
The voice.

Xia wei alarmed turned around and shouted: "who's there?! and what the heck do you mean by 'realizing how stupid it looked to slap myself'???".

The voice "what a fury temper indeed!"

Xia Wei already quite upset replied in an angry voice "so what if I have a temper its the other fault for making me angry"

The voice "True but that does not change the fact that you slapping yourself was stupid!"

"How dare you-" Xia wei was interrupted before she could say what she wanted to the voice continued.

"Wait, listen first before you go 'how dare you!!' i was saying if you have to be upset enough to slap yourself why not slap the one who made you upset in the first place? isn't harming them better than harming yourself?"

Xia wei knowing that fully well replies "It's because that I have already caused harm that I'm cursing myself and I slapped myself not to take out anger but to calm myself from getting even madder." closing her eyes she continues "plus it's my fault for losing my temper and the other reason I slapped myself was that I deserve it if it was someone else I wouldn't have spared them either"

The voice very amused say's "mhmm interesting but how would harming urself calm you but" the voice grins and says in a sing-song voice "But I like you indeed a girl!"

Xia Wei raising an eyebrow and a bit tired replies: "not really self-harm, I slapped myself as the stun from that would help me numb down my head a second Now what do you mean by that?"

The voice chuckled and said, "I see, fair enough and Exactly as I said I like you girl since I saw you enter the forest with your ragging temper, then your strange manners plus....." The voice looks at Xia wei up and down and notice her aura and think 'very interesting very interesting indeed'

Xia wei all the while looking around her without being much obvious "plus what?"

Catching himself and not noticing cause he was lost in his thoughts he replies "plus your self cursing"

"hmmm right fair enough," Xia wei not realizing that she was getting caught up with talking to the voice that she didn't notice that her temper has gone down and was felt that the voice was about to say something else but didn't.

The voice asks "girl what is your name?"

Xia wei raised an eyebrow at the voice and replies "don't you know before asking someone's name you introduce yourself first?"

The voice hearing that burst into laughter startling Xia wei says's "hahaha ah ahaha ah I like you indeed girl indeed! nobody in years has dared to talk to me like that in years"

Hearing that Xia Wei raise an eyebrow again and said: "so what?"

Chuckling he continues "I'm Feng-" but before he could continue a few voices interrupted him which was coming from a bit far from the place they were standing.

Xia wei hearing voices those voices immediately hide behind a tree and duck down in the bushes surrounding it not knowing why she hide herself when it was just people.

The voice seeing her move instantly without his warning were liking Xia Wei more by the second.

(not the love kind people the kind where you this yes this is interesting!)

Xia wei thinking that was about to come out of where she was hiding when she heard what they said.

"tch darn it where did that darn Lu Zhan go? we almost had that god darn bastard!"

The other men in the group continue "so darn right darn it! that piece of bloody s*** just let me get my hands on him I tear him to pieces myself!"

Man 1: from before replies "darn straight! we will but unfortunately, he is not ours to rip to shreds to"

Man 2: "He is only master Xing zen to rip apart off"

Both man nod at that when the third man interrupts them.

"Enough with your talking people! do you wanna die? if master found out that instead of doing your work you were chatting away he will do away with your head!"

Remembering what happened a while ago they all shivered from fear.

Men 1: " yes your right we will continue searching just keep your mouth shut and not let the master know!" the other man nodded his head as well.

And starts arguing between them listening to that Xia wei froze and was glad that she didn't come out but she was getting worried like very worried even tho she was very mad at that moron Lu Zhan but that didn't change the fact that she was worried that these people would kill him and her mind was working on full throttle to get out here and get him out.

Just when she was about to do something the voice interrupted her "I advice you don't do what you were thinking off doing just now" scaring the crap out of Xia wei and she glared at the place the voice was coming from.

The voice as in surrendering in defeat "hey I'm only trying to help"

"Don't! what if they hear you!" she whispers yelled at him.

"oh then you don't need to worry since only you can hear me and plus you don't need to open your mouth to speak with me"

Getting his meaning right away Xia wei yelled at him in her mind with a death glare "you should have said that sooner instead of scaring the crap out of me!"


"What now?"

"Nothing i was just thinking you're a strange girl indeed"


"Nah Nah don't start shouting now I get it anyways why do you look so alarmed after seeing these people" Even though he knew exactly what was going on.

"Because the one they are after is the one which made me angry and is a friend of mine maybe a friend oh whatever anyways he is with me"

"I see but what I don't get is, if he was the one who made you this upset why not just hand him over to those people?"

Xia Wei sighs and continues "just because he made me angry does not mean I will send him to his death and there was plenty of my fault as well for having a stupid height complex"

Hearing that the voice burst into laughter again thinking 'ah this girl is quite honest mhm interesting indeed'

"Stop laughing its creepy"

Which stunned shut the poor voice into silence "..."

"anyways i need to get aw-" right at that moment Xia wei heard Lan Jiang calling her name alarming him, she immediately looked back at the people who were still talking and haven't heard him yet she sighs in relief.

"Now who's that?" the voice asks.

"my companion, who comes to look for me most probably because i entered the forest for too long?"

"oh, so you do know that you entered the forest for a while now? not to mention quite deep?" the voice says sarcastically.

Xia wei rolled her eyes at the voice and told him to shut up not realizing that she was completely relaxed in the presence of an unknown voice.

The voice was stunned that someone actually told him to shut up. he was very impressed and a bit annoyed yet he didn't felt like harming Xia wei at all.

While at the other hand Lan Jiang was getting closer while calling for Xia wei and Xia wei worry was by the minute increasing as she felt that if those people saw Lan Jiang they will definitely try to corner him hence she was thinking how could she get him and herself out of this situation.

While a certain voice was enjoying the situation without any worries all the while watching the girl he found quite interesting.