

Lan Jiang has been searching for Xia wei for one hour already but hasn't seen a sight of her yet and he was getting very worried, now thinking that some forest creature has harmed her and that she was hurt.

At that minute, Lan Jiang sensed the presence of some people ahead of him thinking they might be hunters who stopped in the forest to camp and hunt for a while and might have seen Xia wei he started heading towards them as well not knowing that Xia wei was right there but there was danger as well.

Lan Jiang while moving forward was about to shout at the people when Xia wei all of a sudden jumped at him and covered his mouth.

"shhh be quite! or they will find us!" said Xia wei.

Poor Lan Jiang was scared out of his wits that he was about to draw his sword and cut Xia wei up but hearing her voice he immediately calm down saying "god darn it you scare-" before he could complete his sentence Xia wei said "I said to be quite! didn't I the people who are standing there are here to take Lu zhan away!" she whispers yelled at him.

Heeding that Lan Jiang immediately went alert and nodded his head to imply that he got it.

Xia Wei continued after getting off him "These people were the one to harm Lu zhan apparently which Lu zhan got away from at the last min and now they are searching for him high and low we need to get back and take Lu zhan away"

Lan Jiang nodded to imply that he got it and asked "mhm.. I get it but how do you know that?"

Xia Wei replies "because i was listening to their conversation then I heard your voice and come to stop you from shouting"

A while back.

Xia wei who was hiding behind the tree and bushes was troubled and brainstorming on how to get out there and thought to herself ' tch, what do I do? if I run right now to where Lan Jiang is they would see me and even if they were not able to see me they would at least hear me run away and will most probably come after me.'

"Girl need help?" the voice asked in a singsong voice?

"I don-" just a second me.. and shifty turned her head towards the direction where the voice was coming for and thought yea, he can help me! heck, I can use him and give the voice a smirk.

The voice despite having lots of power felt uneasy seeing that smirk then heard Xia Wei said

"mhm I can use your help indeed I need you to distract these guys for me"

The voice smirked and said, "and what would i get from that?"

Xia wei gives him a tight smile and replied Oh I see you can't do it and here I thought you were some very powerful deity that distracting mere humans would be easy for you oh well never mind since you can't do it, I think of something myself" and gives him a very sweet smile. Even if Xia wei was a little slow she at least knew that the person she was talking to was powerful after all he was invisible and in this forest where monsters run around only an idiot would not realize that the voice was very powerful.

The voice was now annoyed "one second what? of course, I can distract them to those men watch!"

And all of a sudden a fog surrounded the three men that were talking about lu zhan even tho the voice was powerful but he was a bit arrogant making him fall for Xia wei words.

The three men which all of sudden got surrounded by a thick mist got scared and thought that some forest monster was coming to eat them causing them to swing their swords recklessly in the air.

Satisfied the voice looked back at Xia wei to see her reaction only to find her running towards the person she called her companion Lan Jiang causing the poor guy to go speechless.


While running to Lan Jiang Xia wei had a satisfied smile on her face which the voice knew nothing about.

He would later come to realize that a little girl fooled him into acting like that.

Back to the present.

"Anyways we need to go know I explain everything later," says Xia wei then she grabbed Lan Jiang hand started running in the direction they come from.

Before he could say anything Lan Jiang was yanked by Xia wei and started running as well thinking 'darn this girl is something else! was she is not scared when she was listening to those people?'

that reminded him about them alarmed a little he looked back to check whether they were coming towards them or not comprehending that they were not coming after them he asked Xia wei, "are those people are not coming after us? since you run to me in a hurried pace".

To which Xia Wei while giving him a glimpse once replies: "you don't need to worry about them they are distracted right now, we need to get away from here and take Lu Zhan away"

Confused as to what could distract them hr asked: "How can you say that they are distracted?"

Xia wei replies: "Because I throw a stone at a beehive above them which in turn fall on them causing bees to attack them hence they are distracted"

The voice who was listening to the whole thing raised an eyebrow and thought 'how come I don't remember that?'

Xia wei apologized to the voice in her head as she thought it might not be a good idea to tell Lan Jiang about the voice.

The voice finding the whole situation amusing stayed quite and accepted Xia Wei's apology.

Lan Jiang "ohh good quick thinking, well done"

Xia wei gives a wry smile and replies: "Thanks anyways lets hurry" and thought in her head 'voice I will return to thank you properly later farewell"

To which Lan Jiang nodded and said "mhm let's hurry"

The voice just "mhm" so that Xia wei could hear him and Xia wei smiled and nodded her head at the air to indicate her respect and thanks for the time being and left.

The voice "mhm I'm looking forward to our next meeting girl" with that the voice disappeared while anticipating their next meeting.

All the while Xia wei and Lan Jiang run back to Wan Ying and Lu Zhan.