
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Sports Festival 9: Individual Battles Part 5

In the restaurant of the Chrysanthemum, Nintai watched the screen sitting on the sofa with Hiro and Aoi with great excitement and pride to see that her son had reached the final of the festival together with Oboro.

"Nintai-senpai, your son is a prodigy to be a hero, you must be very proud" Aoi said with a kind smile upon seeing Nintai's great expectation.

"That's right, Oboro-kun I appreciate you very much but I hope Dory-chan will beat you up!" Nintai said with a big smile as she waited impatiently for the finale.

"For sure he will be a great hero" Hiro said also smiling widely when he saw Nintai's happiness.

Suddenly Nintai's expression became very pensive and somewhat concerned, as if she had noticed a detail that she had not realized.

"Is something wrong Nintai-senpai?" Aoi asked quite confused like Hiro by Nintai's change of expression.

"It's nothing, it's just that, I wonder why Dory-chan is participating in the first place, I'm sure he must have a reason to try so hard in the first place" Nintai said with a thoughtful tone knowing her son perfectly and knowing that he would never do things for no reason.

Doryoku never showed interest in being a hero which Nintai was sure of, so it was confusing in itself to see that he had participated in the sports festival.

Hiro and Aoi looked at each other without understanding much of the subject until they were interrupted by Nintai.

"Shhh, it's about time!" Nintai said with enough emotion and forgetting the subject when she saw that it had already started.



"Now we will see the final combat, it will be a display of talent and the maximum of the UA between...!!!" High command said with such emotion that he destroyed his microphone so Last laser simply gave him his.

"Class 1-A Oboro Shirakumo, the martial arts genius and a prodigy at using his quirk!!" High command said in a loud and energetic voice pointing to his left side from which Oboro came out quite excited.

"And the hidden genius and so far the absolute champion of the sports festival, Doryoku Suzuki from class 1-C!!" High command said with that same energy as he pointed to the right side of the arena at Doryoku.

The crowd was more excited than ever and the entire stadium was filled with cheers of support from both sides, bowing slightly towards Doryoku.

Oboro had a big excited smile on his face and his anticipation was running high as was his excitement.

And Doryoku well... He was a nervous wreck.

'I-I knew this was going to happen, w-were there so many people before?' Doryoku asked himself nervously as he looked around.

"You can boy!!!" said the very expectant onlookers that Doryoku hadn't paid attention to until now.

Doryoku knew this would happen to him, the money to help his mother was insured and he had no reason to actually stay at the sports festival.

The only thing that keeps him here is his pride, after all it would be a very strong blow to his pride if he had to depend on his friend to win and he would feel very bad.

But his pride was not enough or as great of motivation as helping his mother was, so Doryoku's body was already giving up even before it all started.

Both participants reached the arena while waiting for the surprise order from the High command.

Doryoku barely activated his quirk as he had even forgotten about it, to which Oboro quickly noticed the sudden change in his friend.

"Hey Doryoku, don't feel nervous, this will only be a match between two friends like always, just with a lot of people yelling hehe!" Oboro said grinning with great excitement and lifting his thumb towards Doryoku.

Doryoku was instantly infected by Oboro's excitement and tried to forget about the crowd around him to calm himself down a bit, making this just a match to see who was stronger between two friends as he smiled slightly.

"I'm going to leave you dying piece of idiot" Doryoku said, smiling widely and with great emotion as he ignored everything again, letting himself be carried away.

Doryoku put his right foot in front and left back as he struck a basic combat pose that ranged from defensive to evasive with his fists raised.

"Not if I do it first sensitive emo" said Oboro also smiling widely with great anticipation for the match.

Oboro formed a staff out of his clouds and took his attacking pose by placing his staff on his back with his right arm and leaning forward.

Doryoku had already learned and fought Oboro in friendly battles between them, of which Oboro was always the winner obviously.

But using his quirk and taking that defensive and evasive battle pose, Doryoku only had to watch out for the Tegumi branch and he would have a chance.

The crowd was on the edge of his seat too being caught up in the excitement of both friends and holding their breath until High command said...

"Let's goooo!!!" High command said with great excitement and expectation starting the fight.

The first to move was Oboro, who ran quickly towards Doryoku ready for the attack which he knew perfectly well that was going to happen.

Before reaching Doryoku, Oboro took a great leap and attacked with his staff from above, to which Doryoku moved to the left of him and attacked with a quick right punch.

Oboro let go of his staff and grabbed Doryoku's fist covering his hands with clouds and greatly mitigating the impact, to which Doryoku responded by using his left arm to launch a uppercut at Oboro's jaw.

Oboro took Doryoku's right arm and was about to make a lock on Doryoku's right arm, but his hand start shaking to use kinetic field, causing Oboro to move away a few meters instantly and canceling his attack.

"They are terribly even, the full potential of Shirakumo is not in the Tegumi, but it is still impressive' said Last Laser quite surprised to note that none of them had done the slightest damage.

"Tch, why don't you get hit, you idiot" said Oboro with a big excited smile and a bit of annoyance.

"The same for you, that idiot face doesn't go away by itself" said Doryoku, also completely excited by the fight and this time attacking first, letting himself be carried away by emotion.

Doryoku gathered momentum and arrived in front of Oboro in a moment, who formed two large cloud hands and stretched towards Doryoku to attack.

Doryoku moved to his right side causing both hands to follow him and then suddenly moving to the left side and taking advantage of the window that Oboro had caused with his attack, arriving in front of him instantly from his left side and launching a right kick with force and speed.

Oboro undid his cloud hands and formed another cloud staff to block Doryoku's kick and then form a hand on his back hitting Doryoku in the face in surprise.

Doryoku was not affected in any way by the blow and only took advantage of the momentum to turn around and launch another kick from Oboro's right side, taking him by surprise and sending him flying several meters back.

Oboro recovered instantly using a cloud on his feet to stop himself and looking ahead he was greeted by Doryoku who was already in front of him, throwing a right uppercut.

Oboro formed two large clouds in his hands instantly and caught Doryoku with them, throwing him to the ground abruptly but without talking him out of the arena.

Doryoku simply absorbed the impact and fell as if nothing to then notice that Oboro was already in front of him with his cloud and making him smile with enough expectation.

Both friends exchanged blows with each other without intending to get out of the arena at any point, just having fun in their match.

"T-this is crazy, in each exchange there are at least 3 feints before each hit and they just repel each other almost perfectly" said one of the heroes in an owl costume quite surprised as well as the rest.

'How crazy, it seems that they both know what the other will do 10 steps before they do it' Aizawa thought already in the stands with nervous sweat and seriousness as he was surprised by the combat as well as Hizashi, Mirai (who were on the verge from the stands with a lot of emotion) and Azami (who saw everything sitting like Aizawa).

Being in front of Oboro, Doryoku made his right leg shake and smashed it against the ground causing a slight earthquake that made him lose his balance and then land a blow to the stomach with great force.

Oboro used his clouds to keep from flying out and took advantage of the confusion to grab Doryoku's right arm, wrap his legs around it and form a lock making Doryoku fall to the ground.

"Give up and say, Shizuku is better than Machi!" Oboro said with a teasing and excited smile as his legs were on Doryoku's neck and he took his arm with both hands.

"Never, Machi is better written!" Doryoku said with total denial as he got up using kinetic body with difficulty and threw Oboro into the air.

Oboro stopped his imposition this time by forming a cloud behind him, to then make that same cloud propel him back towards Doryoku.

The fight continued and Doryoku's bracelet was already starting to hurt a lot, in addition to that unlike Doryoku, Oboro was affected by the blows, so they both agreed without speaking and each walked to the edge of the arena for the last round.

"This one goes for my shrimp you bastard!!" Oboro said with quite a lot of anger and drama and running towards Doryoku quickly.

"This one goes for my Yakitori unhappy!!" Doryoku said with quite annoyance as well as he ran quickly towards Oboro.

Oboro made a big fist with his clouds and collided with Doryoku canceling his blow, then forming a big hand with his right arm and pushing him with great force to send him out of the arena.

In midair before leaving, Doryoku touched his own body and absorbed the momentum from him, stopping suddenly in midair, then falling and running towards Oboro at high speed again.

Oboro formed several giant hands from his back and arms to catch Doryoku almost covering the arena completely from all sides.

Doryoku dodged his hands almost entirely until they encircled him and caused him to take a huge leap of nearly 10 meters as they chased after him.

Doryoku's arms started to shake and he hit his fists with great force saying.

"Kinetic field!!" Doryoku said causing an area of ​​22 meters to be covered in strong vibrations and affecting Oboro a lot.

Unlike the Hizashi sound, the vibrations couldn't be mitigated by clouds, so Oboro was quite stunned by them and his clouds disappeared for a moment.

Doryoku wasted no time and when he fell he launched a strong blow to Oboro's liver causing him to spit out a bit of saliva and sending him out of the arena, apparently unconscious.

"Oboro Shirakumo is out of bounds, Doryoku Suzuki is the winner of the match!!" Ectoplasm said with considerable satisfaction as he gave Doryoku the winner.

The stadium was quiet for a moment, until suddenly everyone reacted and screams could be heard from all sides.

"You did it boy, you are quite a talent!!!" High command said crying dramatically with excitement as Last laser looked at him with blank eyes.

"Great match boy wait for my request!!" said some heroes around amid all the cheers.

Doryoku didn't listen to any of them and just went to Oboro and said...

"Don't be an idiot, I know you used clouds to cover yourself and held back, also those grips and locks were like of a rag doll" said Doryoku smiling slightly as he deactivated his bracelet with pain.

Oboro got up instantly scratching the back of his neck with a little pain and some nervousness on his face.

"It's the first time you've tried so hard friend, I didn't want to crush your morale!" Oboro said with a big smile on his face while Doryoku just smiled in appreciation.

"I'm going to the nursing, this bracelet is killing me" Doryoku said painfully as he turned around and walked towards the infirmary.

"Wait for me, I'm sure you at least broke a rib!" Oboro said also a little pained as he followed Doryoku animatedly.

And with Oboro hugging Doryoku with his right arm as they both walked to the nursing, the sports festival ends.



"*Sniff* *Sniff* That's my boy, the same one who always helps me at home!! *Sniff*" Nintai said with great emotion as she cried a lot with pride, nostalgia and happiness.

"D-don't cry Nintai-senpai it's not that bad" Aoi said quite nervous and surprised to see Nintai cry.

"You fucking genius brat how time went by so fast!" Hiro said as he too was crying wistfully and feeling old.

Aoi quickly went to get more scarves for both of them nervously, since they were all finished, although she also quite enjoyed the festival.

There you go, thanks for the power stones especially to LuizCN, that guy must have a mafia.

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts