
The Undead In MCU

a normal dude, gets flunked into the world of the Marvel Cinematic universe with many many changes. with him being an undead, the fuck is he gonna do? this is my first fanfiction, so please help me as i go along the way.

SpiritFest13 · Movies
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14 Chs



"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts



"No need for Mack, it's just a scouting Mission that Me and Skye are going to check." Mack knows Coulson is lying, but before he can call out to Coulson, Coulson, with Skye in tow, walks away, leaving Mack Suspicious about the entire Situation.

" Why didn't you tell Mack the truth?" She understands the threat the Enhanced guy possesses, and she thinks that it would be good to let the Organisation know about this threat.

" We do not want our Version of hulk to be treated with Suspicion, now, would we?" Coulson ready's a gun and puts it in his back pocket, leaving Skye utterly Confused about Coulson's wording.


It's been 15 hours since I killed the Members sent after me, and now, I am relaxing in the same building I was operated on. messed up, i know. but there are 2 reasons for this, and they are:-

 1) i do not have any other place to live currently

 2) I do not know where other Cartel members are, so searching for them is gonna be useless. I wanna let them come to me, since I am using this Building AND me as bait after all.

 i did get some good sleep, i mean, the fuck are they gonna do if they find me while i sleep? Shoot me while I sleep? yeah, that would wake me alright. But other than that, do I know that I am being quite arrogant right now? But could you blame me? I am Unkillable. Now, I might be arrogant, but not stupid. I know there is a slight chance I might die, and that is through removal of my powers. so, no fighting with Reality Manipulators.

but, other than the possibility of me dying permanently , things have gone calm enough-

"Well, hello there." 

I jinxed it, didn't I?.

i turn around to... well, fight and kill and when i see my victu-

a man who is in his 50s, with receding hairline and wearing a suit smiling at me. he looks familiar to m-


"I Am Director Phil Coulson, From S.H.I.E.L.D., Nice to meet you there, how are you doing?" am I sorry? wha-? ho- oh- my mind is going haywire and my face shows my surprise to which his eyes raise, likely seeing my look of familiarity.

" i am here to talk to you about something, if you don't mind Mr-?" Clark Gregg, playing his role as Phil Coulson, asks me a simple question snapping me out of my admiring gaze. Now, why do you think so? cause He is my favorite Character in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D T.V Show. but this questions also makes me realize something-

He doesn't know my name.

"Rai, my name is Rai." This also makes me realize something important. not one, but many.those being that i am In the MCU, or at least an Alternative version of it and that Phil Coulson is the Director, Not Agent. so, it's after Season 1 of the TV show.

I hear a voice behind me, I turn and see.... a chick who is a mix of Asian and Chinese, around her Mid 20s, standing behind me. This person is.....Daisy Johnson, also known as Skye OR Quake.

"As I mentioned, me and Agent Skye would like to talk to you about something Mr Rai, if you don't mind us?" a simple question, but the intention behind it, I am not able to figure out.

"Okay, no problem. what is it you guys wanna talk to me?" I move a bit to make sure that both Coulson and Skye are in my vision, and then fold my hands by my chest. intending to listen to what they are gonna talk about. I might have some idea, but not the whole picture.

"Can you explain to us what this is, Mr Rai?" Daisy or Skye, whatever her name is right now, shows me her tablet, a footage of me killing all the Cartel members 15 hours ago, meaning that the kid somehow got the video from his broken phone.

I look back at Skye, and then At the tablet, while looking at her hand, not being Creepy or something, but seeing something missing from her arm. Her Gauntlet, which manages her Inhuman powers.

" i don't believe i need to explain, Miss.'' I look back at both Coulson while starting thinking about all the knowledge and also putting the pieces into the puzzle that has been formed due to Coulson and Skye being here In Front of me. #1 is that i am in the MCU, the timeline is after Winter Soldier due to Coulson being the director of S.H.I.E.L.D Which only happens after the fall of the organization. #2 is that Skye does not have her Gauntlet, meaning this is before season 3 of the Show, and more proof is that when Coulson Called Daisy Skye, she didn't Correct them. meaning she hasn't expected the name... or she doesn't know it. So currently, it's Season 2.but is it before Ultron or not? That's the question. I need more information to decide where in the timeline I am to create future plans, whatever they may be.

I told you, I might be Arrogant, not Stupid.

"Yes you do Mr Rai, you killed 15 members in Cold Blood in a couple of minutes while also surviving being directed shot by Guns, Grenades and even a RPG launcher. you do have a lot to answer." Coulson's tone changes, he wants answers. and he will get them. but..

" I don't, Mr Coulson, I have nobody to answer towards." While Coulson might be one of my favorite characters, that doesn't mean I owe him answers. I owe no one any answers to anything. 

" Listen Mr Rai, we just wanna talk and understand you. you are enhanced, and we just wanna make sure that you are safe and protected" Safe and protected.? What kind of Nonsense Coulson is spewing right now? This is too Suspicious. no one Sneaks up on someone and then talks about protection. and didn't these guys see me in action.. any common person knows how much of a threat i am- ooh.

" Cut the Crap Coulson, Stop Bullshiting and Tell me what you want." yeah, these guys need me contained. or at least monitor me, which they can't since Coulson didn't know my name until I told him. meaning, they don't know about my existence. or at least I think so. Coulson looks at me, then sighs. seeing his idea to talk me through it is useless.

"Well, how much do you know about SHIELD AND H.Y.D.R.A-" Before Coulson could continue his long explanations. the sky interrupts.

"We could really use your help against the forces of H.Y.D.R.A '' right.. you need my help-

"ehh" the fuck you mean help? i though- thought that you guys wanted to monitor me or something.. this never happened in Kano- 

well shit. I messed up the canon , didn't i?

"You could have let me finish" Coulson admonishes Skye for Interrupting him, but even knows that he wanted to delay the topic by doing a word game or something..

" Coulson, he didn't want any bullshit, that's what you were doing" Skye just Shrugs. I just look at both the Arguing adopted father-daughter in confusion and it seems that Coulson notices it. He turns to me and continues his speech.

"Well, as Skye said, we would like your help with H.Y.D.R.A. they have been causing harm with their head being Daniel Whitehall. we would benefit from your help." wait... Daniel Whitehall? wasn't he the one who did experiments on Skye mom? he isn't dead this time.? So that means.. It's before Coulson kills Whitehall and before Skye's awakening.

"you want my help-'' before i could continue, a breaking and thudding sound came, i looked where it came, and saw a window glass broken and something came inside.. that thing.. IS A GRENADE-


The explosion makes me off-guard, damn it, i should have been on guard and expected Cartel members to come and kill me. but due to S.H.I.E.L.D Contacting me right now, I got distracted. I yank the shrapnels from my body to heal it and I walk to the exit, intending on killing whoever came to get me, ignoring Coulson and Skye, who are laying on the ground.

i Walk out, and i see 30 men-

"¡FUEGO!" (FIRE!) a RPG launder.... wait wha-

It hits me in the chest, exploding in my body and blasting some part of my upper half while damaging my head and sending me back into the building where I collided to the wall, slipping down with blood in the wall. I regrow the lost parts while being annoyed. 30 men armed with guns, grenades and who knows how many RPG launchers. 

i walk out again, but this time when i reach the blown over entrance, i dash at the nearest person to me who is #1, i reach him while bullets start raining down on me and then i punch him, making him dizzy, i use the same hand to point at the nearest person, #2 and blow his brains off by pointing my finger at him. i raise my other arm and point at #1, shooting it and killing him as well. i then rush again to the member #3-

oh, fuck this.

I rush to the nearest person and stab him with my bone-in arm, while using him as Shield to stop the bullets, I swing my other arm, slicing another person. Then I yank my stuck arm from the dead person and kick him to another, while I jump to the nearest, stabbing him in the brain. I used my full strength to pick him up and throw him to the nearest person, whom I stabbed immediately through the dead body. I start rushing to a corner with 3 members shooting at me and stab one of them, intending to stab the other in the right. but-

i get tackled from the side, and dragged to the ground where i am punched in the face twice in quick succession, then... the person who tackled opens my mouth? and inserts a...GRENADE-


.... well? What do you expect? my head is blown to smithereens. my entire body is blown apart. brain matter flying everywhere, eyes blown to bits. etc. but... I just regrow my head like nobody's business. smirking at the hopeless look that the members have at this point. I got up and sliced at the nearest member, who was the one who tackled me and put a grenade in my mouth, killing me.

I start slicing, stabbing and cutting through all those who are shooting with reckless abandon, killing the Mexican Cartel members one by one while their numbers dwindle like food in a fat kid's birthday party. as i kill the 20th member, i go to the nearest mem-

"¡DISPARA TODO!" (FIRE ALL OF IT!) I turn to see a man in his 40s with balding hair giving orders. He might be the boss it seems.

"pero señor? Nuestros hombres están en el campo de tiro.-" (but sir? Our men are at the firing range) yeah, the one who is mounted on a pickup truck confirms my theory. The balding guy is the boss. but what for-

"¡SOLO DISPARA EL JODIDO RPG!" (JUST SHOOT THE FUCKING RPG!) I look around and see... 2 members mounted on different pickup trucks in the corner pointing RPG launchers at me. not one, but two. well shi-




Both RPGs hit me at the same time, one at my stomach, and the other at my chest. mixing the damage and force giving a bigger blast killing me and sending my head flying off my body. The damage also ruins the street while taking 5 members of their own. 

my head is in the air, my brain not responding... at least for a second.. I mean, how would i Narrate then(?) my consciousness comes back and I see myself in the air, feeling myself detached from my body. this is a first experience for me. and for a second, i don't know what to do.. but then i remember someone being in this exact situation.

Andy from UndeadXUnluck. remembering the scene from when Andy regenerated his entire body from just his head. I decided to do it, no hesitation.

I start with my blown up spinal cord, regrowing it, while also regrowing the nerves, leaving the pain receptors all alone while regrowing the nerves responsible for cognitive function. I start growing bones from the spinal cord while I grow back my heart through nerves, which allows me to grow all my organs back through the heart.

I don't know how I am regrowing parts of my body when I don't know all the parts in it, but.. my ability knows it seems. All I do is 'will' my body to reform itself, and I do. With bones regrown, I started regrowing blood vessels for blood to travel through while also regrowing muscles, and skin. In a couple of seconds, I have fully regenerated. with current weight, i am pulled to the ground, landing on it without a scratch on me. but i am naked though.

I look at the remaining members, there are 6 of them except the boss, and they look at me horrified and scared. I grin.. my blood rushing to my brain and me having an Adrenaline rush, making me excited. I rushed towards the person who had pissed his pants. I don't know why he did that though. I shot my arm to him, crushing his ribs and killing while regrowing the bone of that arm and stabbing another person. killing the other two in a couple of seconds.

"¡M-Monstruo!" (Monster!) Of course I am a monster. I am a monster you guys created in your greed, remember? All Actions Have Consequences. I shoot my other arm at the member, killing another one. while driving that same arm into a chest of a member, killing another one. i rush to the nearest pickup truck, jumping into it and killing the fucker who shot an RPG At me. I jumped out of the pickup truck while rushing at the other pickup truck, wanting to kill that one too.

that member jumps out and starts running away, and i aim my bone-in arm at him, having a crazy idea. I accelerate my blood, and shoot... my bone, stabbing it in his back, killing his ass. the boss starts running towards the building, not thinking straight at the point, he has gone full on mad due to fear.

i start running after him, trying to stab him from the back then-


he...falls to the ground... dead... 

I looked up where the sound of the gunshot came from, seeing Skye holding up her gun in one arm and holding up... Coulson..?

"P-Please Help." Skye desperately asks for my help, me noticing her bleeding from the head. she collapses with her dropping both Coulson and The gun. I sigh, conflicted for a second... but I decide to help my 3rd favorite and the most favorite character in the Tv show. 

I walk forward, but then realize that I am naked.. and I have never been naked in front of a girl before, causing me to get nervous.. I immediately go to the boss's body and yank his pants off, wearing it. and then, jogging towards Skye and Coulson.. seeing Skye having a cut on her head and most likely Concussion from the grenade.

 and Coulson... he is stabbed by at least 4 Shrapnel's from the grenade, making him bleed out extensively. I got concerned, so I immediately bent down to check the damage. The shrapnel has lodged itself into the coronary arteries, pulmonary arteries, aorta, and mesenteric arteries which, if not treated, would lead to severe pain, weakness, and breathing problems and eventually death.

i look over at Skye, her in a dazed and pained expression and shake her to get her mind in right now, i might need her help in saving Coulson.

"Wake up Skye, I need you to help me save Coulson. Wake UP!" I shook her vigorously and finally her eyes focused on me, and by her reaction, she listened to what I said. She immediately gets up and sees the damage done to Coulson, seeing shrapnel in his body. she doesn't know what to do right no-

"Snap out of it and help me get him to medical safety. He will die if we don't do something." Skye finally looks at me, and then she nods. she looks around for her transportation but then sees the... Carnage I did... 30 people... all dead in the ground.. she is shocked and-

"SKYE!" oh my god.. this girl cannot even have her head in the moment without losing herself. my screaming snaps her out of her horror filled gaze and she looks at a vehicle. she then points at it.

"Come on, we need to bring Coulson to that truck and get to the Quinjet ASAP." She dashes to get the pickup truck ready while I slowly pull Coulson up, making sure not to strain him more than necessary, because if I do, then his injuries will only get worse. I put my hand on his thigh and yanked him a little higher, basically lifting him from the ground so that I would not have to drag him.

"please, please have the key...YES!" Skye reaches the door and opens it, seeing the key hanging in the ignition, he gets in the drier seat and starts it, while I drag Coulson into the back and put him there. jumping near him and sitting while turning to Skye.

"DRIVE!" and she drives. i check up on Coulson, seeing the shrapnel's being deep in his skin, while also putting pressure on the wound, so no need to remove it and follow up with the bleeding. I open his eyes and... they are dazed.. great... he is Unconscious.

I checked his pulse... and thankfully he still has one, even if it's low at the moment.

"FASTER!" I shout at Skye to drive faster, which she does without Complaint, and in 2 minutes, we reach an advanced plane. the Quinjet, with a driver waiting outside. The truck stops and Skye comes out, instructing the Pilot to start the Plane, while she turns to the back, seeing me picking up Coulson and coming down the truck, rushing to the Plane while she comes behind me.

The moment inside the plane, I ignored the wish to see a real life quinjet and checked to see where to put Coulson. Seeing only benches to sit on, I put him on the Plane's floor.

"Get the First Aid kit Now.!" Skye rushes for the first aid kit while the hanger closes and the plane takes off... to the Headquarters.

Skye rushes back to me with the First-Aid Kit and I open to see... all the important things i need. ( AN:-I AM NOT GONNA LIST ALL THINGS IN A FIRST AID KIT) . I pickup the scissors and start cutting up Coulson's shirt, removing all the clothes off the chest area.

"bandages' ' Skye gives me bandages, and I wrap it around Coulson's Body, mindful of the Shrapnel's. i wrap all the places that are bleeding while checking his Pulse.. it's even more low.

"his Pulse is low, and he is not breathing.'' I put my ear near his mouth, trying to listen for breath sounds. and it is not coming.

"what do we do?" Skye starts tearing up. I look at her, and back to Coulson, then Come to a Decision. I AM gonna save Coulson. no matter what. why? simple. i don't hate or have bad intentions towards Coulson, and Any Normal Being would Save Other Human Being if they do not have bad intentions with each other.

" I am performing CPR, I need you to check his pulse." I put both my hands on top of his chest, right where his heart is. but i noticed something, he has broken ribs. likely due to the explosion of the grenade. but I ignored that and started Chest Compressions. 

I pump him twice, each time waiting for the recoil of his chest coming back to position. I tilt his head, pinch his nose, open his mouth and then.... I hesitate... my first kiss... with a ma-

ah fuck it.. its Phil Coulson.

I do mouth to mouth while breathing air in his mouth and then repeat the process. i do this about two more times when 

"ugh.." Coulson takes a breath and starts Coughing, making him feel Pain.

" he is breathing" Skye exhales a breath of relief. but I know this isn't over. He still needs to breathe. The damage he endured isn't something he can just handle for god knows how long.

"Coulson, focus on Breathing. Only Focus on Breathing. you need nothing else but breath." Coulson Has to Breath, if not, his condition could go from bad to worse immediately.

"What Now?" Skye turns to me for an answer. What do you want me to say? though, i look at the blood that Skye is leaking, and decide to patch her up. i pick up some cotton to clean up her wounds, 

"You need to focus on Coul- hey.!" She tries to push me away so that I can focus on Coulson, but I slap her hand and clean her wound by holding her face and facing her to me.

" Let me patch you up, if I don't, you will get infected and I need you to help me with Coulson. Can't have you knocked out or something." Skye couldn't refute that logic and just waits impatiently while I am patching her wound up. She stares at me and I am nervous. I never was this Close with any women except the warden. I am a virgin, what do you expect? Skye opens her mouth to speak, but I speak first.

"Oi Pilot, how much longer to wherever we are going to?" what? you think i am gonna talk to a woman? dream on you horny bastards.

" We will reach in 1 hour and 30 minutes at minimum." More than an Hour, okay. things are gonna get worse, fast.

"Right, I gotta inform HQ about what happened so Simmons Could Set up a bed for Coulson." With me finishing patching her up, she gets up to call whoever she is gonna call to set up a bed. I turn around to watch Coulson and monitor him to the best of my abilities.

"he won't last that long." I commented when Noticing the condition, he might last an hour at best. But it seems I commented this at not a good time, since I hear voices from behind me and when I see what it is, I see Skye holding a tablet facing me and Coulson, with the other side showing... Melinda May.

"Skye, what the hell is Happening?" May is freaked out, and Considerably so, Since Coulson is on his Deathbed ( for the 2nd time?). And Skye decides to explain the situation that happened after Coulson and Skye met me.

"he is keeping Coulson Alive, tell Simmons to get ready a bed for immediate operati-" why didn't she listen to me the first time?

"he won't last that long. He has an hour to last at best. and this damn plane will reach the base in 1 hour and 30 minutes, so you will receive his Corpse for operation." yeah, bad wording.. my bad. I am nervous.

"WHAT!" Both May from her tablet, and Skye scream, shocked and scared at what I just said. I turned back to Coulson, not interested in the Conversation anymore. focusing on helping Coulson, thinking of ways to prolong his life.

What do we do?" Skye is freaking out ,and May isn't any better, she isn't giving any better options or anything. she is also freaking out... seriously? Women. I have a plan.

"Cut the time. Send a plane from your side with your doctors and equipment and meet us halfway. I will try to prolong his life." This plan is idiotic, I know. but nothing better comes to mind.

May composes herself, and decides to do what I said. while giving instructions to Skye, she cuts the feed and does her job, while Skye Collapses near me, her legs giving up.

"what's going to happen?" her desperation is reflected in both her voice and eyes, but i just look at Coulson, trying to think of ways o save him.. and coming with a crazy idea, but deciding to use when all hope is lost

*30 Minutes Later*

Well, Shit just hit the fan...fast..

During these minutes, we got a call again, but this time from Dr Jemma Simmons, and with her British accent, asking Skye about the situation, but Skye turned to me, making me Answer all her annoying questions. and she gives me solutions which would work normally but won't right now since the First Aid Kit doesn't have tools needed for what Simmons wants to do.

I am keeping Coulson Alive till The BUS can come and fetch us up, but Coulson needs to make it difficult, by stopping breathing over and over, causing me to do CPR more than 5 times.

but then...

"his pulse.....it stopped.." well, shit... I really didn't want to be the bearer of bad news.

"WHAT!" Why the hell does everyone scream? can't they talk normally?

" his pulse he is gone, i tried CPR, his heart is not beating anymore...'' I don't wanna say more, because Skye Collapses in a fit of sobs while Jemma barrages me with measures to restart his pulses. but...nothing works..

Phil Coulson Is Dead.


"please- No-NO NO!" Skye crawls to Coulson and puts her hand in his face, egging him to get up. while from the Tablet, comes voices who also beg Coulson to wake up.

Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz, all of Coulson's Team begs for him to be alive.


"ah! fuck it.!" My plan is downright crazy, it's the stupidest thing i might ever do, but seeing these people crying, and seeing Phil Coulson, my favorite character die.. for Real, ( Since i felt the last of his pulse fade myself, i know he is a real person.)

I got the first aid kit, and picked up a surgical knife and a small tube in it. I crawl back to Coulson and Cut his hand a little, making space for the tube to be inserted, which I do immediately. Skye Looks up from Coulson's chest, teary eyed and Snot coming out of her nose, Confused and hopeless to what i am doing.

I cut a similar wound into my left arm, then immediately took the other side of the tube and inserted it into me. connecting my blood to Coulson's Blood. I accelerate my blood and shoot it at a steady pace through the tube from my bloodstream to Coulson's blood stream. i Confirmed earlier that Coulson and I had Similar Blood types.

I pick up the knife again but I hear speaking, following where I turn to see Skye asking me what I am doing. 

"Saving Coulson." a simple answer, but it gives her a little hope, she doesn't know what i am doing, but this small hope is enough. I turn to Coulson's left side of the chest, right between the ribs where I make a cut. not a small cut, but a big cut. a big enough cut where a hand can go through.

I hear Questions from the tablet, so I ignore it. but Skye doesn't. She wipes her tears and snot and picks up the tablet, pointing at me, at what I am doing. Jemma is the first one to understand what I am doing.

"wait!" She wants me to wait, to make me go through procedures about the Blood transfusion, or the thing I am about to do now. but it is too late.

i put my right hand in the cut area, slowly pushing it through the skin, going inside of Coulson's body through force. pushing through his organs to reach the one organ I am aiming for.

Yes, I Am Gonna Pump The Heart Manually.





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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