
The Validators

Luke, a 17-years-old teenager living in a dystopic, post-apocalypse eras where the people exposed to radiation didn't change to a bulky heroic entity but a dying anomaly. Even with how the world is, the power in the current era still tried to wage war with these new technologies each of them are developing and that was when he came into contact with the validator. "But that was technically and scientifically impossible" Luke's mouth was agape. "It is, son, and there is still more." He grinned. The power that these people possess overturned his world viewed in a matter of seconds, it was like watching a hero movie sequence come true. This is a story of Luke and his journey to unravel the truths of the wars and hidden schemes of civilizations.

10Rend · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Professor Lana's Class

"Psst. Psst. Wake up, Luke. She's coming" Mikel kicked Luke's chair from behind.

Luke propped his head up like a released spring when he heard Mikel.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you had fun in your previous mathematics class with Professor Patrick just now.

Mr. Luke, I was surprised your head was up when I came in. Keep up the good work." Professor glanced at Luke with the same stern look in her eyes contrasting the compliment she was saying.

Luke just smiled wryly at her comment.

Professor Lana was a history class teacher who was teaching in the school since Luke and Mikel joined the elementary school.

She was a stern teacher who always do everything by the book and if she see anything against the rules, no matter if it was a student or a teacher, they would get reported with no exception.

She was renowned in the whole city for her strictness as she had taught there for almost two decades.

Parents loved her as they knew they could leave their children in her hands, while the students and some Professors despised her as she never slack off in her duty.

Unlike Professor Patrick, who was always full of smile and giving off the amiable atmosphere around him.

Every student felt at ease at his presence and even played with him sometimes.

He was also the one who students confided their secrets with the most.

Even Luke had gone to Professor Patrick's office during his break to ask about some of the gadget's parts functionalities, which was actually illegal. However, he still gave Luke all the details without holding anything back.

When the school was gathered for some announcement, the students could instantly notice the presence of these two professors as the vibe and energy they were giving off contrasted each other tremendously.

However, they seem to be in a harmony without any conflicts. They even praised each other sometimes as a great Professor.

Many students thought that it was a school psychological strategy to help the student focused more on their study and stay in the line while also giving some space for the student to vent and relaxed.

One strict, one relax. It seemed to make a lot of sense.

The school didn't explicitly explained anything either and the parents also didn't expressed any interest.

They both seem to be in a tacit understanding or they just didn't care.

"Let's start the class with some fun quizzes, shall we?" Professor Lana said.

'We might have different concept of fun, Professor' These are the thoughts of many students.

Seeing the unsightly faces of many students, she paused.

"Since you are very eager, I will choose you to answer my first question Ms. Ling. Are you willing?"

Ling who was looking out of the window just a moment ago was startled and she looked around.

Gazes of pity and encouragement flooded her making her face pale.

"Yes, Professor." Ling answered while swallowing unconsciously.

"What is the Re-establishment of the world?" Professor Lana stared at Ling.

"After the apocalyptic war, the impact from the war weapons was so great that it created the new topography for the world.

Several mountains were flattened and many high peninsulas were lost into the sea.

The ground split opened, separated, and finally combined into the current setting of the world, with six ruling entity and countless archipelagos." Ling answered nervously

"A lot of details were missed. Disappointing and barely passed, I guessed" Professor Lana looked away to find her second candidate.

Ling sit down with her face paled.

"What are the Rebirth event and its significance? Who can answer me this question?" Professor Lana looked around the class when she saw someone raising a hand.

"Ms. Jule?"

"The rebirth signified the rebirth in our technology. After the apocalyptic war, all the research documents were gone.

The surviving population were from the shelters where they barely survived and according to statistics, only 10% made it to the surface.

The networks were gone and all of the data center were lost. Not a single data center survive the apocalypse, it was like somebody was deliberately..."

"Get to the point please, we don't have a whole hour to listen to your speculation Ms. Jule" Professor Lana cut her off.

Jule gulped and continued, " After the apocalypse, the ruling entity established themselves, gathering the remnants of the the lost civilization to excavate, revise and distribute the knowledge to unfreeze the technological advancement.

That was the first time after the apocalypse that all the six ruling entity were united.

Due to many reasons, they decided to develop their own communication network as the situation that lead to the war was still uncleared and they were still wary at each other.

They said that the device, however, has the same blueprints as that was the joint achievement of the six ruling entity."

"Another speculation, Ms. Jule. We only talked facts here.

Thank you. Ms. Jule you can sit down now. Your answer was alright."

"where there is smoke, there must be a fire, right?" Ms. Jule shrugged and sat down.

"The last quiz for today is.." Professor Lana paused and walked to the left of the class where Luke sat.

"How did the civilization, in its most prosperous era, where most of its population live in peace and dream came to this point, the point where we lived in places where we didn't called them names but numbers surrounding with landfills and radiation fallouts?

Could you entertain me with an answer, Mr. Luke?" Professor Lana stopped in front of Luke's desk waiting for an answer.