
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 150: Kakashi's Homecoming.

At night, Kakashi sat alone by the window sill, and the document that suddenly appeared was placed on the table in front of him.

It detailed the character analysis of Hatake Sakumo and how Danzo assigned tasks to him. The document also revealed how Danzo manipulated the Root ninja to create a situation where Sakumo had to choose between completing the mission or saving his comrade.

Furthermore, it described how the betrayal of the ninja and the orchestrated events by Root stirred public opinion and resulted in the tragic decision of Sakumo to take his own life.

Although the document did not explicitly mention the involvement of the Third Hokage, Kakashi was certain that this matter must have received the Third Hokage's approval. Otherwise, Danzo would not have been so ruthless in targeting a hero of the Second Shinobi World War, a Kage-level powerhouse, and a potential contender for the Hokage position.

Moreover, Kakashi couldn't help but realize that the ultimate beneficiary of this incident was still the Third Hokage.

"Why..." Kakashi muttered to himself.

He thought of his hatred for his father's weakness since his father committed suicide, and thought that ninjas who abandoned the rules of the ninja world were trash!

He had a deep contempt for his father.

Therefore, this incident had a great impact on him when he was young. It was not until Obito sacrificed himself in order to save him that Kakashi understood the importance of his companions, and then they said to Naruto who passed his test, "Ignore your companions."

In the end, after all these years, Kakashi discovered that his father's suicide was actually part of a conspiracy. What made it even more difficult for him to accept was the revelation that the mastermind behind it all was none other than the Third Hokage, whom he had always revered and respected. Kakashi felt utterly betrayed as if he had been deceived on the deepest level.

Simultaneously, Kakashi couldn't help but perceive that the essence of Konoha, embodied in the "Will of Fire" passed down by the First and Second Hokage, had gradually deteriorated and transformed into a tool for the Third Hokage's personal agenda—a grand deception. It was a devastating realization for Kakashi.

"Why..." Kakashi's voice trailed off, laden with a mix of disbelief, anguish, and confusion.

At that moment, everything became clear to Kakashi. He finally understood why the Third Hokage had never confronted him or sought an explanation when the rumors circulated throughout the village. It was undoubtedly due to a guilty conscience, a deep-seated awareness of his own wrongdoing.

Kakashi thought with a sneer.

"What's wrong, Kakashi? You seem confused!"

At that moment, a voice drifted in from outside the window, its gentle tone catching Kakashi off guard, almost as if it held a hint of familiarity.


"Who's there?" Kakashi exclaimed, swiftly making his way to the rooftop. There, he saw a figure seated on the rooftop, gazing up at the moon.

He paused, momentarily stunned. It wasn't the familiarity of the figure itself that struck him, but rather the attire adorning its back—a white ceremonial robe bearing the distinct mark of authority: the five characters proclaiming the title of the Fourth Hokage.

"Teacher?" Kakashi whispered, his voice filled with astonishment.

"Yo, Kakashi, long time no see~"

Minato stood up, turned his head, and greeted Kakashi with a smile.

"Teacher…You... your face?!" Kakashi noticed the crack on Minato's face, that's not what a living person should have.

Kakashi's expression hardened, his face clouded with suspicion. Swiftly, he unsheathed a kunai from his pouch and advanced toward the figure, determined to ascertain whether this person was truly his teacher or an impostor.

While Kakashi had knowledge of the forbidden ninjutsu called the Impure World Reincarnation, he had never witnessed its actual implementation. Hence, he remained unaware that Minato's current state was a result of being resurrected through this dark technique


Minato dodged and grabbed Kakashi's wrist.

"Kakashi, you are still so cautious."

"I know you're confused, but if that's the case..."

Minato grabbed Kakashi's hand, launched Flying Thunder God Technique directly, and came to Hokage Rock.

"You should probably believe that it is me."

"Flying Thunder God Technique?! Are you really my teacher? But your face..." Kakashi's eyes widened, looking at Minato in disbelief.

"This is the effect of Impure World Reincarnation, I was reincarnated," Minato touched his face and explained.

"Impure World Reincarnation!? Who is responsible for this?" Kakashi exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and concern. He understood that those brought back through this forbidden ninjutsu would be under the control of the summoner, stripped of their autonomy. The manipulation of deceased souls and the violation of their will rendered this technique classified as forbidden.

At that moment, Kakashi's mind raced with disbelief and fury. Who could have dared to manipulate and control Konoha's revered Fourth Hokage, his respected teacher?

"I asked for it, Kakashi, for Naruto," Minato walked to the Hokage rock and explained.


"Kakashi, you should know Naruto's life from childhood to adulthood. He is my child, the child of the Fourth Hokage and Konoha's Hero. But he was treated like this. If I were you, would you be able to bear it?" Minato said calmly.

Kakashi knows that even if his teacher had murderous intentions, he will not show it, but in turn, will become calmer. This is the most terrifying thing about Minato, he will not let his emotions affect his thinking.

"Sorry, teacher. I didn't take good care of your son," Kakashi felt that he was responsible for this.

"No, Kakashi, it's not your fault. It's the Third Hokage. Kakashi, do you know the purpose of the Third Hokage driving you away, driving away Jiraiya Sama, and acquiescing to Danzo spreading rumors about Naruto as the incarnation of the demon fox?"

"Did the Third Hokage want to…?" Kakashi suddenly had a bold guess.

"That's right, he wanted to use this method to become Naruto's closest friend so that he can control him." Kakashi suddenly thought about it and was terrified. The method of the Third Hokage is so evil that no one could guess it!

Initially, everyone thought that the news was accidentally leaked, and was a protection for Naruto's identity as Nine Tails Jinchūriki. But it turned out that the Third Hokage was behind everything!

Kakashi had completely lost sight of the true face of the Third Hokage.

What kind of darkness is hidden behind that seemingly kind face?

"Kakashi, would you like to go somewhere with me and look at the truth yourself?"

"Yes!" Kakashi nodded without the slightest hesitation. He desperately wanted to know everything!

Minato teleported with Kakashi and came to the Root base.

"This is… the Root? Was it Danzo who revived you, teacher?" Kakashi said in surprise.

"No, not him." Naruto's clone came out and said.

"Naruto!? You… Did you revive him?!" Kakashi looked at Naruto in shock. He couldn't believe it!

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei, I will explain everything to you," Naruto said calmly.

"Kakashi? You are Kakashi, right? Wow, you look the same as when you were a child!!" Kushina and Karin came just behind Naruto, looking at Kakashi in surprise.

"Kushina Sama?! Even you...but, why?" Kakashi found himself stunned, questioning why both his teacher and his teacher's wife had been revived. However, the condition of the teacher's wife didn't resemble that of a person reincarnated from Impure World Reincarnation.

"Kushina is in the form of soul, and Naruto is the reason, we haven't vanished yet," Minato clarified.

Realizing this, Kakashi struggled to process the overwhelming amount of information, feeling his mind overwhelmed. He needed the time to digest it all.

"So, this is it, huh....." Kakashi felt that his brain was not enough, too many things happened at once, and he needed to digest them.

"Come, I'll take you to meet someone," Minato pulled the dazed Kakashi away.

"Kakashi, cheer up. You won't find a wife like this!" Kushina shouted from behind.

"I... I will try my best..." Kakashi smiled awkwardly.

Minato took Kakashi to the place where Danzo worked.

"Danzo Sama!? When did you die!" Kakashi was shocked again, especially when he found that Danzo was also reincarnated.

Who was able to kill Danzo?!

Danzo looked at Kakashi and snorted coldly.

"During the second round of Chūnin exams, I died."

"During the exam? Who killed you then?"

"Who else, that damned Naruto!" Danzo cursed.

"Naruto?! Wasn't he taking the test at that time?" Kakashi remembered that in order to prevent Orochimaru from attacking Naruto, he had watched over him during the exam by himself.

"Can't he be a Shadow Clone? Idiot," Danzo said disdainfully.

"Shadow Clone?" Kakashi nodded knowingly, curious about when Naruto had substituted himself with a clone and when he had switched back. He couldn't fathom how Naruto had managed to create such a multitude of clones.

"Kakashi, if you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to ask Danzo. He possesses extensive knowledge of secrets, and Naruto has instructed him to provide honest answers. I'll be waiting for you outside." Minato patted Kakashi on the shoulder, signaling his trust in Danzo's willingness to assist.

Kakashi looked at Danzo silently.

"If you want to know anything, just ask. Anyway, this old man is already like this." Danzo said indifferently.

"I want to know when Sakumo..."


"Why did you bring Kakashi here? Are you not afraid of being known by him?" Kushina looked at Minato puzzled.

"It's okay. Kakashi is trustworthy."

"What the hell are you and Naruto planning behind the scenes?" Kushina has been teaching Karin sealing techniques these days. So when Minato and Naruto discussed things, they deliberately avoided her, which made her very curious.

"It's nothing, don't worry," Minato said guiltily.


"Yes, yes, haha~" Minato laughed awkwardly.

"Forget it, I won't trouble myself with asking any further. As long as you're safe," Kushina said, shaking her head and abandoning the notion of pursuing additional questions. She then departed with Karin.

"Phew… It was really dangerous just now."

Minato had his reasons for concealing certain information from Kushina. He wanted to shield her from the knowledge of Naruto's past life and spare her from the awareness of how deeply despised their son was in the village, particularly about the matter of Naruto being called the vessel for the Nine-Tailed Demon.

Then she would feel that it was her fault, after all, Kushina agreed to let Naruto become Nine Tails Jinchūriki in the first place.


An hour later, Kakashi came out. His face was full of disappointment.

"Kakashi, are you okay?" Minato looked at Kakashi worriedly, afraid that Kakashi would not be able to bear it.

"It's all right, teacher. So, what do you need me to do? As long as I can help," Kakashi also knew that Minato would not appear without any purpose.

"Naruto wants to be Hokage."


"Yea! So, I hope you can support him."

"Of course, I will support him. I was optimistic about Naruto, but... I didn't expect this to happen so soon," Kakashi suddenly remembered what Naruto said, and it was only at this time that he realized that Naruto said that he wanted to be a Hokage, not when he grew up, but now!

"Age doesn't mean anything. If you spend a lot of time with Naruto, you won't even think of him as a child," Minato said with emotion, this is his deepest feeling in the past few days, this child has surpassed him too much.

"Indeed, ever since I became Naruto's teacher, I have been consistently amazed by him," Kakashi nodded appreciatively. "In fact, I believe he has the potential to surpass even you, teacher." Kakashi acknowledged. Initially, he may have seen the shadow of Minato in Naruto, but as time went on, he witnessed the emergence of Naruto's own path, one that seemed destined to surpass even Minato.

"Hahaha, I'm so glad you said that!" Minato felt very proud.

"By the way, teacher, could it be that you released the latest rumors in the village?"

"That's right, this is all Naruto's plan. He wants to tear off the mask of the Third Hokage so that the villagers can fully understand what kind of person the Third Hokage truly is!" Minato replied.

"I understand, sensei. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to let me know," Kakashi offered, ready to assist in any way possible.

"No, Kakashi, your support is sufficient. You don't need to take any further action," Minato replied, assuring Kakashi. "I'll arrange for your return. This is what Naruto intended. He doesn't want you to face any unnecessary difficulties."

"Teacher!" standing in his own home, Kakashi yelled helplessly.

"Sigh... Konoha is about to change," Kakashi looked at the moon outside the window.

"However, if it's Naruto and the teacher...that day should be filled with sunlight."


The next day, in the Hokage building.

At that moment, a gathering of Elite Jōnin and Elite Anbu assembled in the office, including Hayate Gekko, who had returned unharmed. However, he had lost his memory of that night and could only recall going to investigate the movements of the Sunagakure. 

When he had woken up ten days had passed without his awareness.

Naruto used an illusion to change his memory and healed the wound he had cut, and then let him leave.

"I will only say two things," the Third Hokage looked at a group of his capable subordinates and spoke in a deep voice.

"First, after discussing with Fourth Kazekage, the originally planned third Chūnin exam will continue, and the original arrangement will remain unchanged."

"Third Hokage! Considering the current uncertain situation, wouldn't it be too risky to proceed with the Chūnin exams?" Guy voiced his concerns, knowing that his third-year students had suffered heavy losses during the previous exam. He worried about the future of Konoha and believed it would be unwise to hold the exams again.

"I have made my decision." the Third Hokage responded, shaking his head resolutely, indicating that he would not alter his choice.


"Guy, listen to Hokage Sama." Kakashi interrupted.

"... The second matter refers to the rumors circulating in the village. Despite our efforts, we were unable to suppress them in recent days. Regrettably, these rumors have caused significant harm and negative impact. As a result, starting today, the spreading of any rumors or making comments is strictly prohibited. We must apprehend the mastermind orchestrating these events without any leniency!"

"Anbu will lead the investigation, and everyone needs to remain vigilant. If you come across any relevant information, report it immediately!" the Third Hokage declared.

"Yes!" all the gathered ninjas responded in unison, acknowledging their commitment to the cause.

"Alright, everyone, disband and resume your duties. Kakashi, you stay." Third Hokage expressed his appreciation for Kakashi's speech just now, thinking he was indeed his most capable assistant.

"Kakashi, you're aware of the recent situation, and I apologize for not having the opportunity to explain it to you earlier. I hope you understand that I had no ill intentions. I know that he initially aspired to become Hokage himself."

"I wanted to entrust the position to the Sakumo, but the tragic outcome was unforeseen, and for that, I deeply regret it." the Third Hokage whispered to Kakashi, his expression reflecting sincere remorse.

If Kakashi hadn't already known the truth, maybe he would still be deceived by the false appearance of the Third Hokage.

"I know, Hokage Sama. I never doubted you, and I don't hold you responsible for what happened."

"Hmm... Nevertheless, as Hokage, I take responsibility for this incident."

"I trust you, Hokage-sama." Kakashi said respectful words on the surface, but he felt very disgusted in his heart. He didn't know how the Third Hokage had maintained this appearance all these years.

It was just unbelievable.

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