
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 146: Beating Manda!

"It's the Flying Thunder God. You shouldn't be able to learn it."

"I haven't even learned it yet. How do you know?"

Sasuke said unconvinced.

This kind of time-space ninjutsu that can transfer instantly caught Sasuke's interest.

"Okay, then you can try to learn it."

Naruto took out the ninjutsu scroll about Flying Thunder God which he copied earlier and handed it to Sasuke.

"Thank you!"

Sasuke took it over with joy and then opened it for a look. But seeing the content, his smile faded as there were so many unrecognized spells and characters in it that made him frowned.

"As expected of the space-time ninjutsu that made the Fourth Hokage famous in the ninja world, it is so complicated."

Just by looking at it, Sasuke knew how difficult it was to learn. No wonder Naruto said he couldn't learn it. But no matter what, he must try it!

"I'll give you this as well."

Naruto also gave Sasuke the Raikiri learning method that Kakashi gave him.

"Is this… Lightning Style ninjutsu?"

"That's right, this is Teacher Kakashi's famous ninjutsu, Raikiri, which matches your Chakra attribute very well. So it shouldn't be difficult for you to learn."

"How do you know that my Chakra attribute is lightning?"

Sasuke was puzzled.

"I know a lot of things. In short, study hard! I still need your help in the future."

Naruto patted Sasuke on the shoulder thinking this is a good seedling and needs to be cultivated well.

"I will!"

Sasuke nodded seriously, whether it was for Naruto or to get his revenge on that man, he must work hard to improve his strength!

"Then let's see which snake is willing to come this time."

Naruto's left hand condensed Chakra and swiped at his fingers. He had no choice but to do it this way instead of biting his finger with his teeth since it wont work. His body recovered too quickly, so this was the only way to get his blood out.


Immediately, the giant snakes in Ryūchi Cave who felt the Summoning technique raised their heads one after another.

They perceive that this is a new person who signed the Summoning contract, not because of the attachment.

"Hisss~ A newcomer? Interesting! If you are not strong enough then don't blame me for eating you."

When the other big snakes heard the words, they lowered their heads one after another, dispelling the idea of ​​going to have a look.

In Ryūchi Cave, strength is respected.


A burst of white smoke rose, and a huge figure emerged from it.

Naruto couldn't help laughing when he saw what the snake looked like.

"Hey, isn't this Manda? Oh, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Yes, it was Manda, and it was one of the Summoning beasts that Naruto wanted to see the most after he met Orochimaru.

But his target this time is Garaga. As for Sasuke, Aoda is good for him. After all, Aoda has a more docile personality but is not weak at all.

"Huh? You know me kid?"

When Manda heard Naruto calling his name, he stretched his huge head and stared at Naruto coldly.

"Could it be that you are Orochimaru's disciple?"

As far as Manda knows, the Summoning scroll of Ryūchi Cave has been kept by Orochimaru.

"No, I'm not Orochimaru's disciple."

Naruto shook his head.

"Hey, Naruto, is this the Summoning beast you mentioned?!"

Sasuke looked at Manda's huge body, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Sasuke didn't have the strength to control such a big snake at all!

"No...but both of them are all about the same strength. Why? You don't feel confident in taming such a powerful Summoning beast?"

Although with Sasuke's current strength it's  indeed impossible for him to control Manda.

However, with Naruto's help, there was no need to worry.

"Of course I am! It's just…just that…"

Sasuke wants to say that he can control it. But the truth is that he can't do it.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

"Hey, do you think I don't exist!?"

Manda observed Naruto and Sasuke engrossed in their conversation as if he didn't exist at all, which ignited a sudden surge of anger within him.

I am Manda, the one Orochimaru summons.how dare you kids ignore me!!

"Kids, since you don't have enough strength, then be my snack. It's your honor to be swallowed by me, Manda!"

Manda was not interested in talking anymore, so he opened his big mouth and lunged at Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke was so frightened that he couldn't help but take a step back.

"You are being overconfident, Manda."


Naruto stretched out his hand and easily clasped Manda's mouth.

"What?! How do you have such strength!"

  Manda was shocked.

In its eyes, Naruto became an ant with the strength of an elephant!


"It seems that I have to teach you a good lesson first!"

Naruto disappeared in an instant, came to the side of Manda, and kicked it on the head.


A resounding impact reverberated through the surroundings as Manda tumbled sideways, rendered immobile, toppling numerous colossal trees in the process.

Witnessing how Naruto easily sent the humongous snake flying, Sasuke was stunned!

While he understood that Naruto was powerful, it was only now that he truly comprehended its magnitude!

"You bastard!"

  Manda stabilized his figure, shook his head, turned his head again, and roared at Naruto.

"Sage Mode!"

Naruto made a seal, closed his eyes, frantically absorbed natural energy, and quickly entered Sage Mode.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this now!?"

Sasuke doesn't know what kind of ninjutsu Naruto used, but it gives him the feeling that Naruto has become stronger again!

"Sage Art: Gate of the Great God!"


More than a dozen red torii gates were summoned by Naruto, falling continuously, and pressing on Manda's body. In the anime, Senju Hashirama overwhelmed Ten-Tails with this.

But you must enter Sage Mode to use this.

"Ahh… I am the great snake, Manda!!"

Manda moved his body and was about to get himself out of the torii gate.

"I know, so, here you go~"

Naruto chuckled.

Then he appeared next to Manda and punched down with his fist!

The huge head of Manda was smashed into the ground by Naruto's punch, causing him to scream in pain.

"Sage Art Ice Release: Ice-Age Seal!"

Naruto used the ice release for the first time. He manipulated the vines formed by the ice and wrapped Manda's entire head tightly.

In an instant, Manda perceived an icy chill enveloping his entire head, as if it had been frozen solid, sending a shiver down his spine.


"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Amidst the resounding impact, over a dozen Shadow Clones materialized behind Naruto, swiftly dispersing as soon as they appeared, scattering to various positions across Manda's body.

"Last question, are you convinced?"

Naruto unhurriedly walked to Manda, looked into its eyes and asked.


  Manda still wanted to struggle.

"That's fine, then, let's get started!"

Naruto nodded and raised his hand.

"What are you going to do?!"

Manda suddenly panicked. The boy in front of him was getting outrageous!

From the moment it appeared, until now, it was being beaten by this boy!

This brat can also use Sage Art! He must be the descendant of one of the two holy places!!

Manda felt that he had messed up big this time.

"You'll know right away."

The next moment, Manda heard the name of the ninjutsu.

The Shadow Clone that Naruto summoned just now made hand seals.

"Sage Art: Lightning Style: Chidori Stream!"

The multiple Narutos placed their hands on Manda's colossal body in unison, while simultaneously activating the Chidori, causing their immediate surroundings to transform into a crackling field of lightning.

That's right, Naruto was going to give Manda an electrotherapy to get rid of its arrogant attitude!

