
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

You'll Do So On Your Accord

Checking his chest Shen was happy to see that the wounds on his body had begun to heal. Shen had been recovering for an entire week and a half ever since he returned to the human world. Thanks to the System, he regenerated Ki and what not extremely fast. That plus his Saiyan bonus, the injuries he obtained made him stronger.


Name: Shen

Race Bonus's: Human, Saiyan

Level: 44

SP: 7435

Strength: 216

Agility: 254

Endurance: 269

Power: 327


Zenkai Boost [Passive]: Every time the user recovers from a near-death experience, they will gain a 10% stat increase.

Super Saiyan[Lv 1]: Locked

Super Saiyan God[Lv 1]: Locked

Sharingan[Lv 3]: The User can cast Genjutsu, creating illusions, and causing the target to hallucinate. At this level, the users Sharingan now possess the ability to develop genjutsu. The target will be put under an illusion or will see hallucinations depending on the user's will. The user will also gain the ability to control people's minds depending on their strength and the evil within there hearts.


After Image[Lv Max]: User raises their speed to the limit leaving an afterimage when they move, making them appear to have vanished.

Kamehameha[Lv Max]: Cupping their hands together, the user gathers energy between their palms before releasing it as a powerful energy wave.

Ki Control[Lv Max]: The user has almost mastered the usage of Ki and can use it to do a variety of different things.

Armament Haki[Lv 8]: The user can convert their strength and willpower into a layer of armor that can cover any area of the user's body or anything they have a connection to increasing both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Ignoring the obvious things such as Shen's increase in stats due to the Zenkai boost, he's technically 10% stronger then he should be along with that most of his skills were maxed out at this point. "All my stats have pretty much doubled, and my power even hit 300. Seven thousand SP is insane." Before he entered the Soul Society, he had around three thousand, but now he had more than twice that amount.

Shen had resisted the urge to check his stats while in the Soul Society. Shen was happy he resisted that urge seeing all the SP he had pilled up at once was so satisfying. "With all this, I should have enough to buy whatever I need." Going deeper into his thoughts, Shen stood up. "Right now, I should try and find a way to remove the Hogyoku from Rukia. If I remember correctly, it's in her soul, so it will be hard to access."

"How annoying. I guess Kisuke wasn't a genius for nothing." Rukia, who was sitting silently, heard Shen, who was whispering to himself. Hesitating for a moment, she asked. "So, are you going to tell me why you saved me from my execution?"

Looking over at Rukia, Shen didn't answer right away and instead walked in the opposite direction. "Trust me, saving you wasn't my intention. If my issue could be solved by killing you, I would have done it already." Continuing to walk stopped and picked up Renji's Zanpakuto. Holding it in his hand, Shen placed it within another orb of Ki.

"I feel so much better having my Ki reserves restored." Meanwhile, Rukia, who heard Shen's response, spoke to him again. "If that's the case, what's stopping you? I mean, why am I so important I thought you were after Ichigo." Seeing Shen's ability, it didn't take Rukia long to tie two and two together and find out his identity.

Walking back over to Rukia, who was still trapped, Shen placed his hand on top of the orb containing Rukia and began to absorb it. "Your not special, but the thing inside of you is." Pausing for a moment as if thinking Shen shrugged his shoulders. "You see, Kisuke hid something precious inside of you, and sadly I don't have the methods to remove it."

Bending down, Shen grabbed Rukia by the chin and said with a grin. "However, keeping you here like this is dangerous. Once your powers return, it won't take long for them to track you and, in extension, me down.

Releasing Rukia from his grip, Shen stood up and opened the System again.

"So what you plan on controlling me like you did those guards?" Rukia didn't know precisely how Shen did it, but she understood that Shen did have the ability to control people.

Opening the shop, Shen began browsing the list of techniques while still paying attention to Rukia. "Of course not your much more useful with your conscience and personality intact."

"Until I find a way to remove what I want from you, I need to make sure you don't try and escape. And since I won't be able to use it myself, I might as well have you do it for me." Shen suddenly stopped scrolling down the Shop menu as a wicked smile came onto his face.

"You have so much potential and hidden strength, you know? A power that could be equal to the head captains, but you limit yourself so much." Looking at the Technique, he was looking for Shen bought it without hesitation.

"So I'll help you unlock that power, and in return, you will help me destroy everything and everyone you love, of course, that includes Ichigo and all his little friends."

A dark aura began to radiate from Shen as he continued to speak. "Everyone in life has an evil thought once in a while. Even from the most stupid things, that's how people are. And even you have your regrets, don't you." As Shen activated his Sharingan Rukia felt her vision begin to change as images began flooding her head.

"You betray everyone around you, Rukia. Renji, Byakuya, and even Ichigo, who tried to save you and in the end, all you want to run away using your execution as an excuse." As Shen's voice echoed through her head, Rukia found herself in a completely different place.

Rukia was standing in the open with the sky dark and grey as rain poured down. Looking in front of her, she saw Kaien standing there as his blood ran down her Zanpakuto. "Rukia, why..." Looking confused and hurt, Kaien said those words before his body went limp.

Rukia's body began to shake as she looked down as tears started to fall from her eyes, mixing with the falling rain. "I... I didn't... I just..." As Rukia tried to find the words, she realised Kaien had suddenly changed into someone else.

This time looking at the red-haired man Rukia was looking at herself in the third person as her face showed not an ounce of sorrow or regret as she plunged her Zanpakuto further into his chest.

Shen was showing Rukia her worse fears, and things she wished would never come true. She was scared alone and had no one to lean on. "There it is." Suddenly the hallucinations stopped as Rukia found herself back in the cave with tears still falling from her eyes. "That's what I have been waiting for. That small ounce of negativity you kept locked away behind that facade of yours."

As the dark aura around Shen grew even further, she felt a strange feeling in her head that began to grow as if it was consuming her. "No... No! I don't!" As Rukia continued to resist, the dark aura around Shen began to fade.

"Normally, a Technique like this would need to be levelled up before it would work on someone like you, but since your powers haven't returned, there was no need for that."Moving back from Rukia, Shen spoke softly.

"As I said, I won't force you to do anything you'll help me destroy the Soul Society, and you'll do so on your own accord."

Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and are excited about the next arc/volume, which will be. 'The Fall Of Soul Society' And the arc where we finally get a glimpse of the end of the bleach world.

Editor Note: What the hell is wrong with you attacking poor little Rukia like that.

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