
Love Rival (2)

Next morning, Touka High School's entrance

With uniform and glasses that I borrow from my brother (My brother wearing glasses, I'm not) I'm going to Touka High School. Along the way to the class, I secretly admire this school. I can see the student take morning practice in the field, school girls with Touka's uniform along the way, the garden that clean and well maintenance along the road, and school building that look cool. No wonder Touka become the most prestigious school in our city.


Suddenly someone calls my brother's name from behind. I almost forget that I'm now Kyohito. I turn my head to see who's calling me.



A boy greets me from behind

"You're Yagami, right? We are in the same class when we were in the third year in junior high school. Long time no see you"

"Hah? What are you talking about?"

He looks confused with my words

Ah! I almost forget that I'm now Kyohito, not Takehito. I should act indifferent like my brother used to act at home in front of him

"What's up Yagami? You already chirping this morning"

"Huh? Are you in the bad mood this morning?"

What? Why he thinking I'm in the bad mood?

"What are you saying? Didn't I always like this?"

"What are you talking about, you always grinning this grinning that in the school"

"Him? Grinning?"

"What him you talking about?"

Whoops, talking to him only makes me getting exposed easily. With an excuse, I run to the class to avoid unnecessary talking with Yagami.

But in the class, the situation is worse than with Yagami. Everyone in the class greeting me

"Hey Kyohito"

"Hallo Kyohito

"Morning Kyohito"

And that comes from boys and girls in the class. How is this can happen? Why my brother is so popular in the class? He's quite different from when at home and in the school. I thought he's a loner and always sit in the corner of the class without talking with anyone and only read the textbooks to use his time. if this continues, it will be hard to keep my mouth shut and speak unnecessary things. I sill busy with my thought when a warm and soft girl's voice greet me

"Good morning Kyohito"

When I turn my head to see who greet me….


It's her! That's the girl! It's the girl that I always see from the bus. I only can look dumbfounded at her

"Why..you look at me like that?"

Luckily the other girl greet her and make her attention diverted from me

"Good morning Yayoi"


And after that, the homeroom teacher come into the class and start the lesson.

So her name is Yayoi. I never expected she's my brother classmate. But that good for me, I don't have to search for her in all the school area. During the class, I always see her while thinking about how to create a chance to speak with her alone, and expressing my feeling to her.

During the class break, I eat my bento in the corner of the school while thinking about how to approach her. After that, I must have a chance to be alone with her only. With so many people in the class, I guess my chance of being alone with her is thin. Or should I wait until the school is over and walk home with her?

I'm still in the middle of my thought when someone walks toward my sitting place.



It's her again. It's Yayoi who come to me

"It's unusual for you to sit alone like this Kyohito"

"Oh really?"

"Why you ask me back? You really weird today Kyohito…may I sit near you?"


She takes a seat near me and starts eating her bento too.

My heart starts beating faster when sees her. I never thought we can be alone, just me and her, like this so soon. This is a golden opportunity, I should not miss it. C'mon my guts, express your feeling!



She looks at me with a surprised face


"Kyohito….Just now…did you call me?"

"Yayoi, right?"

"This is the first time you call me with my first name"

"Eh. Really?"

This is dangerous, I don't know how I supposed to call her….what if she suspecting me?

"I…I'm really glad"

Wait a minute, why her response is like that? Is that possible she….


"What's up Kyohito?"


"Didn't you just call me just now?"

"Ehm…is there…anyone, that you like?"


"Is there anyone?"

"I have"

"Who is he?"

"Why? Why you want to know?"

"It's okay, just tell me who is he"

Looking at her bashful face, I actually don't want to hear her answer…please don't say it Yayoi…don't answer my question....

"I….for long time ago…for you, I feel…."

Before she finishes her words, I stand up and leave her

"Sorry, I just remember I have something to do in class"


Why this becomes like this? I want to express my feeling to her, it turns to become she express her feeling to me. But what she meant is not me…this feeling….so painful.