
The Validators

Luke, a 17-years-old teenager living in a dystopic, post-apocalypse eras where the people exposed to radiation didn't change to a bulky heroic entity but a dying anomaly. Even with how the world is, the power in the current era still tried to wage war with these new technologies each of them are developing and that was when he came into contact with the validator. "But that was technically and scientifically impossible" Luke's mouth was agape. "It is, son, and there is still more." He grinned. The power that these people possess overturned his world viewed in a matter of seconds, it was like watching a hero movie sequence come true. This is a story of Luke and his journey to unravel the truths of the wars and hidden schemes of civilizations.

10Rend · Sci-fi
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21 Chs


"With the assassination of the zone-16's parliament head, do you think it would effect the Domain Union's integrity as a whole?" asked the reporters

"Absolutely not, the domain's integrity and unity will be the same. We are inseparable and We always stay together no matter what the situation is." Zone-1 spokesman replied

"There are rumors that the union's zone-14 is behind this assassination attempt. What is the truth about this matter and how this would affect the situation in zone-16 and zone-14 existing disputes and.."

"First, the dispute was cleared between these 2 zones which were overseeing by the combination of our First 5 Zones, so there are no existing disputes anymore." The spokesman cut the reporters off

"And second, the truth has yet to be learned as of now, so I would suggest not spreading these falsified and a rather-sensitive rumors.

We will continue investigating this case and we will explained all the details as soon as we know them. Thank you" With that the Zone-1 representative walked off the stage.


"What the heck is wrong with these people? How would they not know who did it when the whole world knew that It was zone-14, intentional or not.

They have been holding it in for too long." Gram cursed after watching the news almost choking on the food she was chewing.

"Do you think the war is coming Gram?" Luke looked at Gram with unknown feelings.

Gram stopped and looked at Luke.

"I know what you are thinking, Luke. Your dad always say random things, some of them are true and most of them are false. He always make random excuses like 'my model is not ready yet, so it's not accurate' or 'the numerical data is just a trash'. I mean what the hell are those excuses." Gram looked at the monitor and sighed with eyes full of emotions

"I hope that it's not coming but I know it is. There are many events like this in our history and it always ended up leading in a war. "

"How did the last war came about? Is it like this?" Luke asked Gram curiously.

Hearing Luke's question, Gram paused for a little bit. Her eyes turned moist and she quickly closed them, however, Luke still noticed.

"Enough history for today. Where were you after school? Coming back home late everyday. Are you going to the landfill again?" Gram changed her voice suddenly becoming very stern.

"No way, I always listened to Gram. I came home late because I studied late in the evening. There is this Professor that told me about Quantum mechanics and Nuclear physi"

"Enough. Enough. Those things always make my head hurts even more than it does already. Take this to your uncle, he must be starving already" Gram said while handed him a sandwich box.

"I'm sure he still hasn't woken up yet. Sometimes I wonder if our house has a different time zone" Luke jokingly said.

"Stop teasing your uncle. He was a genius like your father but the world is too cruel for him. If you worship your father, respect your uncle too."

Listening to his Gram, Luke shrugged and climb the stairs with food in his hand.

"And those are for your uncle. If I see bed crumbs in your room, you'll be dead Luke!"

With his intentions saw through, he hurried his step onto the second floor.

Gram watched Luke till he was out of sight and looked back at the monitor, her eyes full of uncertainty, mumbling to herself.

"Is it really worth it, Arken. Your son is too young."