
Chapter 2

The room was dark and only the sound of keyboards being pressed could be heard. It seems as if time had stopped completely. It was already 12 hours since he went to his room and started playing his favorite game WELCOME TO THE DARK WORLD. He was completely drawn towards the game, that he forgot his promise to take his mom out for dinner.

The door was Slam opened, waking him up from his deep focus, he was about to win the game. He lost the game, he stood up in anger and turn back to meet the gaze of his mother fuming with anger. He could see that she had wore the best dress and did a little makeup. Her hairs were done neatly, her siren eyes was now widely open with anger.

"How dare you make a fool of me (she said with anger)

" Mom!! Calm down. Did I do something wrong( He respected his mom and loved her more then he would ever love anyone) "

"You... You.. ( a single tear rolled down her cheeks) if you can't keep your promises, then don't even make them"

The door was slam shut again. He sat there puzzled as to what would have possibly gone wrong with her.Scratch his head, and went down the halls to meet his sister.

"Good going jerk"

"Hey what that's supposed to mean, I didn't do anything"

"Well only if a certain someone would remember the promise to take someone for dinner, then none of this would have happened jerk"

"Shit! I totally forgot about it"

She turned around facing his younger brother, with frustration " Vish are you being serious now. That's the reason I told mom to get rid of that stupid gaming sets of your's"

"Hey now you are crossing the line. "

He ran upstairs, got ready in 10 minutes and softly knock on the door.

"Mom!! I am sorry for my behavior earlier, let's go for our dinner date"