanna go for a walk?"


"I have something to ask and tell you. Can you accompany me?" He asked. Rin was skeptical but he nodded. There's no reason for him to decline.

Rin gently laid Bell's head on the soft mattress and covered her with a blanket. He grabbed a few things and wore a large coat before heading out. The coldness of the night still wallowed around.

After that, they went outside the base with Rin following Captain Noya on the border. Rin couldn't see anything from where they are. The base only had the light across the desolated land. If the tragedy didn't happen, he could've seen the beautiful scape of the town with its lamp stretching far into the district.

"So um... What do you want to ask?" Rin walked forward.

"..." There was no answer from the Captain, but he was sure that he was thinking of something. After a few seconds, he finally spoke. "What do you think of this world?"

"Eh?" For a moment, Rin was too stunned to speak. He didn't expect a question like out of the blue. He figured it would have something to do with his circumstances but apparently, it is not. "What do I think about this world?"

"Yes. What is your general perspective about the world we live in? How do you feel about our current generation?" He added.

It's mostly a common sense question that anyone can answer but there was something different about how he asked.

"Hmm..." Rin gazed down. How can he answer this? He thought. To be honest, he didn't really think about the world that much. He was already inclined to deal with life no matter what obstacles may come so he doesn't really have any positive or negative opinion about it. It's just the way it is for him. But he doubt that such a simple answer wouldn't really satisfy the Captain.

"I see that you're hesitating to answer..."

"Eh?! Umm..."

"Don't worry about it. Just be honest and let me know..." He smiled.

Rin sighed and told everything he wanted to know.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure how to answer that. I didn't really have any solid opinion of the world..."

"Really? Even though you are always walking on razor sharp's end?" Captain Noya was surprised.

"I never once considered hating the world that we live in just because I'm discriminated against. In fact, I'm thankful that I was able to live. My whole world revolves around my Mother and me. That's why I don't have an answer for it..."

He didn't have a positive outlook on the world, but he also didn't have any negative outlook on it. He just lived the way he is supposed to live without complaining. People often forgot that it is not the world that weaved their path. No matter what you're going through, it never has anything to do with how the world is shaped.

It's generally the people—humans who have evolved throughout the times are the ones responsible for their fate and circumstances.

Would there be any difference if you scream what you don't like about your life? Wouldn't it be better if you do something about it or perhaps... Keep on living until you find an opportunity to change it.

"I may have complained about something small, but it is only limited to that..." Rin added.

"Then what about the Eliads who kept on making you suffer?"

"..." Rin could've already answered it instantly but for some reason, he hesitated. Captain Noya narrowed his eyes and turned to him.

"I'm sure you have something to say about them, right? After all, they're the reason why you're living like this."


"If I remember correctly, one of the nobles arrested your mother and sexually abused her. If it weren't for him, you could've escaped with your Mother alongside the Duke and you might've saved yourself from loss." Captain Noya pressured him.

"Wait, how did you know?" Rin stopped in his tracks. The information that the Captain had just told was something confidential. Even the House of Bluesy nor the Marquis haven't released any information about it. And Captain Noya was definitely not in the scene when it happened.

"It doesn't matter how I got it, don't you feel anything about that? First off, the Eliads pursued a fake history in hopes of eliminating every single Damniants these days. They formed a powerhouse faction in every country and developed a system where all of you are subjected to discrimination. You're all stripped of privileges and couldn't even have the bare minimum of human rights, doesn't it bother you at all?" He questioned him even further.

"W-What are you..." What are you talking about? What is he saying? Why is he expressing facts in an aggravated manner? Rin wanted to ask that but the Captain didn't stop.

"And because of that power, your parents are forced to live in this rundown place without earning anything. Your Father died, and your Mother was sick and got abused before her eventual death. You were treated like trash, you were beaten up by the Marquis' guards, and even though the Bluesy saved you, they still died and abandoned you as well..."

The Captain grabbed Rin's shoulder and pulled him aggressively. His crimson-red eyes flared up and he stared deep into his soul.


"Your whole life doesn't revolve around you and your Mother, it's just been pure hell and you should have realized that earlier..." Captain Noya then grasp his neck tightly. Dark mana started circulating around him as if there was a devil inside of him.

"C-Captain...! Y-You're hurting me!" He was starting to feel breathless. Pain shot all over his body as if he was being drained by an unknown force.

"If only you could've done better..."

Rin closed his eyes for a moment but when he opened them afterward... He saw a familiar face in front of him.


"If only... If only you could've done better..." The same phrase was repeated many times.

The struggling person in front of him was not the Captain anymore. It is a different person wearing a dark mask—almost looks like the strange man that he saw before he passed out.

The same dark cloak and mask were present on his figure. The shadows and the negative mana leaking around were similar as well. The crimson lines on his clothes were emitting a faint sparkle that looked hellish.

"You could've changed this world earlier... Why didn't you do it?" The masked person asked. Although Rin couldn't see it, he could feel that he was crying.

It's like he is experiencing remorse but the subject was different. He couldn't even tell if this was still relevant to reality. Or is he in another realm again?

"You're..." Rin feels like he is about to pass out. But then...


The stale world continued. As if he instantly teleported, the scenery immediately changed.

"Boy...?" Captain Noya was calling his name but Rin stood in a daze.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Ah!" Rin got startled. He felt scared as he backed down from him. But when he looked at the Captain, he didn't have the same red eyes that he saw just a few seconds ago.

"Sorry, did I do something?" The Captain asked.

"Ah, no! Sorry! I'm..."

Is he hallucinating? Why is this happening?

"If you're feeling tired, we can continue this tomorrow. It's not that really important anyway. I just came to inform you that we will be leaving the town tomorrow." Captain Noya pats his shoulder.

"I understand..." His response didn't seem energetic and so the Captain guided him back to the tent.

Whatever is happening to him, only the plane inside the time could tell.