
The Vampire Walks Through The Multiverse

Retired Underworld Kingpin adopts the noble lifestyle of an otaku after realizing he has no idea what to do with the rest of his life, due to becoming disillusioned with his chosen path. Just as he settles in for another day of hardcore binging, he is transplanted into the world of One Piece with the soul of a True Vampire

Troy_Bolton_9785 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

What if?

"Aahhh," Aza exhales in contentment as he settles onto his glorious throne for another session of one of his favorite activities; binging.

'It's a marvelous thing to be able to watch an entire new season of a show all at once without having to wait for weekly releases as they did in the olden days. This is truly one of the greatest advances of humanity in recent years.' Aza thinks to himself as he presses the play button on the latest season of legacies, the vampire diaries spin-off.

Now, before you start, it should be noted that Aza does truly enjoy this show. While he stopped getting into the Vampire Diaries universe after being unable to comprehend just how a vampire can get snuck up on by a human on multiple occasions and not, at the very least, learn from their mistakes is beyond him. I mean with the enhanced senses and physical capabilities, it just seems impossible, and yet, they continuously got one-shot, by humans, with needles and shit! Ridiculous! Not to mention the "oh, I didn't see you there" bullshit that happens when a vampire doesn't even know they aren't in a building alone!

Yes, while Aza does enjoy the show, it is more so the vampires that drew his attention in the beginning. He has always been enamored with them as a child, and in recent years, since his retirement and he found himself with nothing but free-time, he dove heavily into the supernatural theme, watching everything from the original Dracula, to the so original it's practically never been seen before, Twilight. Glowing vampires? The insanity.

And yet, he enjoyed it. When he was young, he thought perhaps it was the ability to charm others with their mere presence that drew him in, along with the physical prowess. Then, as he grew, he thought perhaps it the ability to create more of their kind, as he often found himself alone in his travels. Though, after his impromptu retirement from the world stage, he theorized that it could be the fact that, along with the charm and the ability to make more, it was the fact that, with just one action, one could have a force under their command whose primary instinct was to be loyal to their creator. That is what a lot of modern depictions of vampires forget. The sire bond. He loved it.

As Aza sat there, watching the next generation's scooby gang on their mis-adventure, he couldn't help but think of it again. The fantasy that always drew him back to these works and he longed for it. Since watching as those he once thought to be his equals, sunk further and further into the mundane, as they forgot their original goals and drive, in favor of whatever helped flexed their ego at that moment, he could not help but think, what if. What if he got another chance? What if he was the leader that he could have been? Could he have steered them away from falling in line with politicians and cartels? Could he have built not just an organization, but an empire that granted him access to the entire world? He couldn't help but think what if he was smarter? Stronger? If his words could reach them? What if they were loyal? What if I was a vampire? I could accomplish it all and so much more. I could be free to go anywhere, do anything. All knowledge would be at my fingertips and all mystery could be opened as long as I walked through the door. What if? And then, Aza Lord, once believed to be one of the most capable individuals in the world, was no more.