
The unique in a magic world

A normal kid, with a not so normal backstory, got dropped into a world filled of supernaturals. While in a kingdom of greedy people, how will he survive, with his unique skill. Minecraft

stay_at_home_pig · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Into Minecraft 2

Now that I had a more useful pickaxe, I decided I should go mining. I have armor to protect myself, and good tools, so for now, I don't need to worry too much about mobs.

But, I will not go too deep into a cave. If I get lost in it, I will have to rush to prepare for the quest.

I equipped my shield, got some bread from hay bales in the village, made some torches, and left for a nearby cave.

The second I reached the entrance, an arrow flew towards me, and I used my shield to block it.

I immediately held my axe, ran forward, and critted the skeleton. It was a pretty weird experience to actually feel like I was hitting the skeletons, but due to the gamers mind and the world being pixelated, I felt like I was playing normal minecraft.

I took the skeleton out, and started to light the cave up.

I found coal, so I decided to mine it. In the future, I am definitely going to make an auto-smelter, so a lot of coal is needed.

It was a 12 vein, so with fortune 3, I got slightly more than a stack of coal.

Like this, I went deeper, and I heard something which every minecraft player dreads.

"Hisssss..." the second I heard this, I stopped whatever I was doing, ran straight ahead without looking back.

"BOOM!" Yup, I was right, it was a creeper.

I hate creepers. Depending on the difficulty of the world, in close range, creepers can take out people with even unenchanted, full diamond armor.

So like this, I went deeper into the cave, and frequently found mobs around.

I was able to get 2 stacks of iron, and 4 stacks of coal. I decided to not waste too much time, and left back for the village.

After I returned, I crafted some rails, and decided to bring 2 villagers into the villager trading hall first. I will mine out another area inside the hall, and breed my own villagers there.

With that, I don't need to constantly transport them.

After mining a space out and fencing it up so that they don't get out, I placed the rails down to bring the villagers down.

I crafted some minecarts as well, and almost ran out of iron.

Now, I realised that I had a problem, I had no beds. While I could take the ones in the village, I would eventually need to build a sheep farm, so I decided to do so. This way I will have a meat, and wool source.

So, I made a 10 by 10 fence area, and used wheat to bring 5 sheep in. I also got 9 wool from them

Now, another problem was my lack of wheat. I need way more wheat than I already had, not only for sheep, but eventually for cows as well.

So that's what I got to doing.

I had 40 seeds from the village, and had 20 myself, so I used them to make a wheat farm.

It was 2 by 10, then had a row of water, and then another 2 by 10.

After planting the seeds, I crafted 3 beds, and placed them inside the villager breeding area.

After that, I transported the 2 fletchers and librarians from before, and placed them in their respective locations in the hall.

I then decided that it would be best for me to continue my stick trade cycle, with this, I will get experience and emeralds.

I did this for another day, and in total, as of right now, I have 2 stacks of emeralds, and am at 22 levels.

I have been in this world for 10 days in a row now. I decided that it was about time I made my way into the nether, and looked for a fortress.

I decided it would be better to mine obsidian up, and thus I mined 14 obsidian, and placed the portal in the village.

I then lit the portal up with flint and steel which I crafted, and went inside.


(In the nether)

In the nether, I spawned in the Nether Wastes biome, which was in my opinion, a good spawn. I decided to just look around. I was not going to wander around, mainly because I don't have gold on me, and I just want to see if there is a fortress nearby.

And there was.

(A/N: Trust me when I say, it is actually pretty common to spawn near a fortress. There is usually one within 500 blocks of where you spawn, it's just covered)

While it was on the edge of my render distance, I definitely can see a nether fortress. After figuring that out, I decided that I should not stay here for too long and when back to the over world.



After reaching the overworld, I realised that I was a little sick of working on the villager breeder constantly, so I decided that I should make a house.

It doesn't have to be a good one, and will be mainly made out of spruce wood, but it will be my comfy home.

After all, I don't exactly know how Minecraft will help me in the real world, what if eventually I am able to bring in people to help me? What if I can have mining sla *cough* friends who can help me ? This world will be way more effective.

Obviously I will make sure that they can never betray me, but hey, sucks to be them I guess.

(A/N: he is referring to his future imaginary slaves)