
The Undead In MCU

a normal dude, gets flunked into the world of the Marvel Cinematic universe with many many changes. with him being an undead, the fuck is he gonna do? this is my first fanfiction, so please help me as i go along the way.

SpiritFest13 · Movies
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14 Chs



"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts




Skye is excited for me to join the cause, Simmons is also excited, but for completely different reasons. Triplet and Fitz smile at me, welcoming me to the Cause, Hunter gives me a thumbs up while grinning, and then Bobbi and Mack... smile when they see me looking at them.

right, these two are part of the 'real' S.H.I.E.L.D or whatever bullshit they sprout. I might deal with it when that becomes a problem.... and i realize, i am in the MCU, i am bound to cause some changes to the Timeline... Well whatever, I will just go with it.

it is part of My life from now on anyways.


Well, I am Part of S.H.I.E.L.D. well, in partnership with S.H.I.E.L.D., But whatever. With me in the midst of the plot, there are gonna be a lot of changes. and these changes start now.

May, Morse, Hunter, and Triplett are on mission tracking down Grant Ward since he escaped from his brother, While Coulson and Skye went to look at a case which came from Skye's Contact, mostly about the carvings that Coulson draws, leaving me with Fitz, Jemma with Mack fixing some supplies since he is a technician and all.

" so... Skye's father is a murderer who is running around killing people and works with Raina?" Fitz and Simmons are giving me the rundown on all the things that have been going on since the creation of this team, and watching and listening are two very different things, let me tell you. but, i already know this information and more, but gotta keep that a secret.

"y..yes" Man, i feel bad for Fitz, with him stuttering and all, he is not properly able to speak and feels left out from the team, and his current relationship with Simmons is not looking good.

" and her father has an item known as an Obelisk, which turns you into stone if you touch it, but only a guy called Creel who can absorb Material and you guys gave him to A guy named General Talbot?" yeah.. not the best move and all, letting Talbot have a superpowered individual due to what he becomes in season 5 and all.

"yeah! Ward escaped and during that search, we found you, and you saved Coulson's life." Yeah yeah Simmons, stop telling me this already, I have heard this at least a dozen times, the team really are grateful to me since I saved Coulson and all.

"well..damn, you guys have lived one heck of a life." and you are gonna live even more heck of a one.

"Well yeah... our life is not the normal Agent life." Fitz is as pessimistic as he would be, leading Jemma to turn over and start talking to Fitz.

"Come on Fitz, it was not all bad. we had fun-" but Fitz is not having it, especially with his stuttering.

"Ward left us to die Jemma, you jumped off a plane in a misguided attempt to save us, Skye's father is a killer, Coulson died and came back, twice. and we are on the Run. and i cannot speak properly. the bad far outweigh the good Je...Jemma" His stuttering starts when his rambling ends. jeez, i forgot Season 2 Fitz was a pessimistic dude with his self esteem low.

"Fitz, nothing has changed, we still-" Jemma just cannot accept the situation. Her trauma of being abandoned by Ward while Fitz almost dying led her to not wanting to accept the new changes happening around her.



 oh thank god!... It was way too awkward seeing these characters fighting each other.. It still surprises me that these are real, and have real feelings. but thankfully, a call comes our way, and distracts Fitz-Simmons leading them to check it, the call coming from Coulson wanting us to clean a body they found. me and Fitz go there to Collect the Body and bring it back to the lab where Simmons Can do an Autopsy, where they find that this women, Rebecca Stevens is her true name, has GH.325 coursing through her blood, similar to Coulson, making Coulson to realize that the dead women, and maybe the killer would be part of the T.A.H.I.T.I. project.

Coulson wants to put himself through the memory machine to see if he can uncover the killer's identity. After arguing back and forth, Coulson activates the machine on him and forces him to remember the earlier days running the T.A.H.I.T.I. project, and forcing him to re-witness the deterioration of the test subjects' mental states.

As Coulson is reliving these memories, he starts convulsing and shouting how he needs to know about the carvings, forcing the others to take him out of the machine. and I just stand aside and let them do whatever they want. while thinking, just how much do i wanna share so that the future drastically changes.

While Coulson rests and identifies the possible killers, I decide to wing it, give details and information to the team when there is an opportunity. I am not an idiot, I am gonna slip something up and eventually they are gonna come to me and ask for details about how I know these things. so, I decided to give selective truths, be a detective and a case solver while bullshiting all the conversations I guess.

After Coulson is well rested, Skye approaches him to make him be part of this investigation due to Coulson's personal stake in this, but Coulson Pushes Skye in Ward's cell and walks up.

"so, you are having visions of the same markings that were on the women's head?" I lean in a wall, seeing Coulson coming from the cell door, he stops and looks at me, surprised.

"how do you know about those?" There is a little desperation in Coulson's voice, and it makes sense, he feels he is going crazy and that's the reason he is locking Skye in a cell, so that he could go alone and prove that he is not crazy. but this question, if i do not answer this correctly, Coulson might never trust me even after i have saved his life.

"Well, when I was healing you, my blood mixed with yours, leading me to some visions of markings, and seeing those markings on the women's head, confirms what I was not imagining, and you also see these markings." Coulson sighs in relief, something coming out of his shoulders.

" So I am not crazy.. final-" I do interrupt him though, he is becoming crazy, locking up Skye, trying to do this alone? 

"You are kinda crazy, I mean. you get visions of some kind of writing, that's textbook crazy behavior right there, and why the hell would you lock up Skye if you aren't." Coulson stares at me, I mean, what am I supposed to say? He isn't crazy? He is, and I am gonna be honest, since Honesty is the key right now.

"what am i supposed to do then?" I know that's a rhetorical question, but the answer is simple.

"get Skye out, and we three will go to the people who also are crazy just like you." Coulson is surprised I am up to help him, it might seem that he thinks that I would only come to the Ground to help when there is something that S.H.I.E.L.D could not handle, like enhanced people and stuff.

"...i mean, i did lock her up, if i release her now, she would be ANGRY at me for doing this." yeah, it's kinda awkward to put someone in a cage and a minute later, release them. I Sigh.

"Okay, I'll go down there and Release her." I open the door Coulson came from, leaving Coulson to do the preparations to fly off to the suspects.

"Oh thank god Rai, release me from here, Coulson has gone ins-" I know Skye, I know, that's why I came here to Release you, rather than Coulson.

"I know, I have talked him down a little bit, let's go." i open the electric cage, releasing Skye and then we go to where Coulson is, readying a Quinjet.

"Seriously Coulson, why did you shut me in the cell and walk off on your own-" Coulson Interrupts her, not wanting to make this matter even more bigger than it already is.

"Not now Skye, we need to get Hank Thompson and stop him if he is the Killer or Understand what the symbols are." Coulson starts the plane, making us leave with him to wherever Thompson is.

We reach him and Coulson Confronts him about the symbols, without the gun this time, and during this, Thompson slips about there being another who also asked him the question. I turn and stop the attack from our killer in this situation, Sebastian Derik. he yanks his hand off me and goes to attack Coulson, but Skye comes in-between and Flips him off, putting him on the floor, taking his gun away and tossing it.

"You are Derik, the other Patient of project T.A.H.I.T.I" Coulson looks at him in the eye while Thompson's family rushes out and hugs him. Derik turns to look at Coulson and Thompson, trying to resist Skye's hold on him.

"It's good that you remember me, Coulson, just like I can remember you and the T.A.H.I.T.I Project." Coulson and Skye seemed to have reached a Conclusion regarding the killer.

"So is all of this because you wanted revenge on those involved in the proj-" Coulson's conclusion regarding the killings are wrong, and Derik explains it himself.

"I do not care about revenge. The only thing I care about is the Cravings running through 'our' minds. you see, Pain is a great benefactor to help jog replace memories." yeah, this son of a bitch is not right in the head, even after the memory wipe.

"This guy is a madman." Skye knocks him out, letting us some peace.

"Mr Thompson, can you please tell us anything? about the carvings?" Coulson is not approaching this correctly, while it is to be expected that the cravings are all writing something 'somewhere', it isn't necessarily true.

"Mr Thompson, have you ever done something a lot more than normal, such as building something?" Mr Thompson looks at me in Surprise, since I figured out one of his important life mysteries, one which he is trying to Solve from the day he started building.

"how do you know?" Suspicion starts to creep in, even though his memory might have been wiped out, his S.H.I.E.L.D Instincts have not.

"Well, that just Confirmed My theory." There is no theory, I needed a reason to reveal information, so I cooked something, a theory, asked a specific question, got the answer, and revealed why you asked that specific question. basic Spy stuff.

"what are you talking about, Rai?" Coulson and Skye look at me, Confused and questioning what my theory is. and i do tell them, i cooked this masterpiece of a theory with my 'limited' information after all.

"the blood that the people who have gone through the project all had alien blood, but for S.H.I.E.L.D To acquire alien blood, they must have found one, ON earth, since not even Tony Stark can travel in space, so the question arises, what was the alien doing here? and the reason that you people might have symbols in your head might be a location where the alien wanted to head on earth. meaning-" Skye interrupts me, finishing my words.

" the symbols lead to a place ON Earth, a city where the alien wanted something from." This proves Skye theory, of the Symbols being a map. but while she might be almost correct, she is wrong to think that the aliens wanted something from the place, since the Kree built an Altar to open the obelisk AKA the Diviner.

"and nobody said that these symbols might come out of the brain only through carvings." I expanded upon her words. making it seem idiotic to think that only by carving, you can get the answer.

"Mr Thompson, do you know anything about this?" Coulson is still iffy on the theory I cooked up, but he still goes with it, and what do you guess? i was right. We all go to the barn, where Thompson and his son have built an elaborate model train set. This train set was actually the runes, revealing they are meant to be viewed in three dimensions. this makes Coulson realize it- the carvings aren't as much a map as they are the blueprints to a city.

With this discovery, Coulson, Me and Skye go back to base, after turning over Derik to the Authorities where we get to know about Sunil Bakshi, Whitehall's right hand man has been caught, due to the help of Grant Ward. with Bakshi in Custody, Skye tries to hack his phone, and receives a call from Ward, telling her to anticipate more of his "gifts." Meanwhile, Coulson debriefs his team on what he found out about the carvings, wanting to make sure that Hydra doesn't discover this knowledge, not knowing that Skye's father already Snitched on the place.

A day later, a plan is formed, Me, Skye, Coulson and Fitz to gain access to a satellite that could scan the globe and find patterns similar to the map of the mysterious city they are looking for. we head to Australia, where there is a secondary facility the satellite feeds to in the case the first goes down. all of us leave the BUS, leaving Skye to run security and check if Hydra comes after them.

I warned the team of the thinking of Hydra knowing all the information we know, as a precaution so that we might be some steps ahead of them. As just as I told them, Hydra did know what they knew, since They were in the facility. We save the Hostages while fighting against Hydra. I start a conversation after stabbing a Solder through the chest.

"hey guys, have you guys wondered what is Skye's real name?'' This question is specific, but Coulson nor Fitz pick up on that, but someone else does.

"Is this really a good time?' Fitz takes cover hiding behind a table, while Coulson shoots the agents, while I go around stabbing their asses while shrugging off bullets fired at me.

"Think about it, her father is still alive, but she doesn't know her real name. It's really depressing to think about, I feel for her." And I do, as an Orphan like her, I know what a name really means, it is an identity. a reminder that you exist.

"It does not matter, she will Always be Skye to us, whatever her name may be." Coulson shoots a soldier near me in the leg, causing him to Collapse to the ground near me.

"no, it doesn't." Coulson, you might not understand what it truly means, but I get you. I shoot my leg to the last guard standing, hitting his knee caps and making him Collapse to the ground. I regenerate a bone and stab downwards, killing the fallen soldier near me while Coulson gets a headshot while killing the person I put down.

With all the Hydra Soldiers dead, Coulson tells me to evacuate the Hostages while He and Fitz go to the satellite to find the place. I nod and start to lead the Hostages to the exit, noticing one less, but not commenting on it. i open the exit and watch all of them leave,-


I get stabbed right at the Spinal cord, paralyzing me... for a second before I am healed back.

I look back, to see the person who stabbed me is.... Calvin Zabo AKA Calvin Johnson, Skye's Father.

"you do not get to utter her name from your filthy mouth." there goes off, the crazy overprotective dad, i turn around and yank the Knife he stabbed me with, dropping it to the ground, surprising Cal, i just look at him, and shake my head, not willing to talk since i have Coms on, and start walking back to where Coulson is. not really caring about him anymore-i get yanked from behind to be turned around an-


I tumble back, holding my eye which has been stabbed by the same knife Cal stabbed me with before. I yank it out, leaving Cal to see my eyes regenerate. I genuinely think I will knock him out. but i don't, leaving him there, shocked, while i go to Coulson and Fitz.

and this time, he doesn't do anything and leaves, going back to Whitehall with new intel. similarity, Fitz hacks the Satellite and gets the location of the ancient city, in Puerto Rico. We regroup in the BUS to get back to the Playground, and I decide not to tell the group of Skye's father, because they will ask me questions about why I didn't subdue him, which I am easily capable of, or they would be suspicious of me. I need their trust, leaving Cal was a double edge sword, since if he tells Skye that he met with me when they eventually meet, this will all go to shit. But, I decided to do it anyway, since I need Whitehall in my case, due to his obsession with Immortality.

We reached the Playground with news of the truth of Daniel Whitehall. They questioned me about it, wanting to know if I had any information about why Whitehall is still young. I know the reason, but I ain't gonna say, so I came up with a lie. I tell them that I have had this power since birth.

"You know, I was seven years old when i accidently fell from the 5th floor while playing on the hallway, cracked my spine and broke my brain and skull, healed right back in seconds, good as new." a complete and utter lie. The surprised expressions on their faces makes me awkward, since they are pitying me for something that never happened to me.

eventually, they they get a call from the Keonig Twins, Billy and Sam, who are watching over Raina, and the twins inform that Hydra is after Raina, leading Coulson to split the teams, one with May, Skye, Hunter and Trip, going to extract Raina and the other with Me, Coulson, Fitz-Simmons , Bobbi and Mack going to the altar. While all are okay with the plan, I am not.

"I don't think that this is a good Idea Coulson, Splitting the team, especially with Hydra having the obelisk with them." The team looked at me, surprised that I would disagree with Coulson.

"What does the Obelisk have to do with this?" may not like me questioning Coulson, since doesn't trust me all that much. I might have talked to all others and warmed up with them somewhat. I Couldn't get through May, not without arousing her Suspicion, even more than what I have aroused.

" i mean, have you guys not once thought of this situations being too much of a Coincidence, Whitehall claiming the Obelisk through any means necessary, Hydra being in the satellite facility when they have literally no job there, is it not easy to conclude that the Obelisk is connected to the City." using the ability of 'common sense' to gaslight the people into thinking the same way I am 'thinking'. its manipulation 101.

"He is right. These events are linked to each other." Fitz, I knew I could count on you to help my statement feel more like the truth, which it is, but the Agenda is different.

"exactly, so for us to get the lead here, we need to know more about the obelisk, and the one person who knows about us who is also within our reach, AKA. Raina." I look at Coulson, showing my intention on this, Focus on Saving Raina.

The team also comments on this, agreeing with My 'Analysis'., even May does agree with me, leading Coulson to devise a new plan, Saving Raina First AND going to Puerto Rico the moment we extract Raina.

we take the BUS, All of the team there, discussing what the hell the Obelisk is and the hidden place in Puerto Rico. We eventually reach Canada, where we ambush the Hydra Agents who ambushed Keonig twins, defeating them. with the team having a lot more members currently than in 'canon'. killing all of the Soldiers except Agent 33, on Bobbi's request.

The team re-groups in the BUS, with Raina, The Keonigs and Agent 33 with us, leaving for Puerto Rico, while Skye enquires about the Obelisk. She proves my 'theory' about the Obelisk and its connection to the city. During the journey, our communications get jammed, followed by a message from Daniel Whitehall warning them that quinjets have surrounded the Bus and will shoot them down unless they hand Raina And ME over to him.

Everyone looks at me, Raina is logical. but ME? I shrug, deciding to start bullshitting another story. 

" i met a remaining Hydra Agent who stabbed me, but i let him go since i wanted Whitehall to come after me since i am an 'enhanced'" and suffice to say, the team is pissed, i know this bullshit story makes me an idiot with too much arrogance, which i am, the arrogance part, not the idiot part.

but before they could shout at me, Grant Ward Boards the BUS with some Hydra agents, and the anger they had on me is simply shifted to him.

" Well, Some new faces around here, have you already replaced me, Coulson." Ward and his attitude to piss people off, this is why I liked him as a character, he is sarcastic af. but no one here shares my sentiment for Ward. Especially Skye, May, Fitz-Simmons and Coulson. Fitz tries to Rush at Ward, but a Gun to his face makes him stop, forcing Simmons to hold him to not let him rush again.

"Come on Fitz, we both know that you do not have the guts to Kill me.' yeah, you are wrong there Ward, the teams Hatred for you removes any sort of remorse for killing you, especially Simmons.

"What do you want, Ward?" Coulson steps forward and faces his Ex-Teammate, wanting to have Ward's attention on him, While May and Bobbi go to move towards Ward and the agents.

"always the leader Coulson. I want Raina and the Enhanced. Whitehall's Orders. if you try doing anything funny, one word, and all of the people here die, including me." Ward looks at May while saying this, clearly indicating he threatens her if she wants to do something. and Ward is kinda wrong, not all will die, i will Survive and May knows this, but she still stands down since Nobody else will Survive.

Raina Walks upto Ward and starts Climbing to the Quinjet that Ward and the Soldiers came from, but Ward Stops her.

"no need to go on the Quinjet, the BUS will take us there itself." The team is surprised, but before anyone can comment on it, I start talking.

"Is this Whitehall's Orders, or your own?" Ward looks at me, noticing the way I am standing. off-guard and not ready to fight, too careless.

"Are you Enhanced?" Ward points his gun on me and asks me the question like it is supposed to intimidate me. I just nod, going along with this.

"to answer your question, i am ending the long lasting fight between Hydra And S.H.I.E.L.D. the Director is right in front of me, all i need is to take him to Whitehall, and he will deal with it, once and for all." you ain't fooling me Ward, i know your personality much better than the team, it's simple to see why you want the team to come with you. 

The team looks at me, and then stands down, collectively thinking the same thing. 'This is exactly what he wanted'. Ward takes this as an opportunity to send a Soldier to Pilot the BUS, leading them to their Determined location, Puerto Rico. Ward Contacts Whitehall and explains the situation, leading him to 'welcome' us when we land.

"Welcome Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, With the Director in Tow, I am truly Honored to see this in my years of living." The sarcasm is rolling off his tongue right now. and by the way everybody in the team reacts, they do not find it funny.

"take the enhanced to the 'Room' while i show our 'guests' the way in my humble abode." The way he said Room bothers me, even though I know why he wanted me in the first place. This is one of the 3 main reasons I left Cal and let him run away. The other two were that I wanted Skye to meet her father, so as not to kill him... and the third reason, I feel for him, even though I do not have parents. I was moved by the lengths Cal went to reunite his family when I watched the Show. I was dissatisfied with the ending.

Whitehall turns around and starts walking, making Ward and The Soldiers push everyone ahead, whereas a couple of Soldiers cuff me start dragging me away, i look at the team, and Coulson slightly nods, confirming that they all got my imaginary plan. which is- to wait and let me kill everyone except Whitehall in due time, until then delay as much as possible.

I get dragged into a room, but just before I am pushed into the room, I shoot my pinky finger to the corner of the hallway I came in, intending to 'use' it later. 

I get pushed into the room, and stop regenerating my pinky, and I Conceptualize my ability to make it believe that that finger is still important for my life. I do NOT know if this is gonna work or not, this is a theory At BEST. if it doesn't work, i am gonna have to do things the hard way, and if it does... well, you guys can figure it out later in Undead Z-





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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