
The Unfated : The Jinyan Curse

History repeats itself. When everyone else was afraid of the curse to be unleashed after being suppressed for thousands of years, Jaelin and Sinian boldly dare to be with each other every time the clans go against them. They weren't supposed to meet. Nevertheless, they conquered rules to break the curse and sacrifice each other for the name of 'love'. Could Sinian prohibit himself from giving love to the woman he's committed to? And could Jaelin stop herself from falling for the man her heart desires and her body shivers for his presence? A cursed challenging love that enchants the young knight and demon to make them do their best not to be together for the sake of nature's safety and both clans' peace.

queeneverdine · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Fourteen : A Life Savior

He woke up from his instant drunken state. Turned his kiss to transmitting his qi with his breaths as he reached his left hand to soothe her body from getting hurt, since his qi was much different than hers. Jasper felt annoyed to see him acting that way with her. He sighed and turned to look away, thinking that he was taking advantage of a weakling knight who had lost her superpowers, and treating her just like he had always treated his other concubines. Jaelin, suddenly, woke up; widening her eyes to see herself trapped inside Ixin's arms with a kiss.

"You!" She screamed, pushing him away and got up to slap him but failed since he grabbed her arm.

"You should be thankful, knight Jaelin," He smirked evilly while wiping his lower lip seductively. "My kiss has healed you again," Added Ixin in an arrogant way, letting go of her arm and stood up.

"Your actions are far away from being a nobility! You don't deserve to hold such titles since you're less decent! Sinian is much better than you in every way," The fire diva angrily claimed as he clenched his fists, feeling furious for mentioning his brother. He exhaled slowly to calm down then walked away. "I can't believe you've got such wicked ways to trap me this way, then take advantage of me! I hate you!" She continued as she stood up.

"Knight Jaelin, please, calm down and follow us to the secret cabinet," Jasper muttered, trying to change the tensity of that situation.

"Why would I follow such an indecent demon! I'm not going to fall for his trap again!"

"Miss Jaelin. You've totally misunderstood the situation..." Jasper was stating but was stopped by his leader.

"Enough! Let's go back now," The night leader ordered angrily as his fellow followed.

As they both stepped further, Jaelin tried to walk back to her room. However, it was hard for her to walk since one of her legs was badly injured from the attack. Ixin couldn't leave her there by herself, alone in the woods and injured. He turned back to surprise her by carrying her in his arms while she resisted. Nevertheless, she stopped after walking few steps, ignoring her.

"You can leave first," Ordered the leader his subordinate while Jaelin stopped him.

"Don't go!" She screamed as he glared at her. Bold enough to stop his order. Jasper felt confused looking at both of them. "I said don't leave me with him! If you're leaving then take me with you!" She spelled while she was hanging onto Ixin's shoulders tightly. He smirked, ignoring her statement and referring to him to leave.

"Can you stop moving? You're heavy," He joked with a poker face as she pouted.

"Nobody told you to carry me. You're the one responsible for my injuries in the first place," Claimed the fire diva while he smirked looking away. "Where are we going?"

"You'll know soon," Replied coldly as she stared at him for a long while. "Is there something on my face that you missed?"

"At all," Jaelin rolled her eyes to look away. She felt intimidated in his presence but protected for a while.

Meanwhile, Sinian was anxious about finishing his duties as soon as possible to catch up with Jaelin. King Wanglei had stayed long enough to see his performances and leave the responsibilities for him to handle. It was more of an excuse to chase out Ixin after marrying Sinian and crown him to become the ruler of the night land.

"Pass my order. Everyone in these lands must obey crown prince Lu Sinian since I'm going on a tour to the other lands. Nobody is allowed to listen to Ixin or even help him realize his evil schemes on these lands," The night king ordered as he was about to get in his carriage.

"Yes, your highness!" Everyone bowed, among them, the night subordinates and Sinian, himself, had to bid farewell to him.

"I'm going to be back within a month and half. I hope you won't disappoint me, son," Wanglei tapped on his shoulder smiling gently then got inside the royal carriage with its flying horses.

The air demon noticed the absence of his older brother. Felt uneasy about him not being around because he knew he was after Jaelin. He hurried to arrange for his departure to the Lunar Eris palace. Yeona and Zelo were practicing in the big training yard with other warrior demons but were called by Sinian to perform in front of him, in his study.

"Your highness," They both bowed as he allowed them to rise.

"I know it's not your responsibility to do that, however, I want you both to take care of the palace matters until I get back," He informed, putting down the book he was reading.

"Where are you going? How can you let our father down?" Yeona spelled, dropping formalities since she was the younger princess.

"I have other matters to take care of and I can't do that while I'm stuck in this castle. Which is why I trust you both to watch over the matters in here, in my absence," Explained the night crown prince as he sighed deeply.

"What other matters? You weren't here before the arrival of father and barely appeared to take care of your duties. Where have you been roaming, brother?" She scolded with curiosity as Zelo referred to stop her.

"It's nobody's business to know. Even father shouldn't. Now, can you do it or no?" Sinian glanced at Zelo as Yeona felt annoyed from his lack or responsibility.

"We can't do that!"

"We can do that," Zelo agreed while the other one didn't.

"You!" The flora demoness turned to glare at him, pouting.

"Alright. Then, I got to leave now. If anything happens, call for me," Sinian spelled, leaving them both in the study as the fire demon bowed.

"Why did you agree to do that! Are you out of mind? He is running from his responsibilities. Ixin would have never done that," She spoke then sat down on one of the bancs put in there.

"Our night leader will be here to help, that's why I agreed. Otherwise, the crown prince seems to have more important things to take care of out of these walls than to be here. He won't take long but will eventually come back for his duties," Explained Zelo in a serious way, made her looking at the bigger picture.

"I wonder what are these important things that he's got," She looked up, thinking of what he had said as he sat beside her pouring tea. "But, I'm happy since Ixin is going back here sooner! I've missed him so much lately," Continued the demoness, making him clenching his cup of tea and staying silent.

Ixin and Jaelin arrived to that small house, finding themselves alone. He put her on the bed then bent down to remove her shoes. He checked her injury and found that it was up to the middle of her thigh, above her knee. It was infecting her muscles slowly since Yijoon's rocks were poisonous. He stood up, taking off his long black royal hood from his shoulders, and started to unbutton his top.

"What are you doing?" Uneasily questioned the fire diva, gazing at him restlessly.

"Take off your uniform and wear this," Replied confidently glaring at her, putting his hood and mid-thighed top beside her, staying in his sleeveless black under-top and pants with his sword hanged in his huge belt surrounding it.

"What! What are you trying to do?" She looked at him clenching the bed sheets while her heart was beating abnormally.

"Your leg is badly injured. If you keep it that way, you might cut it and become legless," He spelled going out of the cabinet leaving her to change clothes. "You've got five minutes," He continued, standing at the door. His back view was attractive to look at from the window, and his muscled long arms suiting his height were clearly strong and attractive. Jaelin couldn't believe she was about to do that while being alone with the devil himself. She had always had trust issues and even guarded up around everyone, beside those who had been the closest.

She hesitated to do that, at first, then changed her mind since her injury was getting more and more painful. She unbuttoned her top slowly, checking each time if he was glimpsing or no. Took off her pants, seeing her legs with some unknown injuries that she had never seen before. Kept her underwear and wore his top that ended at her knees. She saw no need to wear his hood, so she kept it aside and stayed confused, asking herself if she should trust him or no. Thought about Sinian for a while when she looked out of the window to see Ixin standing steadily out there.

"Did you finish?" He questioned as she didn't respond since she was absent-minded. He sighed shortly and turned to glance at her eyes facing the ground and clenching his top. Decided to knock and enter while she freaked out shouting.

"Did I tell you to get in?" Defensively spoke the light knight as he looked away.

"Does it hurt badly?" Not showing his worry but sat on the floor holding her left leg and checking the cuts where a dark brown miasma was getting out of them.

"Yes," Nodded the girl uneasily while she fixed her eyes on the cuts. "Is it that bad of an injury?" Continued when she noticed him fixing his eyes in a worry.

"It's poisonous. External medicine won't be helpful. However, it's not deadly. I can take it off," Ixin comforted, standing up looking at her.

"How are you going to do that?"

"Lie on your back and close your eyes. Do not move no matter what," He instructed as she felt uncomfortable.

"What are you going to do? I don't trust you enough to follow your instructions," She spelled clenching her top as he felt annoyed from the way she was acting. He held her from her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed, facing her closely as she grasped her breaths. His eyes were fixed on hers and felt how intimidated she was.

"It's easy for me to do such things, miss Jaelin. However, you ain't my type to begin with and I don't explain my actions no matter what. Whether you trust me or not, I'm here to heal you then have a real talk with you. Otherwise, you have the choice to leave here anytime," He whispered as he was surrounding her with his sleeveless arms against the bed. It was tearing her heart up from its race and how close he was on top of her.

Ixin got up standing as she followed his orders, lying down properly and spelling no word beside trying to keep her tough image that was already destroyed in front of him. He took his black hood and covered her upper body with it as he created a protected space to embrace the healing formula inside of it. He motioned both his hands in a circular trajectory, creating a magnetic field with his lightning to absorb the poison from her legs. Jaelin was excruciating once the poison was going out of her because it felt as if many knives were being pulled out.

"Don't resist or it'll hurt you more," He noted as she screamed, clenching the bed sheets.

"What are you doing to her!" Sinian roared at his arrival as Ixin got annoyed. He couldn't do anything because of the protected space and he saw how that poison was being absorbed.

"Don't meddle or she'll get hurt more," The older brother warned, focusing on his magnetic field to make it fast for her and less painful.

"Why is she poisoned? What happened to her?" He inquired worriedly, sadly and helplessly looking at her while Ixin ignored him. "Stop it! She's in pain, can't you see that!" He screamed trying to stop him.

"Shut up and help me containing the formula or she'll get hurt more!" He thundered in anger not wanting to lose focus.

Sinian joined his elder brother in strengthening the protected space. The poison was fully absorbed as she fainted. He ran toward her checking while Ixin spitted blood and felt the poison inside of him. For few moments, he felt dizzy with a strong headache. He telepathically called for Jasper to take him to the main palace of the Lunar Eris instead of going to the night capitol.