
The ultimate rebirth

Cryptic_werelord · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First Evolution & Hunt Ch3/2

After selecting what I thought would suit me best

A new menu appeared showing what my new stats would be, and asking me to confirm my selection.

[(New:stats Name:Darius Magnum

System: lvl 1

Lvl 1: Mystic Life Dragon, evolution:3

Class: Assassin: Basic Class







Affinities: water,fire,air,life,death

Fusion magic: lightning,frost

Heritages: Mystic dragon & Life Dragon

Skills:none spells:none

Please confirm evolution. Yes or no. Required time for evolution:5 minutes])

I confirmed it by selecting yes with my thoughts. After confirming my selections the evolution process began immediately putting me in a type of sleeping state, and encased my body in a hard crystal like substance that would fluctuate with the colors of my affinities. Which made for a spectacular light show in the cave where my dad had moved me.

=====Fathers POV

Once I saw Darius enter his evolution state I moved him into the cave. It was still early in the morning and all the others were still sleeping in the nest with my partner. As I was waiting for everyone to wake up and Darius to finish his evolution, I saw a small pack of fire & air wolfs. Two fire wolfs and two air wolfs, and the biggest one being the alpha had both affinities fire and air. You could tell by the coat of the wolfs. The two normal fire wolfs, one brown and one black with a red tint to their coats, and the two normal air wolfs, one was grey and one was black with white swirling lines on their coats. While the alpha had a blue coat with white swirling lines, and a red tint on its coat. The normal wolfs were slightly muscular with a dense coat of fur, and stood 3-5 feet tall and 4 feet long. The alpha stood roughly 5-6 feet tall and was 5 feet long. The wolfs were about 300 yards away when they suddenly started to run towards the cave, the alpha probably having sensed the sudden fluctuation of mana from my son's evolution. Which meant that the evolution process was almost done.To protect everyone I moved to the entrance blocking it off with my large wingspan and body. As the wolves were about 100 feet away they started to channel their Mana to create basic attacks while the alpha dropped to the back of the pack.I started to channel my mana into my favorite spell to deal with these pests. 'Relentless wrath' suddenly the sky turned black and 5 large thunders booms struck out, soon followed by 5 lightning bolts. The two air wolfs had released two wind blades, while the two fire wolfs released two fireballs. They were around 50 feet away now, but it was to late for them as they were struck by lightning and immediately died as they were fried by the lightning some losing limbs. The only one left was the alpha that managed to dodge the lightning at the last second with a dash skill that made it look like it disappeared, and left a streak of blue with static in the air. It then started charging up its own range skill opening its mouth to charge the attack. But before it could a earth spike stabbed through its head, causing it to slump down limply. Just as the attacks from the four normal wolfs had reached me. When the fireballs and wind blades had hit me it did nothing but a couple scratches in my heavy plated scales. Fortunately the explosion from the fire balls had woken everyone up and Darius had finished his evolution safely.

====Darius's POV

Once I finished evolving I had awoken inside the cave. I was confused till I heard the loud explosions, and turned around to see my dad blocking the entrance. Then my dad pulled his wings back in to reveal 4 big wolfs that were charred, and missing limbs. I walked closer to to entrance and noticed an even larger wolf with an earth spike in its head. My mother and siblings all came to look as well because of the loud explosion, had woke them up from their slumber. "This problem has been taken care of " my father said with a toothy smile as he turned to greet the family. "Our son has evolved Alesia, and today is their first hunt we should test their strength before we go." Thilorius said to get things started. "Okay Thil, let's go my darlings." Alesia said as she nudged us along. While my mother had us getting ready for a test of strength my dad collected all the dead wolves, and set them in the cave.

Once we all were ready she called us one at a time to the special heat resistant stone to prove our ability to breath fire or any basic elemental attack that we could naturally charge or constantly release from special magic glands in our mouths at the back near the top & bottom saliva glands. First was Julius he stepped up to the line in the ground that our mother had drew with her talons, And began to spray the rock with a hydro jet of water. The water just splashed off the rock, and took a small chip off the rock. Then when he finished ladon went up and preformed a similar move but with blast of air with similar results as Julius. Then Galaurung was up, and for the first time he shot a stream of lightning for a minute which made the rock surface glow a soft red. There was also a small crack in the rock. Next was Dalinda and Kayda they worked together because they were twin sisters, and had the same abilities. They both shot a solid red stream of fire that made the rock glow a deeper red on the surface, than when Galaurung had shot his lightning stream. 'it didn't crack the rock like I did' Galaurung thought pridefully. Next was Ryoko and she was the most powerful out of us all. She shot a stream of black flames with flickers of white like starring at the night sky. It made the rock surface so hot it started to glow white in color. Finally it was my turn to do the test but as I stepped up to the line I got a notification from my system popped up in the top left of my vision.

[(new skills available, +15 skill points, menu unlocked)]

Suddenly a new tab in my top right of my vision appeared that said menu at the top,then listed other things like stats,skills, and a couple lines of question marks that lead to different parts of the menu I couldn't access yet. After checking out the menu I went to skills, and a list popped up.


basic skills:

Lightning bolt(breath attack) c.2sp

Lightning stream (breath attack) c.2sp

Fireball (breath attack) c.2sp

Fire stream (breath attack) c.2sp

Air cannon (breath attack) c.2sp

Air blades (breath attack) c.2sp

Intermediate skills:

Toxic slash (claw attack) c.2sp

Self restoration(self healing) c.4sp

Flame blades( claw attack) c.3sp

Lightning speed(dash skill) c.3sp

Toxic arrows(range attack) c.3sp)]

Toxin field (defense skill)c.4sp

[(new skills unlocked: Toxic slash,Flame blades,self restoration,Toxic arrows& lightning bolt)]

I was so excited to try out my new skills as soon as I chose the skills I started to charge my breath attack. It started off as a small ball of lightning producing a slight static sound. Then it grew bigger and bigger till it almost touched my teeth, and was the size of a basketball. It was now producing a crackling sound like a roaring bon-fire. When I released my lightning bolt it mad a small bang like a rifle being shot, and cracked the rock down the middle, also causing it to crumble to pieces." Okay darlings you did wonderful, time to test your physical strength. Move over to the Golden sap tree." Alesia said with toothy smile. We all then moved to the tree to test our strength and again each of us preformed a skill on the tree that was a physical attack. I used my flame blades which made my claws glow a dark purple and elongated them by 5 inches making them more like blades. When I hit the tree my claws seared through the bark and inner part of the tree like butter. Leaving deep gashes in the tree. Still though true to its name the tree regenerated where it has been damaged. And looked as if it had never been touched. "Okay kids time to hunt" my father said with excitement as he watched us all pass the tests, and we all could now hunt together on a regular basis. Instead of one of them protecting the nest while one goes hunting.