
Love Rival (3)

I, who want to express my feeling….instead she the one who expressed her feeling first

'Since long ago…for you…I'm feeling…'

But the one she wants to express her feeling is not me.

This feeling....

That what I'm thinking on the way home after school is over. And when I arrive at home….

"I'm home"

"You're late, Takehito"

My brother already waiting for me.


"Get upstairs quickly, if mom knows, that would be troublesome"

I can't refute his words and just goes upstairs as he said. And at his room, when I returning the uniform I'm borrowing from him…

"Hey, Takehito…No one knows right?"


"For the whole day, you pretending to be me, right?"

"I know, there's nothing to worry about"


"So, what?"

"Your love declaration"


What should I say? The girl I love, actually like you, bro. and she expressing her feeling to me because she thinks I'm you…..

"Hmph…so you get rejected…just as I thought"


I'm so upset until I grab my bro's shirt collar

"What's up? Did what I'm said is wrong?"

"Huh!...never mind"

I leave my brother's room after that.

We grow up and raise together, have the same face and the same stature…but why…

Why it must Kyohito, and not me…

As if….if we meet in different ways, you will choose me Yayoi?


Touka High School, after school over




"What's up?"

"There's something I need to talk with you"



Hori residence, Takehito's room, near dinner time.

*Knock knock*


Kyohito entering my room, he looks serious


Without saying anything he just barging in and catch my collar

"What are you doing to Katahira?"

"Katahira? Katahira who?"

"Yayoi Katahira, my classmates!"

"Oh, her family name Katahira"

"What are you doing to her!"

"Wait, I don't understand what you mean"

"Today…after school…"

And my brother starts telling me what happen to him after school.

"Kyohito…there's something I need to talk with you"

"What do you want to talk about?"


"Hey Katahira"

"Now you call me Katahira again…"


"Nothing, sorry to bother you, just forget about yesterday"


"We back as classmates again like before…I beg you….please don't hate me..please?"


Katahira already running away, left me without say anything more.

And my brother ends his story.

"So, what are you doing to her? What are you doing yesterday? Answer me Takehito!"

"Wait….why you so angry like this?"


Watch my bro face become red already explain to me what happen between them….my brother and her…they love each other….

"WHY?...why you always get anything that I can't get?"


"Since we're kid…we always compared….smart older brother stupid younger brother…whether in class or sport you always praised….i always under your shadow...GET OUT! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"


I push my bro out from my room and lock the door after that.

This so irritating…..why Kyohito gets everything….everything that I like…everything that I wanted…


But…I will not give up this time!

Next morning, Touka High School.

I walk and enter this school again wearing my school uniform, heading to my brother class. I can hear Touka's student whispering to each other

"Hey, that's Kyohito right?"

"Just now, what he's wearing?"

"He's Kyohito from class 2-5 right?"

"Why he wearing other school's uniform?"

"I don't know…"

I don't care with what they talking, I just go straight into my brother class and open the door. And like the outside, his classmates also surprised with my presence


"There's two Kyohito?"

"Did Kyohito have twins?"

I don't care with what they talking about, I only have one direction, Yayoi seat

"Yayoi, do you have a minute?"

"Ah?.... yes"

"I need to talk with you"

We walk to the backyard of the school where no other student around


"Yayoi…I'm sorry"


"That day…that day you expressing your feeling not to Kyohito, but to me"


"I should tell you first so you will not feel sad"


"My name Hori Takehito, second years at Nozawa High School….I like you…since the first time I see you waiting for the bus at the bus stop, I always feeling…."

"I'm sorry…I feel honored..but…"

"it's okay…I understand, although it feels hurt, I'm glad"


"Because what you said is directed to me, only to me"


"Can I ask one more thing?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"If you meet me first, not my brother…and we meet in different ways…is that possible for you to choose me?"

"I…I don't know…love is not choosing one from two…or choose who comes first…. I...I just believe with what I'm feeling….if there's love feeling…."

"Thank you…I feel better now. I'm glad I can love a girl like you"

After that we separate, she's back to her class and I'm leaving this school. At the school gate, my brother already waiting for me there.



He looks at me with the serious face


"You not giving up huh?"


"You're great. Even though you know the result, you still take the choice that I can't take, really great…and really manly"

I stunned by what he just said…

My love rival…also, the person who understands me most

"I..I don't need your sympathy bro.."

Although I'm feeling sad…although my heart is broken…somehow I did not feel regret.

"Bro…you should express your feeling to her"


"And after you officially become her boyfriend, I will replace you when you have a date"

"Don't speak nonsense!!!"

After anything that happens to us, the good thing, bad thing…we will always keep step forward