
The Validators

Luke, a 17-years-old teenager living in a dystopic, post-apocalypse eras where the people exposed to radiation didn't change to a bulky heroic entity but a dying anomaly. Even with how the world is, the power in the current era still tried to wage war with these new technologies each of them are developing and that was when he came into contact with the validator. "But that was technically and scientifically impossible" Luke's mouth was agape. "It is, son, and there is still more." He grinned. The power that these people possess overturned his world viewed in a matter of seconds, it was like watching a hero movie sequence come true. This is a story of Luke and his journey to unravel the truths of the wars and hidden schemes of civilizations.

10Rend · Sci-fi
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21 Chs


"It's 2 months away, and it's not like it's interesting" Luke said uninterested

"Yours are not but Professor Lana sure is, you know how many people are guessing her age.

Since she has been here for so long and she didn't seem to change a bit" Mikel whispered the last part.

"Some even said that she was a witch, like the ancient folklore" He continued to whisper.

"I didn't even know how the folklore like that survived the calamity.

I mean, most of the technologies were gone but witch, dragon, vampire and yada yada survived.

It was just baffling and thought provoking" Luke said with curiosity.

"And you, if you just concentrated in the study instead of some gossips.

You'll top all the subjects already.

Why do you like gossips so much?" Luke continued and looked at Mikel

"People always have stories and its kinda exciting how they react with each other.

And you never know what's true and what's made up.

That's the real rush" Mikel grinned

Luke shook his head without saying anything further when his eyes lit up.

"Secrets" Luke said while looking at Mikel's puzzled face with his lit up gaze.

"Does that suppose to mean anything deep because, I mean, dude you know me I don't know the deep language" Mikel looked at Luke strangely.

"We could sell secrets or any gossips.

You'll be our head of operations while I'll be the tech guy behind you.

How does that sound?" Luke said to Mikel already finalized everything.

"Who agreed to work with you, dude? It's too troublesome dealing with those customers" Mikel said.

"It's finalized. You still owe me something as you're moving away"

"That's manipulation" Mikel rolled his eyes but silently agreed.

"Tell me the plan, then" He asked Luke with curiosity.

"Let's go to the landfill in the evening and dig something up and we'll talk details there" Luke said before entering the school with Mikel.


"That was like declaring war to the whole school" Mikel asked in disbelieved when Luke told him the plan.

"They didn't have to know it existed, you know" Luke shrugged.

Mikel stood there silently, thinking.

"How much do we need to make our operations possible?" Mikel stared at Luke seriously.

"Maybe 20 is enough and we could slowly increase them" Luke sat there calculating.

"And where did you get its blueprint. I mean, it's illegal right"

"My dad's old collection" Luke said grinned before he continued.

"Why are you whining so much? Let's start building it.

If we are lucky we could deploy them tomorrow"

Luke told all the blueprints and materials for Mikel to search and to have a rough understanding of what was going on.

"So we need to build these 2 things simultaneously" Mikel asked troubled.

"In the future, yes.

But right now we just need the hub and your information.

the hub could be slowly increased later since the materials and the creating processes are a bit more troublesome than the bug's" Luke said while already searching for the parts.

"Found one!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Mikel still confused but he searched, nonetheless.

Since, he could not do anything then he would just try his best to help.

"Is this the one?" Mikel shouted while raising a triangular golden sheet for Luke to see.

"No, it must have a little snake-like patterns at the bottom of the gold sheet.

They are not the same just similar.

Keep on looking, else we are going to be here all night" Luke said while his head was already in the trash pile, so Mikel just heard some indistinct voice or else he would have cursed at Luke out loud.


After scavenging for many hours, they managed to find most of the components but it was all worn out so they have to test if the components were working properly.

"Alright, we are considered lucky to find all the components we need in one go.

Good job, man" Luke said looking proud of himself and continued,

"Let's test each of them to find if they have any defects or if they malfunctioned"

He continued to dig in to work with full concentration while ignoring all the things around him.

Mikel just looked at Luke and sat there watching since he didn't have any clue what Luke was doing at the moment.

And before even an hour had passed, Luke looked up and exhaled.

"Wow, that was intense and lucky. Nothing went bad after sitting here for a long time with this environment" Luke smiled.

"Are we done yet? I feel sleepy already" Mikel yawned.

"I'll have to do some wiring, soldering and assembling.

I could use a hand on the second and third process" Luke gave a thumbs up to Mikel and got back to his work.

"Does this really going to work?" Mikel sighed, mumbling to himself since he knew that Luke wouldn't hear him anyway.

Mikel looked at Luke working with some designing and wiring for a little before he was drafted to do some soldering.

"This red one with that green one.

It was just matching up some colors, you blockhead.

See all the clumps of your lead all over the board" Luke complained.

"Why don't you do it yourself then, Mr.genius" Mikel rolled his eyes while he continued to solder.

"You are still redeemable.

There. Not here. You idiot. And it's hot.

Don't point the tip like that you'll get skewed and Gram will question us, then you have to tell Gram yourself and this time I'm not responsible" Luke complained without breaking his eyes from his works which sometimes making Mikel wondered how did he knew when Mikel made any mistakes.

After designing some wires and soldered the components, they made it to the last part before midnight which was in time for them to go home with the same train.

"Haaa. Let's see if it worked after they are completed" Luke exhaled nervously after he put everything together.

Luke and Mikel looked at the thing in front of them with a bated breath.

Luke slowly reached out his hand to connect the last part.

"Wait. Wait. There is no power button to power them like in the media?" Mikel asked disappointed.

"That's just a thing to make it more dramatic.

And I don't want anyone to shut down any of these thing until it broke by itself or out of battery" Luke said before he connected the wire.

The thing shook for a bit.

There was some visible light emitted faintly which indicated that there was something working inside, when suddenly there was a bright red light flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What does that mean?" Mikel rubbed his hand together nervously.

Luke just looked at his creation with a wide grinned before he turned to Mikel and said

"That light means it's working"