
Chapter 1

A buzz sound was heard all across the room. Sunlight peeking in through the curtains, a sudden cold breeze ran through his dark black hair. His eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the light of the sun. His black deep eyes, where anyone could get lost in those beautiful eyes. He raised his hand to snooze the alarm.

He got off the bed with his messy hair " Huh!!! It's already late. But who cares I am the owner of my life. I need a cup of tea." With that he went down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. His mom sitting across the living room watching a movie.

"You woke up late again, son!"

"Yes mom, sorry for that my alarm didn't woke me up hehe!!"

He turned his gaze back to the kitchen, lifted his head slightly to see his sister walking in.

"Wow you woke up quite early today (sarcastic tone) "

"Yes indeed I did, can't be like a certain someone to wake up early and yet do nothing (with a slight raise of eyebrows) "

She spared him a gaze of 'I will murder you'. She went straight to her mom and they both started giggling and laughing. He would never understand what was going on inside their heads. He went back to making his tea. After a while he came out with three cups of tea. Oh! How his mom loves the tea he makes.

"Wow! I really needed this (smells it and takes a sip) the best tea"

"I know mom... And I love you too "

He went upstairs. To live another life than none knows about, in his family or friends. He might look like a normal person, but he was an unbeaten hero in game.