
The Unfated : The Jinyan Curse

History repeats itself. When everyone else was afraid of the curse to be unleashed after being suppressed for thousands of years, Jaelin and Sinian boldly dare to be with each other every time the clans go against them. They weren't supposed to meet. Nevertheless, they conquered rules to break the curse and sacrifice each other for the name of 'love'. Could Sinian prohibit himself from giving love to the woman he's committed to? And could Jaelin stop herself from falling for the man her heart desires and her body shivers for his presence? A cursed challenging love that enchants the young knight and demon to make them do their best not to be together for the sake of nature's safety and both clans' peace.

queeneverdine · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Ten : Curiosity Before Love

"My lord. Do you need me to do anything to you?" Concubine Xiaolei threw herself on Ixin when he was lying down on the sofa, in his study. She was wearing a transparent dress, showing half her chest and the sides of her legs.

"When did you comeback?" He asked carelessly when he held her from her waist with his right arm.

"Does my lord notice my absence?" She playfully asked whispering in his ear then sucked it lightly.

"You're the main concubine," He reminded whispering back coldly.

She giggled when she brought her hand upward to his neck to touch it and unbuttoning his top while sucking his neck slowly. He sighed shortly not reacting to her kisses as she made her way down, sensing his hard boarded chest, to his abs then was about to unbutton his pants. He held her hand and turned to be on her.

"It's not yours to touch, Xiaolei," He growled whispering and glared at her with anger, reminding her of who she was.

"Your highness, demon Jasper wants to enter," The guardian announced while Ixin agreed after ordering her to leave.

"Your highness," Bowed the demon when Ixin was fixing his clothes. "The ministers don't want to appoint his highness Sinian. They think he is still immature to rule the kingdom," Informed the air element knight.

"Does it matter what they think of him, Jasper?" Smirked the devil, sitting down in his desk.

"No, at all. It's about him not being seen around that made them talk this way," He explained as he sat down facing his leader.

"Schedule me a meeting with them. They only want to see the dark side of me to shut their mouths," In a cold angry way, ordered Ixin. "Also, I want you to follow Sinian. I'm sure he's spending his time with that red head little girl," He smirked pouring a drink remembering how reckless and brave she was. The silver haired guy bowed and left for his mission. He announced for the meeting to be held that evening and informed his leader to get ready. Ixin didn't think of anything but acting tough in front of others to hide his real intentions.

"Your highness," Yeona and Zelo entered his chambers bowing. "They want demon Sinian to perform in the meeting. Should I go look for him?" Zelo continued when Ixin breathed calmly.

"No need to. You both have another thing to do," He stood up heading toward the balcony with his hands crossed behind his back. "Watch over the ministers and what they're scheming for. If anything is fishy, report it to me directly," He ordered turning to look at both of them, bowing their heads.

"Is everything okay, big brother?" Yeona got closer to him when she told Zelo to wait for her outside.

"Why are you worried, demon Yeona?" He smiled gently as she blushed.

"Because you're handling too much affairs and dealing with lot of pressure while Sinian isn't anywhere around," Sadly spoke the flora girl looking at him with despair.

"These things aren't yours to worry about, little sister," He patted on her head smiling. "Everything will be alright. Plus, think about your future prince whom you'll marry. He might be one of those ministers' sons," Claimed the big brother sarcastically, looking away as she felt uneasy about what he had said.

"I won't marry any of those spoiled children!" She pouted hitting his arm lightly while he laughed.

"Yeah. I can't give you to anyone but to who treats you the best and love you the most."

"What about you? Will you marry someone you love?" Asked the dark purple haired girl.

"Do you think I'm someone who'll get married easily?" He smirked as she sighed quietly but he noticed.

"You have many concubines around you and many women want to give themselves to you. It'll be easy for you to choose," She shrugged leaving the room when he stayed silent.

It wasn't like he ever wanted to be surrounded by those concubines, but his father, king Wanglei, assigned them for him to be watched and ruin his image not to steal Sinian's throne. Ixin was cunning, he had them around to touch him and kiss him but never lured to touch them or have any intercourse with them. He was loyal to himself and careful to protect it since he was hated mostly by the king himself while having a more serious mission to accomplish. Ministers on the other hand, had wanted to use him against his father. They knew that their relation was entangled with tension and fury. So, taking his side to go against the night ruler would be much of their advantage to get rid of both.

"Where are you? You've been absent for this week," He telepathically contacted Sinian as he was with Jaelin having their midday meal.

"I need to be alone away from the kingdom. Is there anything you need?" Replied the younger demon when he was eating peacefully.

"The ministers want you in today's meeting! Stop running away from responsibilities or else till when should I do your job, dear brother?" Coldly scolded him when he clenched his fist angrily.

"I'll be there. At what time will it be held?" The air to-be-king asked not wanting to drive his brother mad more than he was. He knew he was under lot of pressure and had always handled more than he should which pushed him to try going easily while dealing with him.

"The evening. Don't be late."

Ixin cut his mind contact with him as he was facing that beautiful scenery from his balcony. He got out Jaelin's hexin to look carefully at it. It was shining beautifully like a camp fire in the midst of the night. It had put his own hexin in a warm space forgetting its coldness. His eyes were drowning in it as his mind got trapped and dazed out for few moments. Feeling strangely close yet far. For his very first time entangling with such a strong feeling about holding her hexin in his hand. He tried to rewind the memories and to remember if such a special superpower had ever crossed his eyes or mind ever in his life. As he was called out from outside his wing, he got her hexin back to its place beside his inside his body and got out for his work.

Meanwhile, Julian had left to his palace, in the light capital. He was overthinking most of times about that painting. He didn't expect that his to-be-queen was Han Juli. His ministers wanted to proceed with the wedding ceremony as soon as possible while he felt uneasy about it. Ethan was out of solutions to help his leader. He knew that his heart was into Jaelin but he was a king and that was his destiny to give up that foolish love for the sake of his kingdom. Tried to convince him but Julian had always faked a smile and played tough not to show his sorrow.

"Does knight Juli know about the marriage?" Julian asked his subordinates.

"We informed countess Han and she's proceeding with the preparations. We are not sure if she has told her or no," Ian clarified when he and Evander were facing him in his desk while Ethan was standing by his left side.

"When is the ceremony supposed to be held?" Coldly the king asked, spinning his cup of tea and drowning his eyes in it.

"It's within a month. Knight Juli would be prepared by that time. It's what her mother claimed," Evander replied while Julian sighed, putting down that tea cup.

"Postpone it, until knight Jaelin gets her hexin back. Otherwise, I'll go to the Han mansion and talk to knight Juli about it," He ordered, standing up to leave as the dudes bowed.

"I don't think he wants to get married. Does he not want to be a king?" Evander questioned while Ethan shouted.

"Nonsense! He doesn't want to have an arranged marriage that's it," He explained further gazing at both.

"Sorry! I didn't mean that. But, who does he wanna marry?" The knight was curious as Ian hit his arm, referring to him to shut up. Ethan followed the light leader while the two stayed to chat.

"It's knight Jaelin. Didn't you know how he asked knight Juli about her and how he reacted toward her punishment?" Ian explained as Evander was shocked.

"But knight Juli is so beautiful and she's from a high status just like him," He whispered as the other hit his back.

"Don't ever open your mouth about such matters! Or else, we're doomed!" Warned the water element knight while Evander nodded.

"Are you both still gossiping!" Ethan got back to order them. "Hurry to practice before you're given any mission."

Julian was confused and sad. Barely focused on the internal issues of his kingdom. He decided to go back to the light palace in the capital and see how things were going. However, before that, he had the urge to go see Jaelin since he was still in the Lunar Eris area. The masters were busy with the other guardians, but master Jin was wholly worried about Jaelin being away since her leader decided to visit.

"The light king! You honored us today!" Master Lu greeted when he welcomed him beside the training field.

"Greetings to the great master," Bowed Julian as master Hao and Shin joined them.

"You seem worried, leader knight Julian. If it's because of your subordinate being punished then, I'm also still mad at her," Hummed the great master as Hao rolled his eyes.

"Weren't you worried about her not going to her clan few hours ago?" Master Hao exposed him as Julian smiled lightly.

"I'm here to check up on her and ask her few questions about her family," The crown prince confessed while the masters felt confused for his sudden curiosity.

"Well. Why do you want to inquire about that?" Master Shin questioned while Jin was passing by to hear their conversation.

"I inquired about it at the capitol. However, few people only mentioned that her parents passed away when she was a child, and she's been raised by a relative whom they don't know her name. So, I'd love to know who's this relative," Explained Julian curiously as the masters sighed not wanting to give any information about her for the sake of protecting her.

"It's her aunt, Iren. However, she was sick that time and she decided to let her live here as I'm her guardian and only family," Master Jin interfered. "Jaelin is doing alright. She went to take a nap because she felt bored. I can't wake her up to see you, leader knight Julian," He continued in confidence. The light leader had no choice but to nod and leave as decided to the capitol.