


When we got back to the pack, all I could think about was how I was going to beat that Faustino and Fergus. Jenny, thankfully, arrived safely, so I no longer have to worry about her. I got to my feet and peered out the window to see Ron approaching me to relate what had transpired earlier. When he drew close, he welcomed me and asked how I was.

“What’s going on?” he inquired.

“They already know I’m here and that I’m back,” I explained.

“Whatever you’re planning, Shranaia, you know it’s not good for you; you haven’t fully utilized your powers, especially since you haven’t been able to train as a wolf in a long time,” he stated to me, and I winced.

“I know what’s best for me, Ron; don’t educate me,” I grumbled as I entered the room.

I kicked Ron out of my cabin because I needed to be alone. They were all saying the same thing, particularly Vixen. He has no idea how I feel or how difficult it is for me to lose my parents, especially when they died right in front of me. I would do whatever it took to exact vengeance on those beasts, and I will not make you holy even if they beg me to.

“Shranaia.” I turned to the door, then I sighed.

When I opened it, Vixen came, and I asked him, “What are you doing here?” He took my hand and led me out of the room.

“We’re going to train,” he said, and my brow furrowed.

He led me to the training area while looking me in the eyes. I’m not sure what he’ll do, and I know he was unhappy and annoyed with me even yesterday, especially after hearing this from me yesterday. I tightened my fist and gazed at him evilly, and when he instructed me to strike, I did so. When I attacked him, he got away with it, which irritated me.

I still felt awful for him, so when I attacked him again, he managed to escape, but I had another hand, so I uppercut him, forcing him to collapse due to the power of what I did. I kicked him even before he could rise up, and he sprang up again, my long hair tangled in a snarl.

“It’s not bad, but it’s not enough,” he said, which irritated me.

“What do I have to prove?” I raged

“Shranaia, you have nothing to prove. What you need to do is oppose anything that controls you, especially anything you believe shouldn’t be there,” he added, and I scowled.

I could feel my fangs growing and tried not to display them, especially since there were so many people around us. Is there something Vixen knows about me that I don’t? He stepped up, and his strike caught me off guard, forcing me to jump. I instantly resisted, and this time I gave him a stern look. I’m upset with him because of what he’s doing, and I’m annoyed because whatever was in my mouth has now come out. I swallowed as a result of looking at his neck.

I tightly closed my eyes and tried to suppress whatever I was experiencing. Vixen attacked me, then abruptly gripped me, and I could smell his blood more strongly, and his neck was closer to me. I was about to bite him when I stopped myself, and even though nothing happened, I was breathing quickly, as if I were being hunted by a group of dogs.

“I suppose that’s enough for today,” he remarked, then stood beside me.

“I’m weak,” I said before he scooped me up.

We parted ways, and he brought me back to the cabin, where he placed me on the bed. He quickly shut the window and then the door and went to the cabin to get a drink. When he handed me water, I drank it rapidly since I couldn't hold back any longer, then I finished it.

He opened the window again when he noticed that I was fine, and Gena came just in time. “Oh? What happened to you, girl?” she asked, and I turned to face her.

“What are you doing here?” I inquired, and Gena turned to face Rara.

“Of course, we were concerned when we heard what happened to you,” Rara stated as she sat on my bed. “You weren’t applauded for your fight with Vixen, were you?”

In answer, I shook my head, and she took my hand in hers. “You don’t have to be concerned about me; I’m ok,” I answered, sighing.

Vixen walked out of the room, leaving Gena and Rara behind. “What happened?” Gena inquired. “You were enemies yesterday; did anything happen that we don’t know about?”

“Nothing,” I said, covering myself with a blanket.

“Nothing? You can’t fool us,” Rara said.

I didn’t respond, then I closed my eyes and tried to forget what had happened. They can’t help me if I tell them what occurred, and they won’t tell me anything else either. I didn’t say anything to them, and even if I had, they wouldn't have understood me. I don’t need his advice since he isn't the one who lost, and more importantly, he isn’t the one who misses. The night came when all I could think about was how I was going to deal with that father and son. They know what my vulnerability is and who they will turn to first.

To be honest, I’m scared about Jenny right now, and whatever is going on, I know she shouldn’t be a part of it. I rose up and crept out of the hut, checking to know if anyone was watching. I covertly left and went to the mansion where a world of people was being penetrated, then when I was sure there was no one there,

When I arrived, I headed directly to the door to go, but I stopped when I heard the voice that made me turn to Vixen’s place. When I looked at him, I gave him a sour grin and sighed.

“Where do you think you are going?” he inquired, his eyebrows furrowed.

I grasped my head and pointed to the door. “You know, there are some things I need to tell Jenny,” I remarked as I sat down on the sofa next to him.

“What do you think will happen when you go out that door?” he asks.

“Why are you here?” I asked, annoyed.

“You are the one I should question about it, Shranaia,” he remarked to me, and I gave him a nasty look.

“You know I was irritated with you yesterday; I don’t know why you’re doing this, and I don’t know why I’m being guarded by you!”

He chuckled and placed his elbows on his leg. “I’m only doing this to protect you.”

“You don’t have to do that; I can manage myself and don’t need any help,” I remarked indifferently, and he smirked at me.

“Listen, Shranaia, you have to be calm and plan before rushing with nothing but yourself.”

I stood up and hurried towards the door, but he was already there, so I quickly changed my path. His moves were swift, and I couldn't hold back. I attacked him. I made a fist and then hit him, but he swiftly grabbed my hand, so I used the other.

When I tried to punch him, he altered his form, which was simply unfair because I'm not very good when I transform into a wolf. I glared at him, then kicked him, and he just jumped. I was fighting him and swearing in my head while staring at the door.

I formed my body and then leaped to kick him in the face, but my strategy quickly altered since I knew he'd resist me. I grinned at what he did, and at that point, I raced to the door, opened it swiftly, and dashed out. But I forgot there was still a fence, so I raced to leap through it just in case someone suddenly yanked my leg.

At that point, I leaped into the garden and nearly ate the mud. "Fcking shit!" I screamed fiercely.

"You won't be able to get past that gate, Shranaia!"

"I don't give a damn what you say!"

"What?" he exclaimed back.

When I got up, I smiled at him and wiped the blood from my lips. I yanked my hair and ignored what he said. I ran towards him and noticed how his eyes expanded as a result of what I did, and at that time I was able to damage him, so I immediately breathed on his arm then turned him around before letting him go.

At the time, I dashed to the gate and leaped out. When I got out, I was going to leave because I was so taken with what I saw outdoors that I accidentally splashed onto one of the trees. I whacked it so hard that it almost shattered the tree, and when I glanced at where the laughter was coming from, I saw Samantha's face.

“The heck, Samantha?”

“Nice to see you, Bitch,” she said sarcastically.

I got to my knees and wiped the dust off my clothes. “Nice to see you too, Bitch,” I said as her lips twitched.

“I had no idea you’d battle merely to get out of that gate.”

I gasped as she pointed to it. “There are many things you will not comprehend since you are only interested in elevating yourself above others,” I said. I saw that his cousin was not present when I glanced at her. “Why do you appear to be alone?” I said, smiling.

“Are you looking for him? It doesn’t matter if he’s here or not; all I care about is how I can kill someone like you.”

I don’t know if I should laugh at her or be upset because that’s what she deserves more. I tugged on my hair and then saw how the color of his eyes changed, as well as the length of her teeth.

That’s when I realized how I got that way. But I instantly shook my head, then held it. What I’m thinking is impossible, and it can’t happen regardless of how everything turns out. I just closed my eyes when she attacked me since my body was weak, and I didn’t know what to do. When I opened my eyes, I saw Deacon and didn't feel Samantha’s onslaught on me.

“What the fck are you doing here, Deacon?” Samantha yelled angrily, and she leaped before she could leave in front of Deacon.

“I don’t need to explain or seek your advice; I know what you’re planning, Sam,” Deacon remarked, and I stared at Sam's location.

I wanted to feel sorry for her, but I couldn’t because I wanted what happened to her because she deserved it, and Deacon did the right thing. “I don’t care what your relatives have; what matters to me is that I get out of here and go away from you.”

When I said that, I kicked him hard, and before he could fall, I whirled around to make sure he didn’t get up. He wasn’t about to stand up at the time, but Vixen attacked him right away, which startled me, and I quickly changed my shape and fled away since I knew he was going to be after me.

When I walked away, I glanced up because there was a full moon there, and I moaned. I hadn’t gone far when someone suddenly blocked me in front of me, and I threw him a dirty look. He turned his back on me, and we hurried to where we were headed; I’m not sure how long I followed him. I don’t know what we’re going through everywhere we go.

Even if I wanted to ask her, I couldn’t. I felt something strange in my body, and when I looked up at the moon, it was a different color. “It’s not possible,” I said to myself, then I grabbed my chest.

“Go on!” she said when I was ahead.

Suddenly, I realized that I could hear Gena. We just kept running until we entered a house, and it quickly closed the window, and they covered everything that could let the moonlight through. I returned to my form, and I wasn’t wearing anything at the time, so I quickly pulled the blanket over myself.

“Rara?” I wondered.

“I’m glad Gena guided you here,” she said before sitting down.

“What are you doing here?” I inquired.

“We are the ones who are supposed to ask you that, Shranaia,” Rara inquired once again. “What are you thinking?”

I groaned and plopped down on the bed. “I-I’m not sure either,” I said.