
The Unfated : The Jinyan Curse

History repeats itself. When everyone else was afraid of the curse to be unleashed after being suppressed for thousands of years, Jaelin and Sinian boldly dare to be with each other every time the clans go against them. They weren't supposed to meet. Nevertheless, they conquered rules to break the curse and sacrifice each other for the name of 'love'. Could Sinian prohibit himself from giving love to the woman he's committed to? And could Jaelin stop herself from falling for the man her heart desires and her body shivers for his presence? A cursed challenging love that enchants the young knight and demon to make them do their best not to be together for the sake of nature's safety and both clans' peace.

queeneverdine · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Fell In The Trap

Sinian was in his room lying down, feeling tired from the amount of matters he had been taking care of in few days. He couldn't stop thinking about Jaelin when he left her alone. Felt responsible on her ever since his elder brother had punished her severely. He decided to go back for keeping her company, right after the departure of his father to continue his tour around the kingdom.

"She's the only one who meets the description, your highness," Demon Yijoon, the former follower and spy of king Wanglei, informed him secretly in the study. "But, she doesn't seem to be that dangerous. I guess she doesn't know her true form."

"It's better to cut off the roots before they go deeper," The night king spelled smirking when he was facing the window. He, then, went back to sit down in front of his desk. "Capture her as soon as you get the chance to. Let nobody sees you. She has to end the suffering of our dynasty," He ordered, clenching the cup of his drink, while Yijoon bowed and left for the mission.

Meanwhile, Jasper sneaked into Jaelin's room to look for the forbidden book. It was left under the sofa where Jaelin had sat down, the previous night. He took it out and left a magical note sent from Ixin, that would vanish once opened. He went back right away, handing it to his leader. It was the book of forbidden spells, everything about the special heixins, wizards and witches whom were known for being unusual from the two clans, either with their superpowers or the forbidden spells they had used.

"This is the book you've asked for," The air demon spoke and sat down as ordered.

"Did you make sure she'll be the one receiving the note?" Questioned the demon leader, flipping the pages as Jasper nodded.

"She is in the forest where she always practices. I think she's trying hard to keep herself busy while waiting for his highness," Expressed the silver-haired demon. He was far from being talkative. The most silent demon among them all.

"She has to come here, so I'd have a proper conversation with her. I've been warning her over and over to stay away from Sinian. Yet, they're both being attached this fast and that's fishy." Ixin was so concerned about the whole matter. He had always known what he was doing. Unlike him, his closest fellow had not understood that.

"If they love each other then wouldn't it be natural to be attached this much?" He wondered.

"I bet you're inexperienced, Jasper," Laughed the night leader as the fellow agreed in carelessness. "Love comes slow. Fast attachments are toxic. It's like picking a flower just because you see it beautiful until it withers. But love is when you water it and take care of it because you appreciate it, fill it with love and protect it," He continued sighing, looked outside the window rewinding some of his painful memories.

"Your highness seem experienced," Jasper confessed as his leader chuckled turning to look at him.

"Check the capitol for me and order Levi to cover on my absence by telling them I'm taking days off since Sinian is in charge now," he ordered as they both went outside the cabinet. "Be careful of what I told you. What I'm doing is secretive. So, let nobody know about it."

Jasper had proved his loyalty to Ixin from the very first time he had entered to the Lunar Eris. His past is a mystery because he had nobody to take care of him beside counting on himself to survive in the wild world. He had lost his family when he was a teenager. The streets had held him tight to raise. Not until master Lu found him and treated him as his own disciple. He had gained enough trainings to become the perfect trustworthy subordinate for the night leader.

"Greetings to the mother queen," Julian and his subordinates bowed to queen Anna, who was happy to meet her son's fellows.

"Welcome back our brave knights. Welcome back crown prince Julian," She welcomed smiling as she was approaching her son to tap on his shoulder. "How was your trip from the sacred school?" Questioned the queen allowing them to sit down as she pulled her son to sit beside her.

"It was good. My subordinates are tired and need to rest since we've got a lot to accomplish," Julian expressed and wanted to dismiss them, so they'd not be faced by her tough questions. She was known for being merciless when it came to mistakes even the slightest.

"Oh, right. However, I heard that you'll have four new subordinates while I'm seeing two. I wonder what happened to the other two," She interrogated glaring at all of them.

"Yes, true. I have sent knight Juli to her mansion few days ago. And for knight Jaelin, she..." The light king spelled then hesitated.

"She's punished by the night leader, isn't she?" She replied arrogantly turning to look at her son, who looked down sighing. "I heard she was so bold and wicked. Acting impulsively. How arrogant of her to distort the light knights honor!" Continued in an annoyed voice tone while Julian felt so sad for what she had said.

"It was a trap that she was set in. She isn't as you described her, mother queen," He defended while Ethan wanted to talk but decided not to interfer.

"May I speak, mother queen?" Ian stood up bowing while Ethan wanted to stop him.

"Sure. Let him speak his mind," Allowed the queen gazing at both of them.

"I've been training with many guardians for all these years. However, practicing with knight Jaelin had always been my honor, because she's so strong and knowledgeable. Moreover, decent and with a good morality. So, I do agree fully with our king," Expressed Ian, trying to defend his leader while everyone else was holding his breath. It was weird since he was the one defending her and it wasn't for any other reason beside standing by his leader, as a subordinate's duty.

"Hmm. I see then," She stood up walking to leave the room. "I hope to see her sooner after her punishment. Have a good rest our honorable knights!" She hissed with eyes full of anger, then left the hall. She was terrifying when it came to ruling the kingdom and made sure her people abide by rules. Nobody dared to be bold in front of her which was why she got annoyed by what Ian had done.

"Are you insane? Who allowed you to speak that way to the mother queen!" Ethan shouted while Evander was wondering where had his mate gone wrong. "You shouldn't have even spoken to her that way. Do you want to be thrown out of this palace?" Continued scolding.

"I was trying to stand by our leader's side. Plus, she is judging our mate without even knowing her or seeing her. How did I go wrong?" The water knight defended, standing in front of Ethan face to face.


Julian stood up walking toward them. "You both are right. Ian, you shouldn't have spoken that way to her because she's got a terrifying temper," He tapped on Ian's shoulder then turned to face Ethan. "And for what he's done, he's right too because she shouldn't judge her that way without getting to really know her." He smiled proudly and left to his wing as each one of them went to his room to rest.

Jaelin entered her room in the afternoon to have her meals. She was tired that she took a hot bath for an hour to relax. It was hard for her to let go of her restlessness. She went out and dressed up in her uniform to finish practicing her xiaofang moves, so she'd not forget them.

"Where did I put it?" Asked the red head girl, looking for the second forbidden book that Sinian had given her. "I'm sure it was here! Jaelin focus," She spoke to herself looking through her closet and under the bed. She then remembered that she had put it under the sofa.

"Huh! What's that?" She wondered when she found a glittery magical circle that was flaring underneath.

As she pulled it out, it flourished into a burning paper, containing Ixin's unknown message. "If you want the book, come to the secret garden. I'm waiting for you." She felt happy to read it because she thought it was Sinian. However, in a while, she was full of doubts wondering why was it unsigned and thought Sinian would come directly to her room. Jaelin decided not to go, at first, but changed her mind since her curiosity was about to kill her.

Yijoon had just started to watch over her that morning. On a mission to capture her down and hand her over to Wanglei.

She held her sword for any emergencies—ever since she had lost her superpowers. Was running toward the secret garden among those tall trees that hid sunlight slowly. The spy was following her secretly and Jasper was there, hidden, to watch over her.

"Who's that?" Jasper questioned when he saw Yijoon, in a black mask, tracking her. He knew she was endangered to be alone, inside those deep woods and being followed.

Jaelin was running then stopped to walk slowly since she sensed some unusual moves among trees. Turned back and saw nothing beside some dark corners of those woods. Jasper tried to warn her by sending few small blows of his cold wind. They hit her face and blew her hair slowly like an evening breeze. However, she just doubted it was from inside the forest. As she took few steps forward, Yijoon used his earth superpowers and shook the ground under her feet.

"Who's there!" As she shouted, the ground started to crumble and she fell down. She stood up using her sword and jumped to run away.

Yijoon didn't spare her. Followed her all the way as he spelled a curse underneath her steps to hold her feet down with rockery walls. She skipped the first steps then froze in her place when those rocks were holding her feet.

"I said who's there!" She shouted in panic trying to remain tough.

Jasper on the other hand was behind, trying to catch up with the mysterious spy. He created a stormy wind anonymously, not to blow his cover. He wanted to see who was the one targeting Jaelin, even though the other one was smart enough to attack her without showing up. The fire diva couldn't resist those rocks around her legs although she was trying to break them, using her sword. For a while she thought somebody had set a trap for her by sending that letter while she didn't know what was that for. Slowly losing her strength and letting go of her sword, losing breathes and fainting on scene. Yijoon took that chance to approach her then take her away to his master.

"Stop right there!" Ixin arrived at that moment with eyes full of fury and anger. "Who are you to even get closer to her?" He created a closed space around Jaelin, using his lightning superpowers and made him retreat slowly. "Reveal yourself!" Ixin shouted as the ninja spy tried to escape. Jasper was there facing him with his stormy wind, to stop him. However, Yijoon was faster to vanish in front of them.

"Are you alright, your highness?" The silver haired demon ran toward his leader, who was holding Jaelin in his arms.

"Who was it? How did he know about her coming here?" The night leader demanded as they started to walk back to the cabinet.

"I saw him at the entrance of these woods. He seemed to know about the letter I've put. However, I couldn't recognize him or even exposing my cover until you showed up," Jasper explained thoroughly as the black-haired demon sighed looking at the beauty in his arms.

"Investigate the case immediately. I need to know who's behind him and who does want to hurt knight Jaelin," Ordered the leader as his subordinate stopped walking. "What's wrong?"

"Your highness, knight Jaelin has lost her breaths due to getting suffocated by those rocks. I think she needs to wake up immediately," Suggested the fellow as Ixin rolled his eyes, putting her down carefully as her head was on his lap.

"Come do that yourself," Ixin suggested feeling a bit embarrassed while Jasper looked quizzical.

"Are you sure you want me to do that?" He wondered as he got closer to her, facing his leader.

"Um," Hummed the night demon looking away. Jasper felt a bit confused, at first; he, then, reached his hand to hold her face but was stopped. "You can't even do it properly. I'm gonna do it! Stay away!" Shouted the arrogant leader as his subordinate took few steps backward.

Ixin felt a bit strange by the state he was facing with her. He had never wanted to ruin his image with any young lady. Even among the concubines whom were roaming around him by king Wanglei's order, he was known for being faithful to himself only. It was a moment of confusion for him because he started to care about her when he decided to push his subordinate away. He held her face with his right hand eyeing her angelic fierce face, how peaceful she looked when closing her eyes, just like the first time he stared at her before she caught him in her room. He slowly got closer as his eyes couldn't escape her little details but were fixed on her reddish lips. Not hesitating but pressing a kiss with his moist lips, forgetting himself for a while and enjoying that strange real feeling of kissing a lady. Even though he had kissed many girls before her and was in love too, but that one was unique and felt different.