
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 151: Complete Resurrection! The Exam Officially Begins!!

Quietly, time passed, and the third round of the Chūnin exam officially began.

In the past half-month, various rumors about the Third Hokage have been cleared up through the implementation of strict measures by the Third Hokage.

While walking on the street, no one can hear any remarks about Third Hokage or Danzo now. They dare not even discuss it easily at home.

Following the Anbu's capture of numerous individuals, even the aunts and vendors in the vegetable market chose to remain silent, refraining from engaging in gossip and avoiding provoking the tyrant who was flaunting his power at the time.

While this rigorous rectification proved to be highly effective, a sense of despondency started permeating throughout Konoha. Though they may not fully believe that the Third Hokage was responsible for these actions, their hearts have slowly begun to harbor such beliefs. As a result, they have succumbed to the authority and power of the Third Hokage and are hesitant to discuss matters without proper authorization.

However, Naruto believed that what they lacked at the moment was merely an opportunity, a single opening that could ignite their dissatisfaction. The third round of exams presented just such an opportunity.

Naruto's Shadow Clones were ready in the base. But before that, he had one more thing to do.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Rat Treasure issued a reminder that the upgraded ninjutsu had arrived.

[20,000 copies of Impure World Reincarnation have been upgraded to Rinne Tensei Technique (5 copies)]

[Function: Rinne Tensei can be used on individuals possessing both a body and a soul, allowing complete resurrection through the utilization of the Impure World Reincarnation with no adverse effects.]

"It's finally here. Let's resurrect Minato first. This way, when the Fourth Hokage needs to make an appearance, nobody will question Minato's authenticity, nor suspect that he is being manipulated by external forces."

"However, Rat Treasure, can a person using Rinne Tensei Technique still survive?" If this ninjutsu has the capability to continuously revive people, Naruto could potentially revive everyone indefinitely and utilize them as his own fighting force!

[1000 copies of Rinne Tensei Technique can be exchanged for one resurrection chance. ]

"Hey! Does this mean I can resurrect once after exchanging it?" Naruto was pleasantly surprised, although the number of times was still limited, but there is no upper limit!

[3000 Shadow Clones have been upgraded and synthesized into a physical clone]

"Huh? Weren't the clones stored when Gaara came a month ago? They have been upgraded so quickly?" Naruto recalled that when he had stored them it seemed that he could only store ten clones, that is to say, one physical clone could be produced in a month.

Naruto called out this clone.

"Hey!!" the clone greeted.

"It just so happens that we don't know how the information collection of the Land of Waves is happening. Therefore, you can take control of the overall situation. If there are any leads regarding the whereabouts of the Kekkei Genkai, you can proceed with your actions without constraints," Naruto ordered.

Furthermore, since he possesses knowledge, his clone will also be aware of it. The strength of the clone is not weak, so there should be no issue with acting independently.

"Okay," After the clone finished speaking, it disappeared instantly.

Naruto then used Flying Thunder God to come to the base.

"Naruto? Don't you have an exam today?" Minato asked suspiciously.

"Something is going to happen. Get ready."

"Huh! What do you mean by 'get ready'? What preparations should I make?" Minato was puzzled and then saw Naruto making a seal.

"Rinne Tensei!"

As the ninjutsu was activated, Minato's body began to emit white light, the cracks on his face began to fall off, and the skin returned to its original luster.

Minato watched the changes in himself in shock. He noticed that his five senses gradually came back, his heart began to beat, and a burst of life burst out of his body. Minato realized that he was truly resurrected this time!

"Naruto!" Minato looked at Naruto excitedly. Then he walked over and hugged him.

This warm touch made Minato's eyes moist.

"Father... Where's Mother?" Naruto sensed that it was inappropriate for him to constantly address Kushina and Minato by their names. While it felt natural for his clones to refer to them as "Mom" and "Brother Minato," as the original Naruto, he still couldn't bring himself to use such familiar terms. Thus, he reluctantly maintained a respectful distance.

"Naruto..." Minato was even more moved when he heard Naruto's changed address.

"Wait a minute! I'll call her!"

"Kushina!! Kushina!!"

"Why? Did you finally recognize them?" Shadow Clone stood aside and said curiously.

"It's because you messed up," Naruto gave him an unhappy look.

"I did it for your own good."

"Alright! Alright! The matter here will be over today, you go to replace the Shadow Clone in Kumogakure, and then send it back. After getting things right, I'm going to meet Killer Bee and Eight-Tails."

"You really don't give people any time to rest."

"Then how about I help you by giving you rest for eternity?"

"Forget it, I'm leaving. I just think of it as going out for a stroll." Shadow Clone waved his hand, activated Fly Thunder God, and left.

Eight-Tails is Naruto's first target, followed by the hidden Three-Tails.

After Konoha's situation stabilizes, Naruto will start harvesting Tail-beasts and Kekkei Genkai.

When the time comes, he will leave Little Three Tails at the bottom of the lake. He really wants to see Obito's expression when he sees them. Just thinking about it made Naruto want to laugh.

Furthermore, Naruto discovered that even after utilizing the Rinne Tensei Technique, he still retains the ultimate authority over Minato. He has the ability to cancel the technique at any moment, allowing Minato to return to the pure land. Additionally, he can exert control over the resurrected ninja akin to the Impure World Reincarnation.

"In that case... there's no need to worry about the future. Even if I revive others, I can do so without any concerns, as there won't be any worries about being targeted by others."

Good steel must be used on the blade.

"Additionally, Yakushi Nonō can be resurrected. She is a worthy talent. Lin is the best way to contain Obito. However, I'm unsure about what will attract Kakashi." Just as Naruto was thinking, Minato called Kushina over, and Karin also followed them.

Naruto remained silent and proceeded to utilize ninjutsu to revive Kushina. Then he left the base with a sentence, "I'm going to take the exam".

"Minato, does Naruto hate me...?" Kushina gazed at Minato with a sense of sadness.

Despite Naruto's clone showing her great kindness, she couldn't help but notice that the main body still carried an air of distance and reluctance, as if silently conveying a message of "Don't come near me".

"No, he does not. Actually, you didn't hear him when he called you 'mother'," Minato comforted, "Give him a little more time."


Konoha's Training Ground No. 0  is one of the largest training grounds near the center of the village. Not only are there many big trees in the training ground, but the surrounding area is even more lush.

Furthermore, the practice field has the capacity to accommodate thousands of spectators in a circular auditorium surrounding it. This layout ensures that they can enjoy the best possible viewing experience.

On the opposite side of the training ground entrance, there are three elevated stands. Occupying these stands are the Third Hokage, influential clan heads, high-ranking officials, and distinguished guests such as the Fourth Kazekage, representatives of other Ninja Village envoys, and even the daimyo of the Land of Fire.

The last part of the Chūnin exam was going to begin.
